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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. At home generally on sites of ill repute. I live right by the South Point. Sometimes I'll tag along with my brother Adam at Westgate, who does local radio. Not to name drop, but that's pretty much what I just did. As many debates as we've had about Allen, there is nobody more intense on gamedays even if the game is seemingly unimportant. I prefer to watch alone. You?
  2. Did he bet the ML or take the points? Houston still covered!
  3. Same, which is why I'm at the point of objectively assessing the performance of the Bills quarterback. Been burned too many times believing the hype.
  4. I call it like I see it. If all our receivers had SpiderMan like ability, Allen's completion percentage would be 100%!!
  5. All quarterbacks have throwaways, hail mary's, etc. Their overall completion percentage is reflective of that. Nobody in their right mind would hold the hail mary INT against JA, but comp pctg. still matters and JA is not the only quarterback occasionally throwing balls away. Josh has shown a great deal of growth over the last two games. There's no need to contort oneself in knots to make excuses for the one area he needs to improve upon.
  6. Did you see Kelly adjust mid throw on the lollipop to Reed in the 2nd quarter? That's what I want to see from Allen.
  7. Is this gonna be the new standard response? Those that don't worship at the Josh Allen alter are to dissect every pass he throws and PROVE play by play how his passes missed the mark. How about he improve his completion percentage so there's no need for such a test.
  8. If that happened behind closed doors, he'd be admonished but certainly not banished from the league. I'm not absolving him of guilt or blame, but that seems fundamentally unfair.
  9. I'm well aware of Snell and the fact that he plays in the SEC. I still don't envision him being a bigtime NFL back. Wouldn't touch him until the 4th round.
  10. What's with all the body awareness? Are we targeting these players specifically because they have a positive self image? I don't think Snell is gonna be difference maker in the NFL. Lacks explosiveness. I expect him to be a Ron Dayne type flop. Great college back though.
  11. At A LaQuinta Inn in Las Vegas. Family had just moved out there and we were waiting on the house. My Dad rarely says much of value, but he predicted the Bills would come back because Bill Cowher was on at halftime talking about the upcoming match-up with the Oilers. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  12. You've also got to consider that with Daboll's history of success as an OC, he'll probably have his choice of gigs. Kind of like Gregg Williams. Who's to say he wants the Jags job? He's probably gonna demand 10 mil/year and only with Green Bay.
  13. Robert Woods was not a first round pick. KB and Corey Coleman were first round picks. Therefore, Corey Coleman and Kelvin Benjamin are better than Robert Woods. What don't you understand about this simple concept?
  14. I refuse to watch Bills games with anyone who's not as die hard or knowledgeable as myself. They'll invariably start talking about some nonsense that has nothing to do with the game and I'll get extremely pissed off. Out here in Vegas, my brother is really the only person I know who's as passionate as I am and never asks stupid questions. He has to do his radio gig on game days. Back when I lived in Delaware, I would drive to one game a year. Never visited my family in the area because it's kind of a sacred experience, as dumb as that seems. Solo or with die hards is the only way to go.
  15. "Inaccuracy" is not an excuse. It's a valid criticism. All quarterbacks come into the league with question marks and JA is no different. He'll either become more accurate and silence the doubters or he will not. It's that simple.
  16. JT is a spry 56. Get that man off the shuffleboard court and into training camp.
  17. "Next time you step into my court room, you're to be wearing a suit made of some kind of cloth."
  18. Those charities begging for money need to provide more inspiration if they want donations. Nobody wants to give money to a morgue. Give me some upbeat music so I feel like these kids have a puncher's chance.
  19. Definitely rather have Tre. Can't really think of a corner I'd rather have and I'm the furthest thing from a homer. It's a shock to the system when he gets beat.
  20. Has he really played that much better or did we not appreciate his talent? Bills fans tend to piss on their own far too often, and I think many fans never got over the face he made when drafted. I have no problem not paying Gilmore that money, but he was a better player in Buffalo than some want to admit.
  21. Yep. And I happen to love Milano, but he's more heady and opportunistic than athletic. Edit: The more I think about it, the more I lean towards Edmunds being that guy on the OUTSIDE. If he continues to struggle with recognition, he could thrive in a role that requires less diagnosis and more raw talent. Middle linebackers are not nearly as valuable as they once were.
  22. Yes, and as I've continued to say, my biggest concern is that they don't address edge athlete. I have no problem resigning Lorax to a one year deal, but they cannot neglect the issue. The best way to come up with big stops in short areas is to have dynamic athletes with the ability to contain screens, etc. That is my solution to fixing the RZ issues and I've yet to hear another.
  23. Rule of thumb when picking a game; Ask 10 random semi knowledgeable sports fans who'd they'd bet. If 7+ say they'd take a particular side, bet the opposite.
  24. Chicago is definitely the "right" side for whatever that's worth. Laying the 3 is the "sucker" side but the suckers win 45% of the time.
  25. Yeah, I'll go a step further and say that if Daboll were offered a head coaching gig, I'd be SHOCKED if he didn't take it. Once you reach a certain place professionally, all the WNY ties and such are out the window. Any assistant coach who doesn't have aspirations to be a Head Coach is a coach I'd rather not have on the staff. I worry about that scenario kind of like I worry about how to keep the dynasty together if we start winning Superbowls.
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