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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. My problem with McDermott's teams is not slow starts. It's that when things go poorly, they spiral out of control. That's why we've seen so many blowouts. The sign of a well lead team is the ability to handle some adversity and respond. It's the same thing with red zone defense. We either get a 3 and out or it's a touchdown. We all know this team doesn't have talent, but they've also shown zero ability to adjust and fight back when things go poorly. If you can beat the Vikings, you should be able to make a few stops against the Colts in order to keep things competitive. That is not a good look.
  2. If that's political theater, which I doubt, they need to cancel the whole damn play. Tickets refunded. Cast and crew banished to Branson never to be heard from again. I just don't see any benefit to the left. The only thing it does is highlight a problem Trump has made a focal point of his Presidency. We have no solution to what is an actual problem. I would think they'd have a prepared response if it was coordinated, but who the hell knows.
  3. Someone here just posted that it was a distraction from the caravan. Uhhhh, wasn't that the most recent left wing creation? Oh, I get it, that one failed, so they needed something fresh. Even democrats aren't stupid enough to believe those images would help them politically. They haven't had a word to say because they know it's a bad look. You definitely lose some cred if you believe the caravan is a Soros funded stunt.
  4. You gotta be doing the "Mahommes" spelling thing on purpose.
  5. Unless they have quasi comprimate on Trump and he can't launch a full fledged attack. I'm not talking collusion and I've never gone down that road because there's no evidence. It's all a guessing game at this point, but it's definitely odd.
  6. That's a reach. People on Twitter are pretty clever and Magabomber is not that difficult to concoct on the fly.
  7. "Compliments of the chef!" "I wonder what his insults are like."
  8. It just seems off to me. Something so coordinated with no detonations. Whoever did this would seemingly have the capacity to ensure some kind of actual effect. I don't believe the RW conspiracies that it was orchestrated by the left, but it's definitely odd. That's why I'm thinking it could potentially be Russia.
  9. I wouldn't be shocked if this was a Russian influence campaign designed to help Dems. I wonder if President Due Process would be blaming a 400 pound mattress dweller if intelligence determined that to be the case.
  10. Funny how the media responds when a team has been consistently competitive for years, right?
  11. What I find ironic is that because they've so thoroughly decimated the roster, you pretty much HAVE to give them next year. They will be rewarded for their futility. That's the real "process."
  12. Dose of "reality." So that's what they're calling it these days?
  13. I'm just trying to put a public face to it; maybe Bill Kristol? As far as I can tell, most of the people on television are just trying to salvage their own career. Can't really knock anyone for looking out for #1, but it's hard to take them seriously. Again, I question the number of voters who fit this mold, which is why I'm skeptical of the polls. I think as long as Trump is involved, polling is always going to involve something of a Bradley effect. We shall see.
  14. I figured you would have a more thorough explanation of his foreign policy than "isolationism." I don't have to agree with it 100%, but it's thorough. One thing I question is the number of actual "Never Trumpers." If we're talking Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace, Max Boot, etc., I've always viewed them as moderates who's only real career path is to play the Never Trump card on television. The midterms will tell us quite a bit about the actual numbers.
  15. They have far too many of "those days." Very inconsistent unit. Edmunds had a terrible day and Star was not occupying blockers like I'd expect from a 10m/yr space eater. Just bad all around. Our linebackers are going to have to play a lot better if we're going to cover on Monday. I think losing by <14 is how we need to measure success in this game.
  16. Tell me more about these "outside forces." Are they with you as we speak?
  17. DR cited isolationism and I cited trade. I'm gonna have to question isolationism when you bring John Bolton on board, but he hasn't actually done anything so it's fair. What else distinguishes Trump from the GOP? The party establishment opposed him because they didn't think he could win. These are the people that gave you Romney and McCain and likely preferred Jeb. That archaic thinking lead Dems to nominate Hillary freaking Clinton. It doesn't work.
  18. I disagree that Trump is effective at pretending to give a crap about people outside of his circle. As a matter of fact, I think his attacks on the left are a feature and not a bug. It's politically effective for Trump and I don't have a problem with it. I would never vote for him, so why should he pander to me? Obama feigned the appearance of caring about people we all know he despised, but how many people actually bought it? They are both charismatic narcissists with a great deal in common whether their supporters want to admit it or not. That much I'll give you. I don't think it's even possible for a non narcissist to become President.
  19. I'm not disagreeing regarding the Pegula angle, but I think they are so tied at the hip that it would be incredibly unlikely for either to stick around without the other. Let's just hope they know what they're doing and I'm completely off base in my analysis. Great piece by the way.
  20. I remember thinking at the time that kickers ALWAYS seem to make crucial kicks against us. Last year was like the first time I've ever seen some key opponent misses.
  21. No. Last year quarterback was the root of all offensive problems. Now that Allen is quarterback, the entire roster is trash and no QB could ever succeed under these circumstances. Hope springs eternal.
  22. That's really how I view it. It's probably entirely unhealthy to support the Bills as I do, but I can't shake it. It's part of who I am as a human being.
  23. You don't even really have to have stayed there. Just blend on it and it's free bagels for everyone. As far as complimentary football, it refers to players reading and reacting to the actions of one another in order to make plays. It's the type of nonsensical coach speak McDermott is famous for. But I like the OP's idea of the term better.
  24. He's the most gifted salesman of all time and I'm not using that term as a pejorative. If the left had a Trump like hype man, I'd be all in. I had hopes for Avenatti, but he's clearly sputtering. There's really only one Donald Trump. I reckon more than a few members of TBD understand nuanced policy better than Trump, but none could sell it to the masses quite like him. It would have served Dems well to fully appreciate this guy's talent, but that ship sailed in 2016.
  25. For all the bluster, he's pretty much your standard issue GOP President. The lone deviation from orthodoxy is on trade. He's considered divisive because he has no interest in appealing to the left. I don't really blame him as those of us who disagree with his policies were never going to vote for him anyways. He is who we thought he was! Can't imagine anyone being surprised by a single thing he's done. I believe he's an awful human being, but that has little statistical bearing on the country. People need to settle the hell down and stop obsessing about his tweets. I wonder if they realize that's precisely what he wants them to be doing. He'd probably do something stupid if they just stopped paying attention to the horseface sideshows.
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