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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. So far, Mahomes has been compared to Dak and Kaepernick. Interesting. What's funny is that the same posters predicting Mahomes demise are the ones promising Josh Allen will soon be leading us to many, many Superbowls. It's like some kind of bizzaro world where the worse you look, the better that portends for your long term prognosis.
  2. There are things Mahomes does on the field that NO OTHER quarterback can do. His accuracy on the move is GENERATIONAL. There is literally no one comparable to Mahomes in terms of talent. When you combine that talent with awareness and improvisation, you get a generational player. For the love of god, this guy had the presence of mind to move the ball to his left hand and shove it out to his receiver with one of the best pass rushers in the league on his a*s. What makes it even more impressive was that there was no thought involved. He just did it. You cannot coach that kind of instinct. Did you see the play where he threw a dart on the run to Kelce somehow avoiding crossing the line of scrimmage? I thought for sure he had crossed the line. Did you see the 2nd and 30 throw? It's almost unfair. If I were an opposing coach, I'd be reluctant to accept any offensive penalty. I'm not giving this kid another down. I'm comfortable making the statement because I've been watching football for over 30 years and NEVER seen anything like it.
  3. I'm not gonna sift through the responses because this is a painful subject, but I'm sure there's lots of Andy Reid, Travis Kelce, bad offensive line, blah, blah, blah. Josh Allen would look exactly like Josh Allen if he was on Kansas City. It's okay to admit we made a mistake. Mahomes is a generational quarterback.
  4. This didn't age well.
  5. I had a different takeaway watching Kansas City. As a guy who desperately wanted the Bills to draft Mahomes, it's excruciating. I like results, not excuses; I guess I'm old fashioned that way.
  6. I can't find the post, but someone referred to Brett Kavanaugh as "dreamy." If that's "dreamy," I'd hate to see a nightmare. Since it's fair game to attack Ford's looks, lets just call a spade a spade; Brett Kavanaugh is one ugly dude.
  7. Oh yes. A picture of a comedian simulating the act of touching a woman's breast. The horror! The bottom line is that they DID throw Franken under the bus. To state otherwise would be disingenuous. I'm not personally outraged by any of it and think the whole thing is out of control. We've essentially criminalized manhood.
  8. That's not quite true. The left threw Franken under the bus for what I consider to be some innocuous BS. They've been relatively consistent in their crusade which presumes women lost the ability to lie in 2017.
  9. 2 amazing references. Nice. Sadly, a TBD member took Uncle Rico up on his proposed bet to the tune of 5k. Who knew he actually could throw that football over them mountains! Poor guy can't catch a break.
  10. I didn't B because I was impressed with his performance against the Vikings. My concern is the inaccuracy on what should be routine completions. Those are the very same knocks against him going back to college. I am fine with young QB's making mistakes, throwing picks, missing reads, etc. I am ALARMED when a young QB struggles to accurately throw the ball to a guy 10 yards away.
  11. When I analyze rookies, I take into account the fact that they're unfinished products. All I really want to see on a consistent basis is flashes of excellence. Josh Allen showed absolutely nothing yesterday. Zero. We can sit here an lament the offensive line, the receivers, the coaches, the ball boys, the assistant to the traveling secretary. At some point, it's on Josh. Laying a goose egg against an average defense was BAD anyway you slice it.
  12. I don't think that guy bet 5 bucks, let alone 5k.
  13. The fact that the Titans are 3 point favorites and the board is predicting a loss, I predict a win. These are the kind of games people in Vegas lose a lot of money on.
  14. As I mentioned in another thread, there was a short pass to a wide open Clay that was about 5 yards off target. The GB sideline was in disbelief. It's this type of wild inaccuracy that makes me question Allen long term. It really seems like the consensus is that anyone questioning Allen's viability want to see him fail. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are some serious red flags with this kid.
  15. I remember Tony Banks coming in for Carr during a game in Buffalo and looking like a competent NFL QB. David Carr was a bust. Excuses are for losers.
  16. So you only want to hear criticism with the caveat that he's raw and is very likely to develop into a high quality starting NFL QB? What if he actually is a bust and the terrible play we're witnessing doesn't have a silver lining? He's the most inaccurate QB in the NFL and I don't personally think that's a flaw that can be corrected. I bought into the footwork argument, etc. because I WANT TO BELIEVE. At this point, I'm beyond skeptical and I'm kind of tired of Allen apologists acting like that makes me any less of a fan.
  17. Nobody on a message board has the authority to make any decisions as to what the Bills do with Allen. The attack posts aimed at members voicing their concerns about Allen is the real problem.
  18. The fact of the matter is that Allen may very well not be the guy. For all the excuses, Allen did not look the part. There was an errant throw early in the game that I could have sworn I saw Aaron Rodgers literally shaking his head at. Now it could have been a coincidence that Rodgers and a teammate were laughing about something else, but it was BAD. I believe it was intended for Clay. Allen is going to be the guy this season, but there's a very real chance we struck out on this pick. If that's the case, the sooner the regime accepts it, the better. We did a pretty good job of cutting our losses with Manuel.
  19. I saw that. I think Lorax has a career in television when he hangs em up. Very entertaining/thoughtful human being. Just a great story all around of a guy playing his best football late in his career. I'm glad he's on our side!
  20. Absolutely. Milano just makes plays. Not the biggest guy or the fastest guy, but he always seems to be around the ball.
  21. Yeah. I didn't mean to knock Lorax. He's one of my favorite players. Just not sure he's got a ton left in the tank, but I know he's the kind of player who will use EVERYTHING he's got left.
  22. Say B-MAN, you were saying? Trump's best bet is to cut this fool loose.
  23. I'll grant you that, but he's also got a darkside.
  24. So you like Brett Kavanaugh? Explain what you like about him.
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