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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. You clearly didn't read my post. I stated that Josh Allen MAY not be the answer. What is controversial about that? Right now, he looks terrible. We can talk about all the reasons why he looks terrible, but he looks terrible.
  2. What I notice is that people who wanted to go out of their way to bash Tyrod are going out of their way to defend Allen. Taylor was not good enough AND Josh Allen may not be the answer. The two are not mutually exclusive.
  3. You bring a tremendous amount of dispassionate thought to your posts and I respect that, so you'd be an exception. Simply stating that the right STILL appears discontent despite controlling the entire federal government. The left is naturally going to be pissed off right now. While I despise the histrionics, it makes perfect sense for them to feel politically aggrieved. I just can't figure out what the right has to be upset about. You won! You are absolutely correct. Texas should indeed have more representation from the Senate than a state like Rhode Island.
  4. Facts are your friend. The right controls every single aspect of government and they're STILL a bunch of malingerers. I can't for the life of me understand why you people are so uncomfortable with success.
  5. I don't have political emotions. It is what it is. I have my opinions, state them, and move about my business. Now the Bills on the other hand.... Absolutely. I'd be willing to wager that a large number of people whining on the streets yesterday won't even show up to vote.
  6. Yet in the House, Dems must have a million plus margin in order to maintain control. That is fundamentally unfair. Again, I don't blame you for enjoying the fruits of the inequity. But even the house doesn't represent the will of the people.
  7. I try to be as consistent as possible and the presumption of innocence is pretty damn important to our republic. It would be nice if everyone was consistent in their beliefs.
  8. No. What YOU are doing is asserting that people who live in Wyoming should have more of a say than someone who lives in New York. The majority of the country votes democratic and yet the right holds all three branches of government. That is fundamentally unfair. I understand that you like it because it benefits your ideology, but our government does not represent the will of the people. That's unfortunate.
  9. I've never liked the EC, but I'll admit I stole most of the particulars from last night's episode of Bill Maher. He's the only liberal who hasn't lost his damn mind in this me too/believe every woman era. If we don't have a presumption of innocence, we may as well just throw everything away. I expect rank hypocrisy from the right, but the left is really giving them a run for their money. They'll probably silence Maher soon.
  10. But that's not true. Bill Gates lives in a relatively populous state while the dude living under the overpass in Wyoming does not. So the dude living under the overpass in Cheyenne has MORE of a say than Bill Gates based on the electoral college. Not only that, the dude living under the overpass in Cheyenne is represented by the same number of senators as the overpass dwelling transient in Los Angeles despite the fact that 20 million people live in CA compared to 580k in Wyoming. The whole system has allowed Bridgy Bill in Cheyenne to choose our leaders; thus Trump.
  11. How about we just get rid of the archaic nonsensical EC that got Trump elected in the first place. It's a ridiculous, anti-democratic concoction designed to throw people who chose to live in sh*tty states a bone. They've given them the whole damn steak. One person. One vote. I'm sorry they chose to live in Alatucky. Tough luck buttercup.
  12. How so? They were NEVER going to win the senate, so a justice just like Kavanaugh was always going to be confirmed. Considering Kavanaugh's baggage, his confirmation will galvanize the hell out of people who usually sit on their a*s. The right has the court they've dreamed of so complacency is due to set in. People do NOT vote to say thank you. They vote to say F you. The loser of this battle was always going to benefit. That is my fear. Hysteria on the left is the ONE way they can screw this up. Those protesters look like morons.
  13. This was the best possible outcome for Dems. If they're smart, they'll leave it alone and move forward. But they're not that smart.
  14. Same. I think Tannehill is the worst starting QB in quite a long time, so I stay away from Dolphins games.
  15. Did you find it on Reddit? The only stream I got last week had an ad right in the middle of the screen. You can't see the ball. It's actually kind of interesting when you focus your attention on the rest of the play, but still...
  16. It's up to 5 in most spots out here. Good call. Unless you cheated.
  17. The Mahomes bashing would be a lot more fun if our quarterback was actually handsome. We couldn't even get that right! To be fair, it was a rough 2018 QB class in the looks department.
  18. The only guy we really couldn't afford to pay was Gilmore. Other than that, we could have maintained a quality roster and tried to figure out the QB position long term. There was no need for this tear down.
  19. I worked on the other side of a sportsbook counter for 10 years, so I'm not with that foolishness. I'll put down 55 if I LOVE a game.
  20. Exactly this. You provide measured analysis of something I find alarming and disqualifying. Inaccuracy on what should be routine throws has me in the "Allen will bust" camp. I'm not gonna go out of my way to prove it because frankly, I'd love to be wrong. I hated the pick when it was made and I still hate the pick. I'm not gonna act as if I didn't have an opinion at the time. I just don't know how someone who's played quarterback a significant amount of time can ever improve on something so fundamental. You have got to have those completions.
  21. I'll be watching the game but checking in on the VGK score. I've never really been an anti-fan, but these bandwagon d-bags in Vegas are too much. If this team is bad, tickets will be available at the 99 cent store. I'm gonna take the 10 on Indy because I enjoy losing money.
  22. This is a good example of how the game has progressed in terms of analytics. Sports in general are managed with much more precision and dare I say, strategy.
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