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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Matt Ryan had a prolific yet turnover prone senior season. 4000 yards and 31 TD's. JA never did that. Brett Favre however, SUCKED in college. Amazing that the Falcons would make such a great move taking him in the 2nd round and then make an equally horrific move trading said player away.
  2. Always reminds me of that chap Randall Savage. Whacha gonna do when the Macho Man comes for YOU?????
  3. Is it OK to relax for Christmas or is still serious time? I don't want to have to conjure up any excuses.
  4. This entire post implies Beane gives a flying bleep about the organization beyond his tenure. He does not. Unless Pegula has foolishly given him some kind of blessing beyond 2019, he goes ALL IN this offseason. This may be his one and only chance to be a GM and the clock is presumably ticking.
  5. My honest assessment is they wanted Allen to walk off the field on a positive note.
  6. I hated/hate the Star signing so that tends to shape my opinion on the 2018 off season. Not sure who was available at OL other than Bodine(who may actually be serviceable at C) and Funkhouser(who's trash.) Probably could have allocated the Star resources better(much better). We'll see what happens this offseason. I'm not willing to give these guys 5 years. 3 years is plenty to figure it out.
  7. We tend to win games against mediocre opponents when it can hurt our draft position so guys, I'm doing it; I'm betting 5k on the Bills. And props to the poster who quoted Mowins using "yarrrrrrrds." Excellent use of words to describe that accent/voice. I hear it in my nightmares, but could never figure out a way to translate it to letters. Pahcked Howse at the Carrrrrier Doohme!
  8. Every single team has some level of attrition. We're talking about two decent offensive linemen here. We're not talking about Dermontti Dawson and Bruce Matthews. That is not a valid excuse for some of the blowout losses that we've endured. The Chicago game always comes to mind when I ponder McDermott's future. That was a total meltdown and not the type you see from elite coaches. I don't believe the acquisitions of Murphy and Star aided the defense nearly enough to warrant the capital, which is why I'm more skeptical of Beane than even McDermott. At least I've seen some positive results from McDermott. What I don't want is more excuses for 2019. It's make or break for these guys. The concern I have is in regards to the players Beane DID bring in. Murphy and Lotuleilei have been underwhelming. Those signings don't exactly inspire a ton of confidence that Beane will spend wisely with all that cap space. We shall see.
  9. I was being a bit facetious there. I was fine moving on from Tyrod, but the notion that anyone would be better than him was the prevailing wisdom among many Bills fans. Clearly Allen has the potential to be much better, but we've seen that we can do worse. Much, much worse.
  10. I never understood why Bama didn't utilize Gump more at receiver. Maybe that's why Foster is balling out in the NFL and didn't do squat at Alabama.
  11. I don't think Straight expects 10 wins next season. What he's saying is that there's really no excuse for why they shouldn't be a playoff team next season. I don't expect to live forever and thus have a finite amount of patience. I don't make the decisions, but if I did, anything less than playoffs next season would be grounds for a regime change. I believe that's what he was driving at.
  12. The only truly significant losses were two offensive lineman. Not quite sure why they regressed so much. You'd think with a better QB and a year in McDermott's defensive system, they'd improve enough in other areas to make up for those losses and even build on that modicum of success.
  13. Tyrod never made plays in the 4th quarter, especially not on 4th down. Fake News! And something about Bacarri Rambo in that shot made me think about how much these fringe roster guys move around. Not sure why that caught my eye.
  14. As someone who admittedly doesn't trust the process, I'm starting to get the sense that fans will turn on Beane and McDermott before they ever turn on the quarterback. I don't think the offense is fixable in one offseason. I would honestly do everything possible to field a LEGIT dominant defense in 2019. It's our quickest path to contention.
  15. Next year will really be year one the grand plan because the surprise unexpected 9-7 playoff run in 2017 forced Beane's hand into decisions to help the team in 2017 that cost them the entire 2018 season. Therefore if the Bills struggle in 2019 it will all be part of the NEW master plan since the original master plan was derailed by their brilliance in 2017. Should not expect results until 2021 if you actually watch the games and aren't some whiny stats geek living in your Mom's basement!
  16. If they are, it's time to start our GM/HC and possibly QB search. None of us know how next season will turn out, but it's interesting to speculate. They could be 12-4 and Allen could be an All Pro and McDermott Coach Of The Year. Thank God the excuses will be gone.
  17. Yeah. That would definitely be better on aggregate than Michigan, but there aren't MANY schools that have multiple hall of famers. I wouldn't single Michigan out as a school that doesn't turn out good NFL QB's. That's all I'm saying. Can't think of a single Ohio State NFL success story at QB. Maybe Mike Tomscak or the great Bobby Hoying?
  18. Carson Wentz is not going anywhere. The Eagles have a great organization and would never be this foolish. It would be a nightmare if he ended up in Miami, but it ain't happening.
  19. Really? Tom Brady is the GOAT and Elvis Grbac and Jim Harbaugh had solid careers. How many schools have produced BETTER NFL QB's? Probably a few, but not many. Edit; Grbac pretty much sucked but I stand by my point. You'd be hard pressed to name multiple schools that produced multiple elite quarterbacks. It's a rather odd take to say Michigan QB's suck. You could make a case that a few have been busts.(Griese, Collins) Even they weren't total failures in the league.
  20. What puzzles me is that Bills message boards have always been majority negative and the reason is quite simple; the Bills have been bad for over 20 years. Why should I be encouraged now as opposed to then other than blind faith? Were people always so optimistic or is there something this regime is doing that gives you such hope? Honest question. I think it's perfectly reasonable to question the decision makers when there is nothing to show for the rebuild other than a 9-7 season followed by a 5/6-10/11 campaign.
  21. As someone alluded to, I don't remember seeing a 43 yard kick fall short in the NFL. He barely made the one PAT as well. Hauschka is absolutly playing hurt. No doubt in my mind. On the plus side, it makes wide right a tinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny bit more palatable. Imagine if Norwood had hit the bottom crossbar? Things can always be worse! Never forget that.
  22. So there IS some truth to these rumors that players are starting to turn Coach McDermott on? I'm officially concerned.
  23. Scoff now, but you'll be scraping like there's no tomorrow when McDermatology becomes a menacing sore on humanity.
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