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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Well, he was a PINO (President in name only). My brother had the opportunity to spend a weekend at the WH during the Bush years and the guy never stopped talking sports. That's a big plus! I think it's pretty well documented that Dick was calling the shots.
  2. More optimistic than I've ever been but still skeptical until he can demonstrate consistency regarding accuracy and "ball distribution."? He's much more talented than I thought and the things he CAN do may separate him from guys with similar issues who all failed.
  3. George W Bush is a G (That's a compliment). I have second hand knowledge as to what a decent guy he was, but what sealed the deal was the perfect pitch after 9/11 and the effortless ducking from an incoming shoe attack. You can tell the guy is an athlete. I'd like to see Trump throw out an opening pitch. Obama had a terrible delivery, but basically got the job done. Didn't vote for him and never would, but you can't honestly question his toughness.
  4. People would vote for a Muslim before they'd vote for an atheist. Things are changing, but atheists have a legitimate claim that they're the most persecuted group in the United States. 20 years from now, I expect more people to be non religious than religious. Absence of faith is the best thing Trump has going for himself. Don't ruin it for me or the 2 Corinthians.
  5. It's gonna be Beto and it's not gonna be a competition. The unwritten rules regarding experience have gone by the wayside. As far as skeletons in the closet, see the previous statement. Beto is the one Dem with the political chops to make Trump look small. Booker and Warren don't have the temperament for that fight. Kamala Harris is not particularly likable. Joe Biden and Sanders are just too old. Beto has that Obama charisma. I think it's much more likely to be Kasich. That guy loves the sound of his own voice. I think Flake is content to retire. Doesn't seem like the ambitious type.
  6. If the injury was aggravated during the Dolphins game, it's a blessing in disguise. This appears to be something imminent, and the timing works out perfectly for TJ to be ready for camp in 19.
  7. So in your view, a ball that sails off a receivers outstretched pinkie finger should be caught, correct? It's just a silly old cliche, but to each their own.
  8. Darnold sucks. The Giants were wise to pass on him. Another USC flameout.
  9. I'm guessing it was a quarterback who originally coined that phrase. There are tons of balls that hit a receivers hands that are uncatchable. The one to Clay was not great but was catchable. The notion that if a pass touches the receivers hands, then it should be a reception, is asinine.
  10. The only thing he seems to remember is that he hates McDermott. Doesn't know his kid's names, but gets worked up into a lather when McClappity comes on the television screen. He has his good days and bad.
  11. Terrence McGee was not a stretch by any measure. The guy wasn't the greatest corner ever, but he played ALOT of good football for the Bills.
  12. You guys are way out of control with this Charles Clay hatred. He's a serviceable, overpaid tight end who appears to work hard. Until we find an upgrade, there is no reason to up and cut him because you're made about one play.
  13. Definitely hard to trust a NE tackle after the Solder debacle in NY. That being said, they've got to do due diligence on every available player at positions of need such as OL, TE, WR, and I would argue edge defensive player. I think Dawkins is fine at LT as well. Let the kid develop. It's much easier to find guards, centers, and RT's in the draft.
  14. We are both indeed hoping you are correct. Nothing would mean more to this franchise than Josh Allen becoming a great and I'd be more than happy to have been wrong. At the end of the day, I want to see the Bills do well as much as anyone.
  15. Certainly don't share your unbridled optimism, but I'm out of the surefire bust camp. It's a start.
  16. That entirely unfair, but you do expect to see flashes of brilliance. The great ones will show you something early on. I saw enough flashes of brilliance from Allen to have some hope going forward, and I've been firmly in the bust camp. The kid has to work on touch and recognition, but he has a chance.
  17. Peyton Manning? If Allen approaches those numbers on a prorated scale, I'll be ecstatic.
  18. Which leaves hitting on your draft pick as the number 1 route to acquiring a WR. However, I can assure you the Cowboys don't regret trading for Cooper. Sometimes you have to take a shot.
  19. Because it's Buffalo. If you want to acquire a top tier WR via FA'cy, you gotta take what you can get. A)We're not a particularly attractive FA destination. B) Number 1 receivers are rarely available. Ideally they draft their own in the first round and he's an immediate baller. Gotta explore everything.
  20. That's a solid point, but I think you MUST find a way to get Allen a top target. They don't grow on trees. If Allen is the future, you're going to have to overpay to surround him with top tier talent. We need to be exploring every possible avenue, even if the guy is 30.
  21. Ha. I wasnt expecting the Eagles to move the ball that well. But yeah, I felt like McCoy may have a solid game with the Eagles secondary decimated. Either way, took the L and moved on.
  22. First of all, it's not going to happen. He will have his choice of teams if Atlanta doesn't get it done and it's unlikely Buffalo will be his top choice. Secondly, I cannot for the life of me understand why any Bills fan in their right mind wouldn't want to have Julio Jones even at a large price tag. Nobody here wanted Cooper. Every time I hear about a potential target, people here act like the Bills are too good for said receiver. It's really bizarre considering the garbage we trot out there every week. You're fine paying a space eating DT 10 mil/year but want to pass on paying one of the best receivers in football 18? That's just lunacy. If we have any chance in the world at Julio Jones and don't make the move, then everyone actually SHOULD be fired.
  23. And once he starts doing those things with consistency, his YPA will rise and his doubters will be silenced. Until then, the jury is still out. Like I said, that game opened a lot of eyes as to what a QB with his skill set can do. If he wants to be elite, he must get more consistent with the gimmies and also get better at recognizing where to go with the ball. You can tell the kid is working his a** off so there's no reason to think he won't make it a top priority.
  24. Imagine putting a bet down and ending up with Mark Sanchez as the QB of the team you bet on. Not my night.
  25. You remind me of a guy I know named Al. Same last name and everything. And yes. It matters to those of us on this board. It's a Bills football game.
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