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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. He's also a big target out of the backfield, something DS is not. Given Josh's occasional issues with ball placement on short passes, he's the best option for the checkdowns.
  2. A RB does have value in the first round ONLY if they're able to do more than just run the ball. Barkley, McCaffrey; these guys are dynamic playmakers in both the pass and run game. I don't even think Zeke was a great pick at #4 TBH. The notion of drafting a guy like Taylor who has 300 yards receiving in 3 years at Wisconsin in the FIRST round would be foolish. Poor value. The Bills absolutely need a running back, but I'd like to think they're looking at guys in the 3-5 rd. range.
  3. Burrow looks great, but LSU has receivers running wide open every play. This game is a physical mismatch.
  4. I just don't know how Williams lasted on the practice squad as long as he did....you'd think there'd be 31 teams pouncing on the opportunity to ***** up a guy who'd PROBABLY catch game winning passes on the regular.
  5. Why so skeptical? One of my co-workers cousin's friend has a neighbor who's father in law's daughter's niece is from Boston and she accurately predicted the Pats would have a solid season. When there's smoke, there's fire. FWIW.
  6. Anything Duke Williams can do, Dawson Knox "should" be able to do better. Knox is bigger AND faster. Yes, there have been some key drops, but the guy people are clamoring for is already on the roster. He just needs to catch the **** ball. The receivers ahead of Duke bring more to the table and the calculation is that those contributions are worth more than Duke's one high point ball opportunity per game.
  7. I fully believe his teammates love him. The comments always come across as genuine. Beasley said something along the lines of going to war with Allen, etc after the Dallas game. He's a football player to quote Romo. Nothing a team respects more than a QB willing to put himself on the line for the team. And there doesn't appear to be anything to dislike personally.(As well as we can know a guy we've never spent time with.) Not sure what it means in the grand scheme of things, but there's zero doubt in my mind the team is 100% on board. I'm sure the receivers get frustrated on occasion by some of the errant throws, but it's minor. We'll see what happens long term, but it's certainly a good sign. NOW; all that goodwill won't mean much if he doesn't progress, but he's got a locker room full of guys in his corner.
  8. I know he got an extension in 2018, so you best believe Doug is gonna make sure he gets paid.
  9. That's where I'm at. I feel like @Zerovoltz has jumped the shark. If you're gonna make these proclamations on the message board of a team in which you have no rooting interest, at least own your words and state what you believe. I used to have a certain level of respect for the information and analysis provided, but it's become grating and has the appearance of an agenda. And on a personal level; as much as I question Allen, there's something unsettling about an outsider using every post to deride the Bills QB. "Only family can make fun of family" type deal.
  10. Yeah. I think I probably lasted longer than most, but I had to tap out once the blue bolded text began.
  11. I understand the nuance and that the question is flawed. Just gotten so used to the detail deficient premise that I was responding as if it were truly a Mahomes vs White/Allen trade. The answer is obviously going to come down to what Allen's able to accomplish. If he becomes a top 10 QB, no issues. I would say it's pretty unlikely he'll ever be as good as Mahomes, but if he's legit, it's fine.
  12. This is a fair take. There are people who believe Mahomes would have been TRASH under the circumstances in Buffalo. I don't think they've watched him play. He wouldn't be AS good. No doubt about that. But he's an elite QB. Elite QB's find a way. Allen's progress will determine if this trade worked out OK. As far as "putting it to bed," I've done that. It happened. But in the context of whether the trade worked out, time will tell. Need Allen to take that next step and Beane to surround him with a "supporting cast" that's more of an asset than a liability.
  13. Matt Ryan is a coach killer. I'm surprised they're sticking with Quinn and not bringing in an offensive genius capable of harnessing his "greatness."
  14. A) Can't they at least get a bed; a COT? Something. Sleeping bag seems harsh. B) What's the flashlight for?
  15. Trubisky's demise after a year 2 jump similar to Allen's is "sort of" concerning, but while there are clear commonalities in skillset/issues, every one of Allen's strengths is better than Trubisky's. He's not gonna go out like that.
  16. The OL has not demonstrated the ability to move the LOS and that is apparent. While the stat that he's scored X percentage of the teams TD's is skewed by his rushing TD's, it also reveals the problem the run game has in gaining short yardage. Not sure about the solution, but the OL needs to be reshuffled a bit and also needs a mauler at one of the G spots whether that be Ford or an additional player. They also need to add a back capable of gaining a couple yards when there's "nothing there."
  17. I would say the team had a chance to win largely based on the defense (outside of @NE where he made some big throws after an awful start and the defense was porous). And as I mentioned, the supporting cast is still subpar so it's entirely premature to draw any definitive conclusions either way. Regarding the opposition ie. good defenses; at some point, we've got to stop tipping our cap to the competition and start scoring points. That applies to the ENTIRE offense, but certainly includes Allen. Edit; upon reflection and on a positive note, I'll add that it's not too soon to come to the conclusion that he doesn't suck. He's not a bust. But will he be Tannehill or will he improve his game to the point in which he enters the upper echelon of QB's? That's the unresolved question.
  18. The post you responded to provided excellent analysis as to why the sentiment may not match the record. It said nothing of the franchise doing poorly. Simply stated that there are some real deficiencies worthy of discussion. Pretty sure every Bills fan is happy to be in the playoffs and recognizes that the franchise appears to be on a solid trajectory for the first time in a LONG time. I'm a cheerleader for 3 plus hours a week during the season, not 24/7. Some people actually enjoy discussing the areas in which the team is doing well/needs to improve. To each their own.
  19. The nagging concern I have when I look at Allen's season in totality is that there hasn't really been a great deal of progression throughout the course of the season. He's cut down on the turnovers, which is great, but that narrative is a bit skewed by the 3 TO game against the Pats in week 4. He's had four HIGH quality starts; Giants, Dolphins(X2), and Dallas. The Cowboys are the only team in that group with an above average defense. I actually think his week two performance against the Giants was the most encouraging in terms of accuracy and composure. He looked every bit the part of a young franchise QB in that game. I can also look at the Dallas game as proof that he's capable of getting it done under the lights against a quality unit. I just don't know that I've seen the kind of marked improvement I'd like to have seen. BUT; the offensive weaponry is "average" to be generous, so I think we'll find out quite a bit more next season if Beane is able to bring in the right personnel. He's got to consistently play better if he's going to take the next step.
  20. It really depends on any given result and one's perspective. There are times you'd read the board and think the Bills are 5-10 and there are times you'd read the board and swear the Bills must be the number 1 seed in the AFC. To be fair, Trent Edwards did indeed suck.
  21. Right, because unfettered globalization would ultimately lead to a lower standing of living for AMERICAN workers. It's simple arithmetic. I just find it odd that I've been advocating for this approach for years and I wasn't alone WRT those of us on the left. Now, it's AWFUL! OTOH, the right spent many years lauding high moral character as a prerequisite for a leader. Now, not so much. Guy has turned the whole political landscape upside down and the lines between D's and R's in terms of POLICY have become blurry.
  22. Biggest paradigm shift in terms of policy has been on trade. The GOP was all about free trade and international agreements. Trump is out there going full Bernie Sanders in his "unique" way and I actually LIKE it. We HAVE been screwed on trade and our greatest bargaining chip is our market. He's using that quite well. Lot's of policies I do not like, but this one; definitely approve. Just pointing out that a world exists pre-Trump where trade wars would have been something trumpeted by the far left and decried by the right and this isn't the only example. Edit; I should distinguish GOP economists from the GOP in the broader sense. The notion of trade wars would have made their(economists) collective heads spin. OTOH, the Bernie Sanders crowd would have been applauding it as "fighting for the American worker," which is EXACTLY what we should be doing. I get it. Farmers are suffering and some junk at Wal Mart costs a little more. Big deal. They have a he@@ of a lot more to lose than we do, so continue to apply pressure.
  23. I'd say both. For all the FA OL acquisitions, they didn't add a "road grader." My hope is that Cody Ford can become that type of guard, but I have some lingering concerns based on his 17 reps of 225 at the combine. I'm sure he's going to have a full offseason of strength and conditioning, so that should help. He's a guard as far as I'm concerned. I've seen nothing to indicate he will ever be a quality NFL RT. Whether it be Ford emerging or an acquisition, gotta get stronger up front. Despite Ford's play, the overall pass blocking has been "fine." Run blocking? Not so much. Morse is a nice cerebral center, but he ain't a mauler. Feliciano; nice player, high quality but also not a road grader. Spain; decent player in pass pro, but doesn't push the LOS at all. Not quite sure how they put the puzzle together, but they need to find at least one player that pushes the LOS this offseason. Singletary has exceeded my expectations, but they definitely need some complimentary pieces at RB. DS is not really the type of ELITE back who can carry the load by himself. Maybe a tall task, but I'd like to see them add a speedy playmaking back as well as a "thumper." (Way too many football cliche's here.) That being said, it would be tough for any back to get those 2-3 yards considering the line hasn't proven capable of moving the LOS.
  24. That's the way I see it as well. LT is such an enormous figure in NFL lore that his greatness overshadows what the team and the defense accomplished. Guy was something of a pioneer in terms of "edge" players lined up off the LOS attacking the QB.
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