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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. That's fine. When was the last time we got lucky? The only bad loss this season was against the Jets. That's the kind of loss that was ROUTINE for many years under many different Bills Head Coach's. I don't include Houston. I never really felt like we were in control of that game. I'm certainly not a member of the Process fan club, but there's something to be said for winning 50/50 games. I'll bash him all day for mistakes so it's only fair to give him some credit for something.
  2. KW's decision to retire has really made this an easy call for Beane. I wouldn't have been opposed to re-signing both, but it would have given the FO something to think about. With the new direction of the team, do you really want to use two front 7 D roster spots on players 35+? Again, not saying I wouldn't want both back, but it would have been debatable. Everyone is focused on offense and rightfully so, but I'm really hoping they add a dynamic edge player either in FA'cy or the draft.
  3. Jason Sehorn famously wore long sleeves because he'd been dismissed as the white corner his entire career. Bias can work both ways, but to act like it doesn't exist is to bury one's head in the sand. It's much more implicit than explicit and I don't think any of the coach's fired had done a good job. Then again, Burleson didn't say they had done a good job either. I'll leave it at that.
  4. Shocking that virtually every respondent clearly didn't listen to Burleson's nuanced take. Like you just can't wait to play the race RACE card.
  5. There isn't a emoji positive enough for this post. The thread itself is going down the tubes.
  6. Harbaugh would probably be gone if not for Lamar Jackson. Little bit of a twist in Baltimore.
  7. I'll take the under. It seems like the talking heads are relevant only when they praise the Bills. Meh. Majority of them know nothing about the team. I'm much more interested in the data driven analysis from guys like Warren Sharp. To each their own.
  8. Nah, I'm good. I'll remain a Bills fan and not become a member of any individual player's fan club. You take care of yourself and have a great New Year's Eve!
  9. Yep. Anyone who's remained loyal to this franchise for 30+ years has issues.
  10. Brah, I've watched every Bills game for 30 years. My mood has been altered from week to week(in games that matter) for each and every one of those 30 years. Skepticism/critique does not equal hate. If it turns out that Josh Allen is not the answer, then the BILLS would be better served looking elsewhere. Based on his play, he's going to be here for awhile so the only real hope is that he IS the guy and that I've been wrong the entire time. Pretty damn sure I don't get a prize in the mail if Josh Allen fails. But you do you. I'll continue to support the BUFFALO BILLS.
  11. Lived in Delaware(30 minutes from Philly) for several years and always liked Andy Reid. Be nice to see him get a ring I guess.
  12. Lawson has improved quite a bit, but the board sentiment before the finale against Miami would have been different. I trust the FO to evaluate the entire season and make determinations based on the long term body of work. This Miami game was kind of like the first Jets game in that the Bills were facing a somewhat disinterested opponent.
  13. I still don't like his run schemes. Everyone blames the line and while they suck, you don't see a whole lot of well designed run plays either. Not sure how much of that is on Castillo or Daboll, but it's an area of concern.
  14. You're gonna dance in the streets because an offensive line coach is fired? Better be prepared for that 72 hour involuntary hold.? Happy New Year Bob!
  15. Didn't want to lose Pettine, but I probably overvalued him because he followed the train wreck Wannstedt defenses. Didn't want to lose Schwartz because he's one of the best DC's in football. Didn't want to lose Anthony Lynn because the guy has an incredible run scheme. I couldn't care less if someone gives Daboll or Frazier a HC job. Neither has proven to be exceptional. As a matter of fact, there's a solid chance better options are out there for OC and DC.
  16. Same. Only one road game truly far from Buffalo. We seem to struggle mightily when we travel west. Denver at home versus on the road makes a big difference. I remember a couple wins "recently" in Arizona and LA, but it mostly goes to hell. Dallas is not the best team we play, but it's the game I feel the worst about.
  17. Trading Wentz would go down as one of the biggest mistakes in the history of the NFL. The only way he's not a top 5 QB for a LONG time is injury. Nick Foles is like a VERY wealthy man's Ryan Fitzpatrick. Hard not to be impressed by his runs, but I don't want to go into a season with him as the guy. Every time he's been "the guy," he's eventually fitzled out. If the Eagles were to make this kind of move, they're clearly worried about Wentz's long term health.
  18. Now we're quibbling about the word tremendously? This is what makes it difficult to converse about JA. The ABB will jump out in full force if you make a comment that isn't full throated adoration. We're all impressed by his physical gifts and nobody can reasonably conclude that he isn't the long term answer. He's made every skeptic re-think their stance and it's quite possible the analytics guys got it wrong this time. However, the jury is very much out as to whether or not he'll improve enough upon his weaknesses to be a top tier QB. Notice I didn't say tremendously?
  19. I agree with this. There's zero chance Allen is a Locker like bust. Too competitive and too talented. The very WORST case scenario is a guy like Tannehill who sticks around but is never quite "good enough." He's going to be here for quite awhile. Considering my skepticism, it was my hope that he'd prove me wrong or completely bust so we could move on. Since the latter is out the door, all I can do is hope for continued growth. My confidence level went from 0 pre draft to 45 at this point in time.
  20. I don't know about this Lever fellow, but I guarantee he's better than Nate. Pretty sure he's clean.
  21. We're not getting Fournette on a one year prove it deal. He's still got a lot of value. At his age, there would be multiple teams vying for his services. If he were 28, suddenly these character issues would be much more serious and a full stop red flag. Just the way it is.
  22. I wasn't specifically referencing Bama or any SEC team. They tend to get the benefit of the doubt. The Central Florida's of the world have every incentive to win games by as large a margin as possible. Still does them no good, but that's another story.
  23. Computer models take things like point differential into account, so college teams have an incentive to "run up the score." Bama, however, could probably get a TD without trying.
  24. This isn't college where you get style points. Would have been bad form to do anything other than what they did. The game was over. Maybe you approach it different if Miami starts calling timeouts. They didn't.
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