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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Yeah. I was only referencing perception. Don't disagree at all in terms of reality.
  2. Not my point. The team won 7 games three years straight and very few people were talking about the legend of "Brees."' Kind of proves the point that even the greats can go long stretches without winning if their teams are *****. I don't know that Cousins will ever even take a team to the playoffs. He seems to be that rare player who's anti clutch factor outweighs traditional analytics. The one time Washington was in position to make the postseason, the guy played like trash against the Eagles BACKUPS. I hate to incorporate clutch into anything analytical, but this guy seems to rare in his ability to find ways to screw up when it matters most. We are. How's the owner doing?
  3. Very smart kid. Even if you dismiss the monetary angle, the beatings running backs take is above and beyond any other position. This is precisely why I had no problem with LeVeon Bell playing hardball.
  4. In all fairness, Brees wasn't "Brees" for a several year stretch when the team around him was subpar. There's just something about Cousins. He underperforms his analytics. The elite quarterbacks are good to great 12/16 games. Cousins is probably good to great 8 games a year. Consistency sets the greats apart from the pack.
  5. Probably nothing in a trade. I would just keep him. He's been a major disappointment, but he's still better than anyone else we have. Not the time to be cutting weapons for next to nothing in terms of cap savings. The Bills should really address the position in a serious way this offseason, but I'd rather keep him around than cut him.
  6. Did you mean Nicklaus or is he also related to Jack Nicholson? Talk about star power. I feel like I've heard the announcers mention he was related to Nicklaus a few(thousand) times. For that reason alone, I don't miss him.
  7. If you're still watching the team, you haven't thrown away the lottery ticket. If you really believe this is a playoff team, you're going on a spending spree based on the billion to one chance that lotto ticket is a winner!
  8. What is it with the O'Leary fascination? I think he got himself cut with that preseason reception where he turned upfield and started sprinting like he was stuck in the mud. Just a very meh player with zero speed.
  9. Yeah. He's doing some good work for the community with some kind of animal donation. Football wise, no news. He's hurt. It would be newsworthy if he wasn't on the injury report.
  10. Indeed the explanation for the screen name. Never cared for the advent of emoji's/LOL vernacular. LSHMEAB was a favorite of a fellow Bills fan who went by the SN JoeMama025. Not sure what ever happened to that guy. I know he was on some other sites since the one we frequented in the early 2000's went down.
  11. The beauty of modern technology is that you no longer need to spend time with family. And if I must do so tomorrow, I'll just blast the volume on the football game. Quality time without interaction. That's the ticket.
  12. Kind of like when they end a sentence with "believe me." It pretty much makes me think everything I just heard was *****. That being said, you can all launch your digital knives at the OP, but this thread is going places. Not good places per se, but that's the genius behind McDermatology. Every road could be the road home. It's kind of like Quantum Leap, starring Scott Bakula, who just so happened to play FOOTBALL in Necessary Roughness. I'm pretty sure I don't need to spell it out for you.
  13. Mc. Dermatology. Dexter. Dexter's laboratory. The Bills are shutting down football operations and opening a fast food skin care facility.
  14. Meh. I've never really agreed with that line of thought. He was willing to put himself out there knowing every one of those QB's(not to mention their fans) would be amped up to shove it in his face if he got burned. Whether or not you like that kind of trash talk, I don't think I'd characterize it as sensitive or cowardly.
  15. He's very similar to Stat Padford. Not a big fan of either guy. They're not terrible, but they never get it done consistently enough to be elite.
  16. Cousins is not a winner. I generally hate those kind of generalizations, but there's just been too many years of the same thing with this guy. There's those rare guys who defy analytics either positively or negatively, and I think Cousins is one of them.
  17. It's kind of funny that the particular s word you used is censored. I would venture a guess that it's used appropriately 90 percent of the time. My point was had they gone the normal route and fired Whaley well before the draft, we may have taken a quarterback. And it's possible that the 17 draft was grossly underrated and the 18 draft was grossly overrated. Time will tell.
  18. Right. I'm not a member of "the game is being ruined crowd" either. They had a serious long term crisis with CTE that needed to be addressed. They've done that and as a result, headhunter safeties are a thing of the past. Be that as it may, Atwater played the game within the guidelines of the rules in place during his career. I would hate to see the NFL retroactively snub guys who played a style no longer tolerated.
  19. Agree. I don't think he'd be a guy who's skills would translate to today's game and rule changes, but that should not be a consideration wrt HOF voting. I'm still not sure if the previous poster was saying Teddy Bruschi was better or vice versa. Steve Atwater was a monster and should definitely be under consideration.
  20. If you're saying Atwater is by far the better player, you are correct. Tough to tell by your post. Atwater played two fewer seasons and racked up more tackles than Bruschi. As a SAFETY. Also had 24 career picks. Dude was a beast. You want see an enforcer like that again in today's game. As far as Boselli, he played 6 seasons as an offensive lineman. No way he deserves to be in. Unless your name is Gale Sayers, 6 years won't get it done.
  21. Dude. I thought it was just my imagination. The same thing! The very same thing happened to me when I met Coach Marrone. He's pretty much the best person I've ever met.
  22. It's been mostly positive for first round QB's these last few drafts. It would be the Bills luck to finally take one in the bust year. I know I'm beating a dead horse, but it's entirely possible none of these QB's are legit and Pegula screwed the pooch with his GM/HC nonsense in 17.
  23. The fact that the OP got 10 pages of this just goes to reinforce the old "be careful what you wish for" adage.
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