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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Good points. It's almost like the guys we expect greatness from get overlooked. I'd still go with Nagy, but there's certainly bias against the HC's who've been there, done that.
  2. I haven't seen one flash sequence from Rosen. That's alarming at this stage of the season.
  3. I thought we were best buds! What can I do to make this thing work?
  4. I've never eaten a piece of food during a Bills game and this dates back 28 years! Booze is a different story.
  5. Nagy? If so, that may be the worst comparison of all time!
  6. Nagy and it isn't really close IMO. I don't think Trubisky is the perfect QB for his system but he's tailored it to suit his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. That's kind of a common theme among great coaches. Everyone talks about that Chicago D, but without solid output by the offense, they'd be right around 500.
  7. When I take a step back and measure his preseason performance against Cincy to where he is today, it's clear the guy has demonstrably grown and shown the ability to learn new tricks. I'm not gonna stop criticizing him for areas that need improvement to appease the homers, but the kid has already swayed most out of the guaranteed bust camp.
  8. I'm probably not the most objective person for the subject because I'm pretty much ALWAYS willing to give people another chance. I'm a bleeding heart that way. I would say it would have been worse had he not been restrained and more disturbing is that this incident doesn't seem to be an isolated one. I don't know. I'd give him another shot which is why I'm not in a position of authority.
  9. I was unfamiliar with some of the details of the Chiefs SB win, but I just watched that play and it reminds me a bit of the 90's Bills counter trey. Either way, both plays allow the team to matriculate the ball towards the opponents end territory, which is really all that matters. The only QB I'd take over Allen from this class is Mayfield. Just trying to keep things in perspective.
  10. That settles it. I'm going to continue to improperly use the word and hope Avisan is not around to point out the actual definition.
  11. Best post I've seen on the subject. I was in the Allen is a sure bust camp, but his play has moved me to CAUTIOUSLY optimistic. I don't know if he's ever going to live up to his talent, but he's certainly not going to be a Jake Locker like bust. The kid is too talented and works too hard. He's going to be here for awhile.
  12. I agree and I would never say his actions were correct or even legally acceptable. There should have been some kind of arrest made. It just didn't appear egregious to my eye if we're grading these things.
  13. Haha. Nice catch man. I honestly always thought it meant to methodically penetrate. Josh Allen indeed matriculated at the University of Wyoming. I don't think I've ever used that word in a job interview, but if I had, that would explain a lot.
  14. If you want to know the truth, I wasn't outraged by the actual video. It was an inappropriate response, but that woman was out of control and he didn't use excessive force. My point is that MUCH WORSE happens behind closed doors.
  15. I get the optics being different, but results are the only thing that matters. Yes, Allen has a much stronger arm, but he has not demonstrated the ability to efficiently matriculate the ball down the field. With improvements at WR, more experience, and a better line, there's certainly reason to believe that will come. But at this point, the only thing he's done exceptionally well is run, Jackson is actually a better passer RIGHT NOW. Sometimes as Bills fans, we get a little carried away in our assessments as if only our players are going to improve and everyone else will be "figured out."
  16. Manning was benched almost exclusively due to injury. I don't think the Ravens were satisfied with Flacco's play regardless of his injury. It's Lamar Jackson's team for the foreseeable future. That was a solid retort because they did sort of do that in Denver. Just don't see it here.
  17. Yes. I have seen Allen stand in the pocket and deliver accurate throws. I would like to see more of it as opposed to bailing even when there's no pressure. As I clearly stated before, I believe a better offensive line is needed to determine whether or not he's gonna improve on recognition. It would be unfair to judge him based on the porous line, but there are no guarantees. As has been stated, he's never been a high percentage guy. I feel like Hapless coined the "bunnies" phrase as it pertains to JA. Gotta hit the bunnies. I still think of that a college hoops phrase, but it works here as well.
  18. Right. Kind of like Perry Fewell and Anthony Lynn weren't fired per se.
  19. than I've you take the time to read my posts, I've been complimentary of Josh when it's warranted and I've been critical when it's warranted.
  20. Exactly. He has nothing to work on. He's perfect. He's never bailed too early. Every throw is perfect including the picks. If his coaches are anything like the members of the cult, he has absolutely no chance of improving. Luckily, the Bills have semi qualified offensive coaches who will work with Josh to improve on his shortcomings and not sit him down and tell him that everything is everyone else's fault and he doesn't need to do anything different.
  21. No, but I would expect grown men to have more coherent responses than to pounce on some technicality. He needs to stop bailing when there's no pressure and step up in the pocket more often. If you don't agree with that, there's really nothing I can offer you.
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