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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. The idiot asking the question perfectly illustrates why the Democratic Party may very well fail to win the house despite an overwhelming historical advantage. I predict Gillum will win Florida strictly because he's steering clear of this nonsense and focusing on economic populism. People are sick and tired of MeToo. They're sick and tired of theybies. They're sick and tired of all of it being shoved down their throats. They actually LIKE universal healthcare and a $15 minimum wage. We could argue the feasibility and practicality of those issues all day, but they are political winners. Dems never learn.
  2. I'm taking AZ +1.5 so you should probably go with Denver. I think that Denver team is in shambles and Joseph will be fired mid season. We shall see.
  3. It's not wrong for the reporter to ask, but I can understand why DA reacted that way. The question itself could be construed as a statement that DA may not be taking it seriously because there was a moment of levity in a bad situation. Clearly that's the way DA took it. It's quite possible for a human beings to hold two emotions simultaneously. People laugh at funerals!
  4. I remember Keyshawn being the first to wear 10-19, but I could be wrong. Definitely players decision.
  5. Arena football pro. I think the entire state of Nevada had less than 150k people in the 60's. Vegas definitely wouldn't have been a viable American Football League city.
  6. I was thinking the same thing. He and Thomas Smith were such an underrated tandem at CB. Cool to know he's still with the team in some capacity.
  7. Ticket sales are fine for now as far as I know. My brother is the beat writer for the team so I get most of my info from him. I think they will continue to draw because of the experience and venue size in relation to say, the NFL. My take has very little to do with the economic viability of the team. The Raiders may be a different story when you need to draw 60k. We've had minor league teams here (AFL, IHL) which started out great and fell off rapidly. The minor league baseball team doesn't draw at all, but the stadium is a hellhole. The problem I have with Vegas and LA fans is that they're fair weather. They would never ride passionately for a struggling team like real fans in places like Buffalo. I HATE bandwagon fans and I HATED that the Knights had instant success and these people who've never suffered through losing seasons had such a wonderful run. Thankfully, they fell short in the end.
  8. Are you really putting Byrd in the same company as MJ or Tom Brady? I mean the guy was a decent safety with good ball skills, but that's a stretch.
  9. Is Venezuela the only non-capitalist country in the world? I don't quite get the obsession with that place. I mean, they do produce great baseball players. Other than that, just seems like a cherry picked example designed to engender fear. You could at least be honest and cite Canada when demonizing socialism.
  10. This is all about gambling. The NFL isn't even trying to hide it anymore. Glad that charade is over.
  11. This is a post I can respect. I think when you talk about a city like Newark, ANY improvement should be lauded. It's admittedly difficult to pinpoint major initiatives that lead to Newark becoming some kind of utopia. There was the well publicized 100 million dollar investment into education funded by Zuckerberg with the "Foundation for Newark's Future." It lead to improvements in english, but not math. Zuckerberg has publicly lamented the effort, but it was worth a shot. He's also a proponent of school choice and actually worked with Betsy Devos if I remember correctly. I tend to respect pols willing to go against the prevailing winds in their own party. There's the prisoner re-entry program "Newark Now" that helped thousands of ex-offenders reintegrate into society. What's the alternative? Far too many felons can't gain employment and the result is recidivism which could affect YOUR family. The city's property taxes decreased 13% due to the budget you referenced. Two new hotels were built in downtown Newark for the first time in 40 years! That's just sad actually. For the first time since the 1960's, the population of Newark actually INCREASED during his run as mayor. Look, Newark is a disgusting place so it's only fair to judge his mayoral tenure on a curve. I tend to think it was positive.
  12. They had about 8 real fans and the rest were riding a bandwagon. I'm doing a bit of projection, but I don't believe these people are going to be die hards for the long run. I think it will still be an event to go to games because the arena is awesome and they put on a great show, but the number of people who had been fans of an expansion team "for 20 years" was through the roof! If there's one thing I hate in sports, it's bandwagon fans. We'll see what they're like when the team is not very good.
  13. It's a pointless, adversarial question that serves no purpose. I'm not here to play games.
  14. They talked about fan engagement being important in the Dodgers series and they weren't wrong. This is the NLCS!! Los Angeles is an attractive city in many ways, but their fans are the worst. I live in Vegas and it's gonna be even worse. The hockey team had a miracle run last year, so a lot of people jumped on board. I could probably buy a Knights jersey for .50 cents now.
  15. Google is your friend. As a matter of fact, name 5 bad things he did to Newark WITHOUT using google. I don't play games.
  16. Such a silly statement. Did that really require a period followed by a .?
  17. I agree with your overall analysis, but I'm still thinking we should consider sending a 2nd to GB for Rodgers. He and McCarthy seem to be having some issues.
  18. The funniest thing about the list is how much longer it would be if you counted the number of times each guy started, got benched/hurt and started again.
  19. I doubt it was strictly religious affiliation, but I think his politics/atheism played a role. That's a problem IMO and it could very well be the decision that ends McBeane's tenure in Buffalo.
  20. Because he freaking shoveled snow at 3 A.M. during a blizzard and was genuinely a man of the people. He did a lot of good things for that hellhole of a city. He lost me with the Spartacus grandstanding. Washington ruined him. Just so you know, I'm a socialist so we're naturally going to disagree regarding his policies as mayor.
  21. Mayfield is better than Tyrod and there's no reason he should be upset about the situation. That being said, he's better than anything we have so maybe Bills fans shouldn't be throwing stones.
  22. So nobody thinks Rosen's "personality" had any bearing on their decision? I beg to differ.
  23. You're kind of making my point about the superficiality of modern national elections. Talk about the moderator all you like, but Obama was stylistically the better performer and dismissive quips like "proceed governor" made him an extremely tough foe. The facts around Obama's rose garden comments became secondary. And make no mistake about it; Obama was a complete as*hole. He was every bit the as*hole Trump is. Just had a different approach. The way I see a candidate beating Trump stylistically is demonstrating zero emotion and subtly dismantling his more outrageous statements. I'm not saying any of these candidates have the ability to do that. And I agree that Trump would have never let a moderator punk him in that manner.
  24. I liked Booker quite a bit more when he way mayor of Newark. Not so much as a Senator. Elections are so superficial now and I don't know if he has the right characteristics to take on Trump. When I say superficial, I'm not talking about looks per se. It's more about having the right mindset for the kind of street fight Trump presents. I could see Booker getting way too emotional and outraged when Trump does his thing. And I tend to think that while the moderate R's and I's you're speaking of may like a guy like Booker, I question what they'll actually do in the booth if Trump makes a fool of him on the trail. I'm sure Obama is not popular around these parts, but he was a damn good politician. I don't see any stars in this field.
  25. I think Beto could be our only hope. He won't win in Texas, but all the rules regarding experience seem to be out the window. He's got that Obamaesque dismissive way of being a complete d*ck while appearing to be civil. You're not gonna beat Trump at his game. You can't get upset by his antics or take him head on because he's got the schtick down pat. The only way to take him on is to walk him into traps. Obama's "proceed Governer" to Romney was probably the line that won him the 2012 election. That's how you have to play it.
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