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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. And I'm glad Preston Brown is off the team for that reason alone. Lafayette Pitts should have been gone as well. That was totally unacceptable.
  2. There's something kind of strange about Julio Jones inability to score TD's.
  3. I'm a Tigers fan and speaking on their run of success, Jim Leyland noted that the team lacked a "dirtbag." He ascribed to the theory that having such a player was necessary for ultimate success. I think that's why a team among the best in baseball for 10 years never got a ring. That theory is even more valid in football than baseball. When this team allowed Tre White to be assaulted by Gronkowski, I knew there was a serious "culture" problem. I like to think McD has learned that he's gonna need some dirtbags.
  4. You're on the right side of the argument, but you're fighting some SERIOUS self delusion. Some of these people will use their last dying breath concocting excuses for Josh Allen. You'll never convince them. By the way, screw the Chiefs!
  5. This move tells me that McDermott may just be humble enough to accept that in order for him to build that culture he so desperately craves, he's going to have to deal with some guys who aren't perfect. In business, whether it be the NFL, IBM, or Belle Tire, you either adapt or die. I like the move quite a bit symbolically. Maybe they're finally catching on.
  6. Yeah. I'm not opposed to giving Reilly a shot, but the chances are he isn't very good. Some people act like the team has a personal vendetta against the guy when the chances are he's JAG. I'm also not at all opposed to trading for Cooper if the opportunity were there. One of the hardest things to find is a number 1 receiver and while he's flawed, he's got some serious skill. Just noting that the fanbase seems to nitpick every single receiver we've ever had. Although Kelvin Benjamin sucks. He really does. Sammy Watkins does not suck. Robert Woods does not suck. Marquis Goodwin had some value. But I'll give them Benjamin. That guy is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.
  7. After reading through this thread, I get the sense that no receiver is good enough for this team. Sammy Watkins wasn't good enough for this team. Robert Woods wasn't worth paying. Marquise Goodwin was made of glass. Amari Cooper drops some passes. The only guy really worth a damn at the position seems to be Brandon Reilly.
  8. That's the 3rd name. So far, Mahomes looks like RG3, Dak, and Kaepernick! This is not an accident.
  9. This is my problem with McDermott. There's literally no sane person alive who thinks an organization doesn't need a modicum of culture/structure, whatever word you want to use. Every single team in the league is trying to create a positive, winning environment. Since day one, it has appeared as though the strategy WAS culture itself. It just doesn't work that way. The culture will improve when you start winning, not the other way around.
  10. Clapping is part of culture. They go hand in hand. No pun intended.
  11. If you're actually building a winning culture, the last thing you do is throw out a line like culture trumps strategy. You build the culture by bringing in talent, devising strategies, and ultimately winning football games. You don't build anything by talking about how important an intangible is. This guy is Gregg Williams 2.0.
  12. I never really understood why "choir boy" was synonymous with virtue. I'm sure there's plenty of bad apples who once sang in a group.
  13. You keep telling me the reason Mahomes is good and Allen is bad is that Mahomes has weapons. It's kind of ironic that one of those weapons is a guy we threw away. The circular logic that goes into defending this organization and Allen specifically is really something to behold.
  14. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/doug-flutie-donald-trump-scary-president-article-1.2356912
  15. Facts? For years, the prevailing wisdom among Bills fans was that the right quarterback would make everyone around him better. Now that we have the quarterback people have some strange personal affinity for, it's ALL ABOUT THE SUPPORTING CAST. This board would be much more productive is we all removed our bias and just discussed reality.
  16. Mahomes threw for 5000 yards and accounted for 53 touchdowns as a junior! The fact that some considered him "raw" or a "project" coming out of the big 12 doesn't mean he has anything in common with Josh Allen. Right now, Mahomes is good and Josh Allen is not. I don't need a crystal ball to recognize that. You seem to think that Mahomes will become less good and Allen will become good. You are the one projecting.
  17. We could easily have Pat Mahomes and Sammy Watkins, but the Bills just wouldn't be the Bills if that were the situation.
  18. They would need to have a Utah Jazz approach to roster building.
  19. Terrifying thought. What if Dawkins becomes a dominant LT? Even more frightening. With all the doom and gloom, the dangers of having an elite LT, QB, and MLB is really being overlooked.
  20. In order to have a fire sale, some of your merchandise would have had to survive the fire. There's nothing left to sell.
  21. JOSH ALLEN HAS NOT EARNED THE RIGHT TO HAVE "HATERS." One needs to accomplish something before his detractors can appropriately be deemed "haters." There's a bunch of fans who don't think he's an NFL quarterback. This Allen apology tour is like 6 months old and already past it's prime.
  22. It'll get huge ratings for the first episode, garner some media attention, then die a very quick death. Nothing worse than a reboot.
  23. Edmunds has looked better every single time he's stepped on the field. That's what you want to see from a rookie. Zero worries about this kid.
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