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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Yeah. I'm aware that my opinion is pretty much universally accepted. He's 41 years old and clearly playing his worst ball. Where I differ slightly is that I think the decline could happen rapidly and that he could be a disaster in 2019. We shall see. If BB wins the SB this season, you may as well just close down the "best HC of all time" conversation for the next 50 years.
  2. Agreed but with every snap, every hit, every ding, every throw, it's only going to get worse. I'm a Michigan fan and not nearly as anti Brady as fellow Bills fans, but I feel strongly that he's very close to the finish line. I think we see a STEEP decline if he comes back in 2019. He's the best quarterback I've ever seen, but his time has come IMO.
  3. 5 sacks and 31 tackles with far fewer reps. We need an infusion of youth at the position and I'm not convinced Phillips can ball, but Kyle is still playing at a high level. I'd like to see him back not because he's a vet and a fan favorite, but because he's still a productive player. Will be interesting to see what they do this offseason with Williams and Alexander. As much as the Bills need to add young talent in the front 7, both players are still producing.
  4. People are free to use any word they choose as long as they're willing to deal with the consequences.
  5. I make a daily attempt to explain to those around me that love and hate are essentially interchangeable. It's an exercise in futility. It's my personal view that Trump would not be President without the obsession of the left. Their sole path to victory is emotional apathy and I don't think they're capable. It reminds me of people who say they "hate" the Kardashians but follow their every move. How can one not recognize that the fuel generated by hate is every bit as useful as that generated by adoration? At any rate, I follow "politics" much less closely these days. More into topical issues than soap operas and palace intrigue.
  6. I have no problem with people being kicked out for language as the events are sanctioned by the NFL and thus governed by their rules. I do have a problem with detention. That would indeed be a civil rights violation unless there was some kind of threat involved.
  7. Agreed. We always seem to win these meaningless games that could hurt our draft stock. Opponents suddenly start missing field goals, fumbles bounce our way. It's crazy really.
  8. He's from the U and his name is Roscoe. Do the math. Parrish was a fun player to watch when he had the ball in space. Overdrafted, but that's not his fault. TD sucked.
  9. Yep. We waited too long. Now we'll probably have to settle on a third for Shady.?
  10. The miscommunication was based on the fact that there are indeed Bills fans deluded enough to have taken you literally.
  11. THANK YOU!!! I'm skeptical as hell of the process, but they deserve next season to put it together. Not a Superbowl, but a SERIOUS run at the playoffs. First time GM/HC's should not be given longer than 3 years to build at least a playoff contender regardless of the teardown they initiated.
  12. I know Doc. I know. Was simply expounding on your sarcasm. Way to ruin it.?
  13. No surprise there. Same pride that made him the GOAT will prevent him from bowing out gracefully. It's going to get ugly for Brady.
  14. I get multiple negative responses every time I post anything REMOTELY critical of Josh. It certainly doesn't bother me as this is a message board and that's the point. It does seem as though people are hypersensitive regarding Allen. Really never seen anything like it in all my time as a Bills fan going back 30 years. Like I've said a thousand times; his play will ultimately determine his fate. I've seen good and I've seen bad and I'll continue to call it like I see it. I check my emotions at the door when I visit a message board. I prefer to get into diagnosis/player evaluation/analyticals, etc. I expend enough emotional energy during the 48 hours of actual game to last a year. Wouldn't mind extending that to 60 hours one of these years.
  15. No way he gets big money. Lawson has come around, but he's not a difference maker and never will be. Wonder if there's a team out there that sees "potential" in the former first round pick and would do something crazy like give us a 3rd. I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  16. Merry Christmas! I call em like I see em old top. Can't please some of the people all of the time as Yogi Berra may or may not have said.
  17. The Eagles drafted another young TE in 2018 so we've got all the leverage here. I'm thinking Clay for Ertz AND a 3rd. I've heard Clay is a complimentary player so I'm sure he's a good locker room guy heaping praise on his teammates. Might just be the vet presence they're missing.
  18. What happens next season if they go 7-9 or even 8-8? Beane stays and McDermott goes? Something tells me these guys are tied at the hip. It irks the hell out of me that two guys who've never done the job have more job security than GM's/Coaches in the league who've achieved serious success. I actually like McDermott more than I like Beane. Be a damn shame if McDermott were to get the ax because of Beane's blunders. Only in Buffalo is this acceptable.
  19. The Foster play was blown dead because there was a defender impeding his progress for a long enough period to blow the play dead. Edelman's progress was never impeded. It's really not complicated.
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