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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Yeah, I get that but people need to understand the reason the Eagles want McCoy is because they're desperate to win now. They're not going to part with one of their starting wide receivers for a 30 year old back. We're in a pretty good spot leverage wise, but that's just plain silly. I'd love to see a draft pick and Mack Hollins.
  2. Again, we're not getting Nelson Agholor or Alshon Jeffrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please stop.
  3. I didn't realize Brees had ALS. That's a shame. Seriously, that celebration was a bit much. Do you stop the game twice had he also broken the passing TD record? I found it amazing that THEY found it amazing that the team was focused on winning the game. What the hell do you expect them to focus on?
  4. The guy is past his prime, but he still has the ability to make game changing plays. There are not many of those guys just sitting around. He's also a reliable receiver and pass blocker, attributes Pederson highly values. Like I said, they're desperate to win NOW. We'd like to have more draft capital, but it's not a desperate need. Immediacy creates leverage.
  5. Mack Hollins would be a great addition to this team, but I highly doubt the Eagles want to part with any contributing players in this kind of win now move. That being said, we have all the leverage so we may as well be greedy. We're not getting Agholor or Jeffrey so please stop with that madness.
  6. He had that one half season of good QB play in 2002 with Bledsoe and did have a connection with Flutie, but other than that, pure garbage. Dude was a beast.
  7. Moulds might be in the HOF if he'd have had stability at the QB position.
  8. We should place zero importance on this because our GM represents the Bills interests, but I can't help but think that Shady would love this move.
  9. I know that my state now allows individuals to buy and sell marijuana with tepid federal permission. I don't understand what entity Murkowski is representing with her SC vote if not the people....err....state she represents.
  10. What is a state without people? Besides Wyoming and SNorth Dakota of course. In all seriousness, what are the interests of a particular state separate from the interests of that state's constituents?
  11. Appreciate it. I've always felt like people can vehemently disagree about issues and not let it become personal. I think what gets in the way of quality discourse is intellectual dishonesty to suit a narrative. I've seen the right do it in the past and I've seen the left abandon the presumption of innocence to appease Metooer's. Quite sure I'll express an opinion that you'll piss on in the future, but such is life. At the end of the day, we're all (presumably) Bills fans so we already have shared trauma. That has to count for something.
  12. I'm taking Washington plus 6 so I would advise anyone making a wager to take the other side.
  13. Can't believe I haven't seen a Herm Edwards meme yet. Sean McDermott may only get one shot as a head coach. He's not going to sacrifice a damn thing for the sake of one player.
  14. Matt Milano is giving him a run for his money. That guy may have been the steal of the 2017 draft. OLB's with range, ability to cover, ball skills, and instincts are priceless.
  15. I feel very comfortable with McDermott's defense. The main thing I want to see from that side of the ball is pressure and takeaways. He seems to get that. As far as Allen goes, lets say he doesn't improve and he's not the answer. How long is too long to stick with him and is there any chance McDermott gets another quarterback? I fully expect Allen to bust, but I'd like to see McDermott remain as HC. That seems improbable.
  16. Vegas is not swayed by singular victories, nor should they be. Recency bias (basing bets on the most recent game) is the biggest mistake a bettor can make. The majority of teams in the NFL are bipolar.
  17. I'm frustrated bro. We haven't had a quarterback in forever and I feel like we drafted a bust. I'm not attacking Josh Allen personally because I dislike his mother or want him to get hit by a bus. Nothing I state on a message board is going to change the trajectory of the team. I've tried to bend the universal arc through sheer will with astonishingly poor results. What really frustrates me is that I like McDermott and feel like if we had found our quarterback, this time WOULD be different. I'd like to be wrong as much as you'd like to be right.
  18. Can someone please explain what Josh Allen does that Cardale Jones could not? I'm admittedly not a big fan of "project" QB's.
  19. I hated the Ivory signing. Figured he was Mike Tolbert 2.0. I was 100% wrong. Dude is just nasty with it. Best need a yard, get a yard guy we've had in a LONG time. That type of attitude is contagious and far more important to football character than what someone does on Friday night.
  20. I'm genuinely here to learn what makes you people tick. I know very few conservatives IRL and the twitter right is intellectually vapid. If you'll note, the overwhelming majority of my posts are responses. By left, I assume you mean the "deep state" or the "powers that be." Many on the left didn't know the Supreme Court existed before Trump's election victory.
  21. Not buying it. The difference is that Republicans controlled the Senate. It was gamesmanship any way you slice it. Brilliant play by McConnell, but certainly not standard process. The left had to give it's rabid base some red meat and overplayed their hand on Kavanaugh, but let's not pretend like conservatives have been conducting themselves as pillars of virtue.
  22. I like the argument you made in the first paragraph. It was a quality retort. As far as contextualizing Josh Allen's performance, he's been terrible by any metric. Rookie metrics, vet metrics, Pee Wee metrics, sabermetrics. The guy has been bad. I don't know how you establish a baseline. I'm glad we have a Head Coach who knows how to win close games because we're not gonna be blowing anyone out anytime soon.
  23. Explain McConnell's decision to keep a SC seat vacated FOR OVER A YEAR as a matter of process. Both sides are playing this game. It just so happens that the right is winning.
  24. I'm sold on McDermott as Head Coach. The fact that he's won virtually every close game tells me something about his temperament. How long has it been since we've had a team that won close games? I don't believe that to be the result of luck. The Jauron comparisons are nonsense. I have serious questions about the personnel decisions, but very few about McDermott, the coach.
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