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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. My Mom is from Buffalo and I'm from Detroit. I was 10 when we made our first SuperBowl run, so I was hooked. The Lions made that decision an easy one. I love that the Bills are so overlooked and dismissed. I'm proud to remain loyal to a struggling franchise. I actually enjoy the crazy, dismissive looks I get when I say I'm a Bills fan as all the idiots discuss their fierce loyalty to the Patriots or the Eagles which will evaporate as soon as they start to decline. Favorite memory is an odd one. I was a big Rob Johnson fan and when he won that game at KC with a run, I thought we'd found the answer at QB.
  2. Right. Whether or not you think Allen is the answer long term, he's played terribly. There's really no reason to think Derek Anderson will be worse. As a matter of fact, I expect he'll be better. McDermott finds ways to win despite horrendous QB play. I see us winning 5 or 6 games.
  3. I don't believe in Allen, but I have to agree with this. McDermott is obviously conservative by nature, and it would appear JA's number 1 goal is not to make mistakes. That mentality is the reason Tyrod Taylor is Tyrod Taylor. (And I like Tyrod) If this season was really about Josh Allen, they should have told him from day one that the only mistake is the play you don't try to make. There's no way to know for sure what they're telling him, but the gameplan and Allen's play suggest they haven't made it clear that mistakes are part of progress. I'd rather see a young QB throw for 2 TD's/4 INT's 260 yards than a TD/no picks and a buck 30.
  4. This. Pure speculation, but he appears VERY afraid to make a mistake. With young QB's, I can live with turnovers if a guy is trying to make a play. What I can't accept and what sets off alarm bells is a guy who's afraid. Everyone talks about Peyton Manning as a rookie, this guy as a rookie, that guy as a rookie. The biggest knock on them was that they were turning the ball over. They were generally showing flashes and moving the football. The sheer futility is one, gigantic red flag.
  5. I agree that Peterman is a turnover machine unlike the league has ever seen. Just pointing out that Allen, AT THIS POINT, doesn't really contribute much to the offense. Don't see the line being affected as much as you may think.
  6. At this point, there is not a huge difference between Peterman, Allen, and Anderson. The line is pretty much the same. I don't really think Allen's absence will affect the team.
  7. We love our Browns not quite good enough castoffs. The last Browns playoff QB was Kelly Holcomb. He was one of the better QB's we've had since Kelly. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but that's a freaking monsoon of pathetic.
  8. I tend to agree that Chao is trading his credentials as a former NFL team doctor to garner media attention. I don't know that it's entirely unethical. He's making a somewhat educated, entirely speculative guess to the extent of JA's injury. The fact that he's a physician doesn't necessarily restrict him from using that experience in a morally ambiguous manner. I've never held doctors in the highest esteem anyways, so I'm probably a bit biased.
  9. I'm pretty sure he's dead. I don't think exploring contributing factors into his behavior will get him off with time served.
  10. I'm not knocking you specifically, but some of the criticism of this doctor is a little absurd. He's not going to perform surgery via twitter. As an interested observer, I appreciate some insight on the possibilities. If anyone is taking his speculation as fact, that's really on them. He's obviously not making a definitive diagnosis. This is an elbow injury to boot. It's not life or death.
  11. Yeah, but Allen was a "project" meaning he was supposed to suck for several years before turning the corner and becoming an all time great. You clearly don't understand the process.
  12. With Allen out and Peterman possibly starting, the line has stabilized at around 7.5. Most times when a starting QB is out, the line will be off the board. Considering the possibility that Nathan freaking Peterman may actually start, Vegas doesn't think much of Josh Allen.
  13. I agree with your broader point. It's not just about velocity either. Off speed pitches are even more stressful than your run of the mill 4 seam fastball. The odd things an MLB pitcher has to do with his arm are far more complex than an NFL QB, so I would fully expect the recovery time to be lessened for a QB. The thing that makes it tough to gauge is the rarity in which it's occurred. Someone else cited two examples(Delhomme and RJ). Shortstop is probably the wrong position to compare recovery time to. Maybe like corner OF.
  14. That's somewhat contradictory. The 3-4 throws between innings are not of the close play at first high velocity variety. I don't think you can factor them into the equation when comparing a SS to a QB anymore than you can a QB warming up before the game.
  15. I don't think anyone needs to be fired for Mahomes, but the schedule makers need to ease up on us. Why do I have to watch the offense we could have had in damn near every primetime game? (Mahomes, Watkins, Woods, Goodwin, Hogan)
  16. I don't wish injury on anyone, but you have to wonder if all that prayer actually paid off for McDermott. Not only is this season forgiven, but they may actually get a mulligan on what may very well have been a wasted pick.
  17. It's actually really strange because usually a team is forcing turnovers because they have a good pass rush and that SHOULD translate to 3rd down defense. I just don't know what the deal is with the McDermott/Frazier defense where we damn near never force teams to kick field goals once they've reached a certain point on the field.
  18. I'm a little surprised a world class athlete like McGregor never learned how to throw a football.. I understand it's an American sport, but that was just brutal.
  19. Is this seriously a question about whether or not we'll be able to keep Eddie Yarbrough and Jordan Phillips???????? Come on, man.
  20. The defense is very good and clearly well coached at hunting the football and forcing turnovers. They are not good in the redzone and that's been an issue since McDermott's arrival. I don't really have any answers for it, but it's kind of like the opposite of the Pats who give up a ton of yards, but come up big in the RZ. It's bizarre how bad our RZ defense has been in relation to it's overall production.
  21. My honest assessment is that Sean McDermott has the ability to be a top level HC. That will never happen with Allen. Since the draft, I've wondered if there was any chance in the world McDermott would get a second QB.
  22. Yeah. That was definitely not the standard Peterman pick. I was being somewhat facetious as Peterman is better than exactly zero NFL QB's. Just kind of pointing out that at this stage of Josh Allen's career, he's really not significantly better than Peterman.
  23. If Peterman didn't have such an obsession with the deep out he doesn't have the arm strength to throw, he'd probably be better than Allen.
  24. I assume you're referring to his haircut? Not bad I guess.
  25. I've seen like two people I would consider trolls. The overwhelming majority of negatively comes from the same place as the rosy optimism; passion. Things are not good right now. There is a historic lack of talent on the offensive side of the ball and the QB we drafted looks like he may not be the answer. For every Goff, there's 10 guys who look bad and end up with short careers. I'm 37 years old. I don't know if the eternal optimists are younger than me and naive or older than me and have just come to a place where failure is acceptable. I do know that I'm tired of every negative take getting labeled as "trolling."
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