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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Yes. They need to develop and get better in areas where there is room for growth. In Allen's case, that would be accuracy and efficiency. I'm not sure why this concept is so difficult for you to comprehend. I don't really disagree with any of this as I'm more bullish on Allen than I've ever been. His strengths are really something else and even better than advertised. The TD to Jones in the back of the endzone was a wakeup call to anyone not wiling to at least give him a chance. In order to take that next step, he's going to need to develop some touch on the short and intermediate passes. Perhaps that will come with repetition and confidence.
  2. His completion percentage sucks. He has not demonstrated touch on what should be gimmies. He's got a rocket arm and incredible mobility. One man's sweeping generalization is another man's fact. You're the one twisting in knots making excuses for a poor number. Edit: It's really hard to have honest dialogue with people who seem incapable of honestly assessing the kid's performance. Message board discussions aside, he needs to improve his efficiency numbers. It's really not complicated.
  3. No. They bring up accuracy issues because his completion pctg in college was crap and his NFL completion pctg is crap. He does not have great touch on gimmies and he makes some head scratching errant throws. For all his strengths, he is not a particularly accurate passer. Simply acknowledging an obvious flaw shouldn't be that difficult.
  4. Nothing. But there are still some head scratching errant throws that need to be minimized. I don't expect them to be eliminated because precision passing is not his thing and he's elite in terms of arm strength and mobility. Better supporting cast will certainly help, but he's also got to cut down on the mistakes. Hopefully that comes with confidence/comfort at this level. This past performance was encouraging. Then we're gonna need to alter our offense and Josh is going to have to work on touch.
  5. That sounds like a lot of work! But it would be interesting to see actual data. There are more top TE'S drafted in the middle rounds than there are top receivers. Not quite sure what the relative bust PCTG. actually is because obviously more WR's are taken. The thing is 2019 is Clay's last season under contract so there's no real issue going forward. I would only advocate keeping Clay if he's truly our 2nd best TE. Bemoaning the money he's already earned won't recoup any of it nor will cutting bait. I could see him sticking around as a number 2. I don't buy the lack of effort arguments. He misplayed a not so great pass. Should have caught it, but didn't. He's not a KB type slouch IMO and he can block.
  6. Every single QB is going to have the same variables as far as throwing the ball away, etc. Completion pctg is a pretty good metric for determining accuracy for an NFL QB. What is so controversial about saying he needs to become a more efficient passer?
  7. The only top ten pick in the last decade is Ebron, and he's been a disappointment. It's pretty hit or miss later in the first round. It just seems anecdotally that you can find really good TE's in the 3rd or 4th almost every year whereas the number 1 receivers are almost always top picks. If they were blown away by a TE, I wouldn't dismiss it. This guy from Iowa doesn't strike me as worthy of that kind of investment. Would much rather take the best WR first and look for TE later on.
  8. His completion percentage is 52.9. I would say he must get better if he wants to be a top QB.
  9. I don't disagree. I just don't think it's prudent to dump him for what he's ALREADY been overpaid. If he's the second best TE on the team next season, why not keep him around? If he's the BEST TE on the team next season, we've got a real problem. Meh. It's actually pretty low, although there's not a huge sample size recently. Pretty much all the top TE's went after the first round.
  10. I think they absolutely must address the position and draft a legit number 1 TE. That being said, it doesn't really save us much to cut bait after this season, which means you may as well keep him unless you think Croom or a second replacement is better. I highly doubt they will be hamstrung by the cap in any way, shape or form next season. I'd be surprised if they got within 10 million of the cap to be honest.
  11. When Jay Riemersma is the standard bearer for the last time we had a great tight end, it's a systemic problem. I don't have a major problem keeping Clay around. He's not terrible despite the knee jerk reaction hatred from the missed opportunity yesterday. He's also not good enough and not worth the contract. He's our best blocker, so it may make sense to keep him around as a TE2. If Croom makes strides and it's neck and neck between the two, then you obviously dump Clay.
  12. This review sums up my feelings on KB; Shop has had my vehicle for almost two months. Since Sept 19th 2016. They have very bad communication. I was told several times of the completion date(s) of my vehicle, without them keeping their word. I was then asked to submit the check from my insurance company to them and that the car was ready, Friday Nov 11th and the vehicle was still not complete upon me arriving. One unkept word after another. The body shop manager (Arti) and his righthand man (Jack) are both very misleading. They also held my vehicle due to their communication and payment errors with the insurance company, State Farm. I pay my insurance, every month with a couple of different policies. It is not my responsibilty to ensure the insurance company pays the body shop. Therefore, the body shop shouldnt punish me by holding my vehicle until payment clears with a credible insurance company. The insurance company even offered to submit immediate documentation of payment confirmation to Earl Scheib when we spoke to Jack. Jack claimed he would call the insurance company back i agreement so that my car could be released. I also personally called Arti to confirm. I have yet to get my vehicle out. This is a terrible body shop, abd it is further more some of the worse custoner service ive ever received from any business in general. BY ALL COSTS, establish business with another body shop before you do with Earl Scheib. They are the crapiest, and in my opinions, slick oil liars at the least. Id rather walk the extra mile for my business in the future. It would be worth it.
  13. Benjamin is not getting a big deal. Period. He's not talented enough for teams to overlook his shortcomings the way they do others who constantly get paid despite little contribution. He's looking at a one year deal in the 5 mil range.
  14. I have no idea what you're talking about, but there are people who risked their lives defending your right to say it.
  15. Yeah. Uber talented, yet sort of overlooked coming in from a small town and college. Sort of a strange dynamic really. You expect a guy like that to have played at the highest NCAA level. Definitely a combo of both.
  16. Not me. I declared him a bust the day he was drafted and I'm up from 0% confidence in long term viability to 20% confidence. He's extraordinary in certain areas and he's clearly a tough kid. If he can improve his accuracy, he's got a real shot. I still have more skepticism than optimism, but you saw the flashes yesterday that you need to see from a rookie. The guys that make it will show it as rookies in flashes. We saw that yesterday. Long way to go.
  17. I don't disagree with that assessment of the fanbase at large. However, give me the blue chippers any day of the week. Underdog stories are great, but at the end of the day, talent reigns supreme.
  18. It's more like having a little weed than a major offense. Most cops will let you go with a warning if you don't act like a prick.
  19. It was on Clay as much as the drop against Carolina last season was on Zay. Not a great throw, but certainly catchable. Now if you spent last season bashing Tyrod Taylor for the throw against Carolina and are not claiming this was all on Clay, you're being intellectually dishonest.
  20. Right, and if you HATE him with a passion, you're probably going to listen. For a radio personality, hate is just as good as love. Apathy is the enemy.
  21. The obvious guys have been named, but I'm ready to move on from Lorax. We need a younger, more athletic guy playing that role if we want to be elite defensively.
  22. Yet overall Jackson has a higher passer rating, which is why it's not OUTRAGEOUS to opine that Jackson is a better passer at this point. If you need to break it down to a 3 game period, it's probably not some wild comment.
  23. I tend to think accuracy issues are largely mental and incredibly difficult to overcome. I would posit that only confidence can dramatically reform a QB's accuracy issue. I understand the elements of footwork, etc. just as I understand proper form for free throws. I just think accuracy is one of those things that you either have or you don't. Allen just might be someone good enough in other areas(mobility, arm strength) to overcome lack of precision passing. I saw glimpses of what could be yesterday. He's going to have to get A LITTLE more accurate, but it won't be by leaps and bounds and it may not need to.
  24. Jackson has a higher passer rating? I don't know that I agree with the statement, but it's certainly not an outrageous one. JA showed me a ton yesterday. This is the first time I've felt like the kid has a chance. But facts are facts. They both have a great deal of work to do.
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