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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I think Andy Dalton is quite a bit better than Tannehill, but I get your point overall.
  2. To teach a course on how to respect women? No. To carry the football? Yes.
  3. That was by far the best we've seen of Allen. I think we're all going to have to live with errant throws as long as he's the QB. There's a chance he's talented enough to overcome the inaccuracy. He will never be a precision passer.
  4. Because people are up in arms about something that seems rather petty. This is football. You accumulate the best talent. Period. Choir boys belong in church, not on the football field.
  5. I'm excited to see what Allen can do. Have serious doubts, but it should be a fun game. THERE IS NO FREAKING REASON TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT A 3-7 TEAM. Get a grip man.
  6. Enjoy the victory OSU. Beilein and Brazdeikis are gonna whoop that *** yet again. Part of me resents the football team. The University doesn't show nearly enough love for the best hoops coach in the nation. The real game is at Crisler on Wednesday against UNC.
  7. You think our QB will ever have a game like Mahomes had? Ever? Even considering the 5 TO's but 51 points. Chances are low. Goff had a more efficient game. What's your point? You do not seem to have the ability to objectively judge Mahomes for obvious reasons. I could be wrong...but I doubt it.
  8. Same old Michigan. Gonna up to Beilein to continue to smash Ohio St. He's the real winner on that campus.
  9. I don't participate in holidays nor do I rant about anything while others are pretending to enjoy them. I'll just find something better to do. But thank you for proving my point.
  10. I've been joking all season that they could conceivably run out an entire half. Not quite sure if that's mathematically possible. You'd need a lot of crazy penalties, etc. I do think there's a chance they'll run out a quarter by the end of this season.
  11. My guess is that it would be more likely to seek opinions from rookies/2nd year players who played with/against the potential picks. The GM who bases his selections on the opinion of players will probably be looking for a new job soon.
  12. The only one of those draft picks that's going to matter is Allen.
  13. Shocking. Someone mocking someone else for NOT celebrating. The war on the holidays is nothing compared to the war on those that simply don't care about arbitrary dates. Has nothing to do with being cool. I'm on a Bills message board at 9:30 PM on a Friday night. At 38, my time as cool has come and gone. Do you!
  14. I'll be at the Kopper Keg on St. Rose hoping your wish comes true!
  15. Dude. I could name about 20 guys under 6 foot making big impacts all over the league. Size is overrated. We'll see about this Butler dude. Haven't actually watched him play.
  16. Think that MAY help Michigan but it's hard to say. Haskins is more of a down the field guy and Patterson is pretty conservative. Both teams run pretty well so that's a wash.
  17. Patterson is the first reliable QB Harbaugh has had to work with. I know O'Korn was the most NFL ready signal caller coming out last season, but still.... Just can't get past that feeling Ohio State is gonna ***** our season up. I'll probably just bet Ohio St. moneyline to ease the pain if Michigan loses.
  18. Beast. Would instantly transform the offense. Defenses have to account for a guy like that every freaking play. Bring Hollywood to Buffalo.
  19. Uggggh man. That game was brutal. On top of everything, my father is a Lions fan. We were 6-5 headed into that game and I still just kind of assumed they'd find a way to get it done and get back to the Superbowl(to lose again, but still) I knew we were done after that. I was 14 but I remember the sinking feeling that the dynasty was over. Very tough game. Thanks for the reminder.
  20. That sounds right. Size was a big deal when guys struggled getting past the bump and run. With the new rules, that's no longer an issue. You pretty much never hear about a guy struggling with press coverage anymore.
  21. Has the time to be serious passed? I'd prefer to relax a bit, but I don't want to let the team down.
  22. I think size at the position is a bit overrated. The Rams seem to be doing just fine offensively without a 6'5 receiver. It's one of those things that's nice in theory, but doesn't really matter. Quality over "quantity."
  23. I'm a diehard Michigan fan and I have a horrible feeling about this game. Michigan is a better team but I feel like it's in the players heads at this point. Meyer is damn near undefeated as a dog. I will hope for the best and expect the worst. The teams I've chosen have conditioned me to think that way. You would hate Harbaugh.?
  24. He was building a bully. Winning football games was irrelevant. We want to steal people's lunch money. No time for sports.
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