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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I watch some of the Cover 1 film and he's very rarely taking up 2 blockers. He's pretty much always locked in a Tecmo style stalemate with one guy. He doesn't get pushed back but also rarely pushes the pocket towards the offense. I'm just not a fan. Ted Washington was a "space eater" occupying two blockers, yet he also racked up tackles, TFL'S, and sacks. It just seems like some don't want to criticize anything Beane does. IMO, he whiffed on this particular signing. Not the end of the world.
  2. I'm sure Panthers boards are lighting up with Star threads. "You know what caused this team to go into a tailspin? The loss of Star Lotuleilei, that's what!"
  3. It seems like every week during the games, it's obvious Star is not contributing much and not really even some incredible space eater. As the week progresses, we revert back to the false narrative that he's doing a solid job because it means one less thing we need to address in the offseason. It was not a great contract or signing, but it is what it is. Hopefully we find a gem at DT in the draft because we're gonna need one.
  4. I could be wrong, but based on that map, only Rochester is getting the Browns/Ravens. Seems odd.
  5. Bengals Steelers. There's a weird little pocket in Rochester that's getting the Browns Ravens. Can't quite figure that one out.
  6. Oh yeah. You could tell he wanted to in that PC. Just giving him credit for not taking the bait......yet.
  7. That's why you never draft a QB because the "timing" is right. If there isn't a guy you like, sign a vet and wait til next year. By the way, Robert Woods is f'ing crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. All or nothing off season? What are you smoking? These fellers did a complete teardown. You doggone millennials and your french fry vending maching culture of "I gotta have it and I gotta have it now." Waaah! Next year is technically year one for Beane all things considered. If they're not producing by year 3 (2021), it's time to start considering a change. Until then, relax and enjoy the ride.
  9. I'm also a no but it's a shame. I remember him scorching the Bills a few years back in one the few games he started and finished. Guy has/had a ton of talent.
  10. I definitely think it's the right side. Try to catch 3.5 if you can. Doubt you'll ever get 3.
  11. I dig way too far into this stuff in terms of who would be willing to play for a small market/cold weather team. I love Buffalo, but there are players who would much rather play elsewhere. Just an unfortunate fact of life. Hadn't heard that particular bit about Jackson, but it doesn't surprise me. On the plus side, Tyrell Williams played at Oregon State so maybe he's down. The easiest way to get players to want to play here is to win which makes our draft picks that much more important. At the end of the day, money talks and we may have to overpay to make some strides this off season.
  12. I get the FEELING that Desean Jackson is not a guy who's gonna want to come to Buffalo and that he'll get similar offers elsewhere even if we're interested. Feelings are not facts, but that's my gut reaction. Shady would likely be the one thing we have going for us, and I'm not sure he's gonna be here next season. We shall see. I'd love this move from the Bills perspective. Deep threat who can catch. Perfect for our QB.
  13. In all fairness, people bash every offensive player not named Josh Allen to shreds. So lets not pretend like he's making fun of people for being "hopeful." If every offensive player sucks, it doesn't bode well for the future of the franchise.
  14. Looked it up and EJ ran a faster 40 than Allen! Crazy. I'm an analytics/numbers guy, but that's a huge win for the old school types who say testing doesn't matter. Rarely agree with them on much of anything, but they win this one. EJ looked slow as hell on the field. Everything he did was slow as a matter of fact. I like to see QB's doing things with some pace.
  15. You make solid points, but it's not really a simple decision. The organization is trying to get younger but both are still be productive. There's also a chance given their respective ages that we see a decline. I could see them keeping both, one, or neither. If I were GM, they'd both be back but it's not an easy call per se. Beane gets paid the big bucks to make the right call. In a perfect scenario, they add QUALITY youth and KW and Lorax still produce at the level they're producing now.
  16. Yep. Coaches may give you poor instruction/advice, etc. and that can put you at a psychological disadvantage. What a guy who's going to be a top NFL QB does with that instruction is chuck it out the window when the real bullets start flying. Just make plays the way you know how to make plays because nobody is going to argue with results. The X's and O's of football are extremely complex but some things are rather simple. In Manuel's case, it seems like "coachable" was a detriment. He tried too hard to play exactly the way he was told to play. That never works. You gotta do you.
  17. That list of FA's is pretty underwhelming. I wonder if that's the reason NFL franchise's don't typically gut their entire roster.
  18. Love the way he's able to adjust to balls that aren't perfectly placed. Definitely the kind of player a QB like Josh Allen needs.
  19. It's really tough if you never actually played. I played every major sport other than hockey but really only excelled at kickball. I was 2x All State as Pitcher in High School and rolled 7 consecutive no kickers in 1999. The Madden suggestion is probably a good one.
  20. How do you know Montana is a decent guy? This always puzzles me. For all I know, Brady is a decent guy and Montana is a jerk. We really don't KNOW these athletes like we think we do. Some of the personality stuff is media driven. Peyton Manning is considered a "great guy," but I've heard he's actually a POS and a swinger. Frankly, I don't know what's true and that's rather the point.
  21. Exactly what the poster alluding to his "throwing motion" was driving at. Whether it was confidence or advise from too many directions, he really started aiming the ball and that resulted in even poorer accuracy.(Yips if you will) I'm of the OPINION that the Bills didn't ruin Manuel and that no QB is ever truly "ruined" by circumstance. If Manuel had the fortitude to be a high quality NFL QB, he'd have been able to to block out all the external noise and just play football. It takes a special breed to play the most demanding position in sports and EJ wasn't one of the few.
  22. Edwards started doing this more and more towards the end as well. You will NEVER last at the position if you're getting your receivers blasted. The rule changes have mitigated this quite a bit, but it's a sign a QB doesn't have the awareness required and the receivers are gonna quickly turn on you. There's not much that statistically distinguishes Allen from Manuel as rookies if we're being honest. Manuel had a better rating, better TD/INT pctg, more yards per game, and less rushing yards. The hope is that with better personnel, Allen will make the leap that Manuel couldn't. Allen has far more talent and seems to play with an edge so we shall see. Towards the end of Manuel's time, it was clear he lacked confidence and that was a result of poor performances. Allen's gonna have to sustain some success to avoid that fate.
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