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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. That's pretty much where I'm at. I was at the MNF game in Seattle a few years back and smoked weed for the first time in a very long time.(Not a fan, I prefer alcohol) Three Seahawks fans disrespected/aggressively pursued my female cousin and I stepped in because it seemed like the right thing to do. Needless to say, it didn't end well for me. I'll blame it on the weed although I don't think it would have made much difference. Luckily, I had enough alcohol in my system to numb the pain.
  2. My only counterpoint would be that Mahomes was ultra productive in college and Allen was not. I admit that I was a bit skeptical of what that production actually represented considering the offensive system. What irks me is when people deny what they're witnessing. It's clear as day Mahomes is a star and I think if people were intellectually honest, they would acknowledge that.
  3. That's like the 3rd time in 3 days someone hasn't understood that I was agreeing with them. Hope is a word that means nothing. It's a non-commodity commodity that's been sold to rubes since the beginning of time. Apparently sarcasm doesn't translate well on a message board.
  4. It was definitely interference. The refs didn't cost us this game. It wasn't egregiously officiated, but they definitely make sure the Pats get the 50/50 calls. What irks me as much if not more than bad calls is when officials succumb to pressure/whining and end up calling something on the next play. If you're an official, your job is to dispassionately call the game.
  5. With our crap offensive roster, it really is a shame what they've done to poor Nate Peterman. Put this guy on the Chiefs and he'd be shattering records.
  6. They did the same to KB. Gilly was whining about a phantom OPI, and a play or two later, voila!
  7. I don't think that's a crazy thought. It's probably not happening any time soon though. Interestingly enough, I still think the national media would find a way to act cold in a 72 degree dome if it were in Buffalo.
  8. Appreciate it. I was looking for some of the more thoughtful posters' interpretation of the language. I understand the talking points from both sides and have very little interest in them.
  9. Colton Schmidt is trash. He's a big dude with an aggressive swing, but he rarely hits the sweet spot. Like a hacker at the plate in baseball with warning track power. He's also prone to kicking the ball into the endzone, something that infuriates me like few things on a football field. If Bojorquez can't go, there has to be someone better than Colton freaking Schmidt.
  10. Honest question here. How do you guys feel about Trump's proposal to circumvent the 14th amendment?
  11. My fault. I thought you were referring to Peterman. All these quarterbacks are starting to blend together.
  12. You will watch and you will love it! Re: Hope. It's like some people didn't heed Morgan Freeman's warning in Shawshank Redemption.
  13. I was being facetious. I think you may understand my post better if you re-read it.
  14. Good games? When the hell did this happen? Against Duke and Virginia?
  15. We lost an average center and an above average guard, which obviously accounts for a 9 PPG loss and more turnovers through 8 games than we had for the entire 2017 season. That includes the first half of the Chargers game when Peterman worked his magic. Look, I understand moving on from Tyrod because he was never going to lead us to the Superbowl. To deny that he was DRASTICALLY better than anything we've had this season is absurd.
  16. I don't want to get off topic, but the dude expressed a serious personal issue and making light of it is just bad business. Back to football.....
  17. That's really not cool.
  18. You fools better get on board before it's too late!
  19. It would be awesome if that guy would bet 5k against the Bills every week. He's got that jinx quality about him.
  20. I'm right there. I can't even properly articulate it. The way this season is going, at least a Peterman debacle has some kind of entertainment value. It's a win win really. If he plays like trash, we all expected it and it provides some dark humor. If he somehow plays well, it's a huge story because of the national punching bag he's become.
  21. Good luck with that bro. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems at the time.
  22. I keep forgetting about the process and the rebuild and the structure and the discipline and the draft picks and the cap space and continue to focus on results and records and data. I need to get an excuse rolodex so I don't feel so discouraged by the situation.
  23. The Rams are 8-0. The Bills are 2-6.
  24. The same offensive geniuses that thought going into a season with Nate Peterman as the starting QB are the one's who drafted Josh Allen. That doesn't give you any cause for concern? Based on their analysis, he was a quality option as an opening day STARTER, not a third stringer.
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