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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Nobody says the suck. The reason I harp on the D is because I think they're damn close to being a unit that can be relied upon to win games. The offense is much further away and that's talked about at length. Get a top tier edge rusher and that unit is transformed from good to great.
  2. Hopefully the team recognizes where they need to get better and addresses those issues. Here you are, essentially saying the defense is elite, when I was just told by countless posters that nobody says the defense is elite. In order to become elite, they need to add an edge stud. I'm about solutions, not complacency.
  3. The sidestepping pocket awareness Josh Allen just demonstrated to even get that ball off is LIGHT YEARS ahead of where he was early in the season.
  4. Exactly. Bottom 3 Red Zone defense. Do Star's stats lie? It's baffling how some fans just accept the status quo. Allen is playing well so there's that. Draft the defensive Josh Allen and we'll be good to go.
  5. Re-read virtually every mid-week thread where people make excuse after excuse for the D. "They're on the field too much." Last week, the ST's sucked." There's a new mid week excuse every week. And Star, who does NOTHING, gets defended like no other.
  6. At least Star is freeing up the rest of the boys to make the plays!
  7. We already have an elite defense. Just need to add pieces on offense and CHAMPIONSHIP!
  8. That fool wanted to throw a TD but knew damn well he could outrun the defense. Crazy athleticism.
  9. Not about the corners IMO. Need to draft Josh Allen. Need a bigtime disrupter.
  10. I love the way this ELITE defense plays in the red zone. Absolutely love it.
  11. There is like zero energy. Hard to gauge anything. You gotta either have money on this one or be pathetic die hard's like us to be watching.
  12. Sometimes the truth hurts. The way society has evolved, people retreat to their echo chambers to reinforce what they already believe or want to believe. The train has left the station on objectivity.
  13. Maybe Denver. They seem to kick the tires on a new QB every year. With Joseph gone, maybe the new coach doesn't care for Keenum's schtick. Beat me to it.
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's not taking off from the pocket to pad our rushing stats.
  15. Why in the world were you re-watching the 1989 Bills Browns playoff game you sado-masochist!
  16. If Baker is the real deal, Gregg could be passable. Great quarterbacks tend to make average coaches look better than they otherwise would.
  17. He was a long time member of an inferior site I visited in the early 2000's. Very nice guy, but not much more insightful than the average TBD poster. He knows the sport. I'll give him that.
  18. You're forgetting about Timmy TIndale. Now that guy had grit! Darick Holmes had a few good games as well.
  19. A true number 1 WR can make a play even if the defense suspects the ball will go to said player.
  20. The only question I really have is what would Josh have done in either situation. WWJD?
  21. I think Gregg made the right decision to go and try to end the game but I'm a guy who doesn't generally believe in FG's on 4th and 1 in either situation. Didn't like the Browns play at all, but definitely would have gone. Get it and you end the game. Don't get it and they have to drive quite a ways and hope they make a field goal. Joseph's decision was completely chickensh** IMO.
  22. Actually turning into a great game. Field goals on 4th and 1 are for losers.
  23. Even if they were to come back, there is no way in hell kicking the field goal in that situation is the right call. I guarantee you the win pctg calculators would tell you to go for it.
  24. Vance Joseph will be fired tonight/tomorrow. Inexcusable coaching.
  25. He's better than Flutie so he should definitely have a cereal named after him. I wonder if he uses skim milk or whole milk or something in between. He seems like a 2 percent kind of guy. I bet you he's a Wheaties man during the season but enjoys some Cookie Crisp during the offseason. Jerry Hughes is a nice player but we need a Von Miller. It just makes perfect sense to draft Josh Allen. Confuse the hell out of everyone discussing the Bills.
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