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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. McDermott won a lot of close games last season, which is a huge part of the reason I'm willing to give him a longer leash than most of the skeptics I tend to agree with. I don't think that was an accident. I've yet to really see a McDermott choke job, which is something ALL Bills fans are accustomed to. Allen has to get better and we need an elite pass rusher. I feel like it's more of a personnel issue than it is McDermott's conservative approach. That approach may very well prevent him from being a great coach. Just want to reiterate that I don't view him as a choker. I'm worried about Edmunds mentality more than anything. He doesn't strike me as a killer. I don't know that experience will change that. I think he ultimately moves outside where he doesn't have as many responsibilities and can just use his athleticism.
  2. I was referring to Rosen. I actually wanted Rosen in the draft. Still not sold on Allen, but I'm confident he'll have a better career than the other Josh. Something missing from that guy's game. No zip and too immobile. I get that Rosen has a poor line, but the slow QB's have to have subtle pocket awareness to buy themselves some time. I just don't see it.
  3. My hunch is that was more Kirk padding those stats than Flip calling short passing plays.
  4. I've never used it as a metric because it's meaningless. I'd rather look at guys who eventually panned out and see if there are parallels on guys improving on the things Allen needs to improve upon. Because as I've stated a million times as a FACT; ALL OF THESE QUARTERBACKS MAY BUST!
  5. I hope he's better than Rosen because it's beginning to look like he's a stiff. We need to stop judging Allen against the 2018 class because it's sort of meaningless. Even if Rosen, Mayfield, Darnold, and Jackson all bust, it doesn't mean Allen is going to be a stud. It would be sort of crazy if Jackson is the best of the bunch. I'm out on Rosen and Darnold. I believe in Mayfield. Jury is very much out on Jackson and Allen. He was locked in on that route and didn't recognize Murphy sprinting wide open towards the sideline for what would have been 15 yards. I may be in the minority, but I think his recognition is more of an issue than accuracy. He's a rookie so it's entirely possible that will improve with time, but there's no guarantee.
  6. 2014 was the last time the Bills had a "great" defense and probably the only time since Phillips. You want to know the key? They had 2 edge rushers with 10 plus sacks. Hughes had 10 and Mario had 14.5 They will never be elite with this group of pass rushers.
  7. They're such anomalies(both he and second Cousins) because I'm an analytics guy but it's obvious based on the eye test that some guys just don't get it done when you need it. I know there are leverage stats that tell a more complete story.
  8. What's with Bills kicker wives always getting involved in these public disputes?
  9. I think overall this class may end up being historically overrated. Based on potential, Mayfield is the only guy I'd probably take over Allen. That being said, the Wyoming completion percentage excuse would carry a lot more weight had he been more prolific.
  10. I expect him to get another OC gig, but I would love this move.
  11. And now they're 6-6 having won 4 straight games. My point remains; if you want to cite the downfield passing system at Wyoming as an excuse for a low completion percentage, then why did he only throw for 1800 yards and 16 TD's in the Mountain West? You can't have it both ways. There are real concerns with Allen along with real talent. There's no need to make excuses. Let's focus on what's real.
  12. If it weren't for second guessing, what in the name of God is the point of visiting a Bills message board? That's kind of what we do around here.
  13. What kids? They should just go into these games with the mindset that the game ends at the 7:30 mark of the 4th quarter and then roll over after that.
  14. I keep hearing this argument, but it doesn't really explain his lack of production at Wyoming, especially in 2017. Shouldn't he have put up big time numbers if they ran some kind of greatest show on turf offense?
  15. Those are good stats to counter overall time of possession and I'm always ready to accept new data. Nevertheless, the DATA shows that the RZ defense sucks and I'm not buying the "tired" argument as an excuse for that. And I think we all agree that the defense is good. Great they are not. Been saying that all season. Huges is a nice pass rusher, but getting long in the tooth. Lorax is a nice player, but he's OLD. If we're gonna continue to play Frazier ball, we damn well better get another player in the front four that can create pressure without blitzing because Frazier is allergic to it. Isn't that kind of like saying the Bills were winning right up until that last drive? Unfortunately, that last drive counted.
  16. One of the things I like about Allen is his apparent cockiness, but you combine that with a big quarterback running around the way he does and I think we're gonna see alot of cheap shots going forward. Probably gonna have to retaliate at some point if it gets worse.
  17. Quite frankly, I was pleasantly surprised that McDermott used his TO's when the Jets were inside the 10 with less than 2 minutes. He is sooooo freaking old school. Andy Reid is still not the greatest clock manager and has had a solid career, but sheesh.
  18. I mean that's the hope, but while he's a first time head coach, the guy has been around football long enough to know that playing not to lose is a surefire way to ensure more losses than wins. McDermott generally has his teams prepared and does some good things, but it's hard to believe he's going to alter his coaching philosophy very much at this stage of his career.
  19. Obviously awful news but better than a knee. He'll be fine.
  20. That's really not true. Our time of possession is roughly league average. The defense is good, not great. They need to add an edge rusher to approach elite status.
  21. I'm really not trying to bust your chops, but what the hell is milk of human kindness? Sounds disgusting.
  22. Ugh. The worst part about that play is that he had Murphy streaking towards the sideline for what would have been a 15+ yard gain and the clock stopped. Decision making must get better.
  23. It wouldn't have been quite as gut wrenching if everything didn't go our way in terms of the other teams vying for a WC spot. I think we needed help and got it, but I'm not 100 sure as I'd prefer to forget that game. Just brutal and fitting.
  24. The answer is not really, but the WR group was trash last season and I seem tor recall most people saying receivers were interchangeable and the QB is the only guy who mattered. Motives aside, clearly the Bills need to add a legit number 1 receiver. I don't think that's much of a revelation.
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