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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Right. He had a solid career, but based on expectations, you'd have to consider it a disappointment. I do wonder if he came around 10-15 years too soon.
  2. When I mention the Tigers collapse, most people, even baseball people, say something along the lines of, "at least they won a WS." Unlike the Phillies, there was most certainly not a WS title in the run. Very annoying indeed. And yes, 1984. I was 4 so years old so I have a vague recollection. Kirk Gibson was the man well before the Dodgers HR. So you've got me beat by two years. Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. When I was a kid, it was the Christian right telling people how to live. It's one of the main reasons I rejected republicanism. At this point in time, it's clearly the left trying to legislate behavior. I'm not going to abandon my positions on economic issues, but it's becoming really difficult to relate to people who view the word "stupid" as offensive.
  4. The one place they'll never be in behind the fences. Someone alluded to small ball being the new model and I think that's incorrect. The forward minded organizations focus on home run hitters. Even Beane has somewhat abandoned his GOB philosophy. The best player on the A's is an all or nothing guy who rarely hit over .250 before this season. I just don't know if guys can ever truly acclimate to teams playing their tendencies. You can drop down the occasional bunt, but that doesn't seem like something that would work with regularity. I'm a Tigers fan so I basically took this season off. 12 years of contention with no ring to show for it. It'll be awhile before that team is even competitive.
  5. I spend enough time explaining to them how many Trump "scandals" were going to be the end. There's a new one every single day. What happened to fake Cohen election violation I heard about for days until they moved on to the next one? The big thing now is that he mentioned prosecuting Clinton/Comey. He says a alot of things. Unless something is actually done, I don't give a damn. They are simply obsessed with the man. I try to focus on things that matter. As far as Roe v. Wade, I think the balance of the court could actually benefit Dems politically. Scare the hell out of women that it's on the verge of being outlawed and they'll show up in droves the same way SOME R's voted for YEARS because of the SC. I mentioned before the midterms that Kavanaugh's confirmation would actually be a good thing politically. People aren't generally motivated to show up to polls to reward politicians. It's an interesting game this politics thing. I'm sure you're aware that I'm a liberal(not in the classical sense) so that tends to shape my opinions. I do, however, try to see things objectively. There are times the people on my side of the aisle are so deranged by Trump that I find myself rooting for him. It's a weird dynamic. Edit. I try to explain to them that they're all but assuring Trump's re-election by going down this damn Mueller rabbit hole. They are as immune to logic as those that think Trump walks on water. I cannot help there. The crazy thing is that I get the feeling they've completely abandoned the core economic policies of the left(pro labor, pro minimum wage increase, tax rates for the uber rich) All those things can be debated among reasonable people. When it comes to Trump, there is just no hope. You could almost surmise they love Trump. The opposite of love is apathy and they are obsessed with his every move. Kind of makes you wonder.
  6. Yeah. I take your point that it could be done. I'm just noting that it could be a slippery slope. A simple solution would be a 3rd baseman would have to be positioned to the 3rd bag side of 2nd, etc. Like you, I think it would be a terrible idea.
  7. I only mention that because for all the talk of erasing Obama's legacy, he's probably not gonna be able to touch that one. I tend to agree that it's not a priority. If I had to bet, I'd bet 5k that Trump doesn't give a ***** about abortion either. Gotta play the game though. That list of actual priorities seems about right.
  8. I'm pretty anti-holiday, but I share the sentiment of the OP. Lot of negative things going on, and this board is a refuge of sorts. Appreciate the mods and all the contributors.
  9. The inclusion of "blonde" in the Mixon incident is a bit suspect. Not quite sure of the relevance.
  10. How would you even go about outlawing it? Would you also need to regulate double play depth? It's a really silly argument. Like it or not, it's part of the game and it's not going to change.
  11. It does not appear that Trump will ever be able to dismantle ObamaCare, thanks to old man McCain. Entitlements are damn near impossible to repeal.
  12. I'd only add TE to that list. Seems like decent TE's are drafted in the middle rounds every year.
  13. You excited about spending time with the fam for Thanksgiving? Seems like you're in a good mood.
  14. Alcohol withdrawal is a B. People are dying in jails at an alarming rate from alcohol/benzo/opiod withdrawal. I know the hardliners will come with the "they deserve it" crap, but many of these people are there for really petty offenses. I don't know what the deal is with this dude. That's pretty extreme, but he must have been in a hell of a lot of pain.
  15. It would be awesome if the team I like had won a Superbowl THIS CALENDER YEAR. I like winners. It's a character flaw I suppose. I've never demanded McDermott be fired. Perhaps you should do some research before you make sweeping generalizations. I hope he gets another crack at a QB. He's the first HC we've had in many years who finds a way to win close games. I like that.
  16. What was the point? You tried to claim that Doug Pederson should receive the same criticism as Sean McDermott. That is patently absurd. Doug Pederson lead his team to a Superbowl. Sean McDermott's team backed into a WC playoff spot with a horrendous PPG differential. Is the big sweeping point that the situations are different and Sean McDermott can't possibly be judged because of the roster decisions? That's fine. He's probably getting next season to right the ship. If your point is that Doug Pederson and Sean McDermott are on the same coaching plane, I think you should not only take a hiatus from playing, but perhaps at least consider retirement.
  17. That's on a need to know basis. When that McDermatological "sore" starts oozing success all over the league, you'll know.
  18. "I'll Be There" from the Jackson 5 days. Dirty Diana was really underrated because people didn't know what to make of it. He put everything he had into his music. One of the all time greats regardless of what you think about his personal life. To be honest, I think a lot of people took advantage of his odd behavior around children to make a buck(or a million.) Never believed the molestation accusations.
  19. Josh really needs an offseason of strength and conditions. He's got that young Matt Stafford physique.
  20. What's kind of ironic is that while Reggie Bush was bustISH, in some ways he changed the way the league views the position. He never lived up to the hype, but he was a pioneer of sorts.
  21. Why don't we call up the Eagles and see if they'd like a chance to remedy their choice of Pederson over McDermott. Straight up swap. You think they'd go for it?
  22. That's kind of like taking a pitcher out after he's given up 5 runs through 2 innings. At this point, I'd prefer they ride it out. I think he's a little underrated around these parts because we gave up too much to get him.
  23. What's ironic is that his biggest critics are setting the most realistic expectations. The people looking for 250 plus yards a game and 10+ TD's are setting the bar too high and are in for serious disappointment. It's actually unfair to the kid. I just expect him to look like he belongs and show a modicum of consistency throwing the ball.
  24. SWSMDGANFCT Stop winning so many damn games against NFC teams. GIDIIBFK Guys, I did it. I bet 5k.
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