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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. DC Orange is probably the most knowledgeable poster for those that ascribe to the theory of data/analytics.
  2. This is a 5 year plan. Should they falter next season, you have to understand it's really only year one of the rebuild.
  3. If he's there at 9, it would mean he got arrested between now and the draft. Definitely not a process player.
  4. I think there's a correlation between sacks/RZ defense. I remember far too many TD's in the back of the EZ where the QB had all day to throw. That's why I want an edge rusher. Theoretically, you could kick Edmunds outside and sign a middle linebacker, who are a dime a dozen. Kill two birds with one stone by improving the pass rush as well as the run defense.
  5. My hope is that this will ultimately be the difference between Allen and his boom/bust predecessors. Anecdotally, it would seem guys with such natural talent are unwilling to put in the work required to improve because they'd always gotten by on talent alone. Perhaps Allen's history of being overlooked by the likes of Fresno State separates him from the Jake Locker's who were handed everything before entering the NFL. It's really an oddity that someone so obviously gifted had to go the Juco/Wyoming route.
  6. It's gonna be Beto and it's not gonna be particularly close. The betting market knows all. Warren's time has come and gone.
  7. I get it. For me personally, there's no downside in having a strong negative opinion on Allen. If I'm wrong, that's good for the Bills, and ultimately more important than any opinion I spout on a message board. As a betting man, I'm perfectly used to being wrong. It happens all the time. I just want to be right 53 percent of the time.
  8. So you don't have ANY strong opinions about any of the draft prospects in 2019?
  9. This is why I'm adamantly opposed to taking a CB in round one. If there's one position McDermott and Beane can fill off the scrapheap, it's corner. I'm sure we'll add a guy or two, but I'm generally pleased with the stable of corners on the roster.
  10. But that's the thing. He really didn't put up big yardage numbers at Wyoming. I understand your point and have readily admitted that he's far better than I thought, but to dismiss the initial skepticism is to not understand it's origin.
  11. Many, many quarterbacks have come into this league with big time skills and pedestrian college numbers. There hasn't been a successful NFL QB since Brett Favre(30 YEARS AGO when passing numbers were much different) with a 56% collegiate completion percentage who panned out. Do you follow these trends or just take the wait and see approach? That is the origin of the skepticism. The new school data driven folks hated him as a prospect(many still do), but most have moved toward the middle based on the big time plays he's able to make that less talented guys simply cannot. His strengths are greater than anyone anticipated. It wasn't merely the first 6 games; he's your typical boom or bust QB and most of them are bust. These are just facts. So I can't understand how YOU can't understand what it is that made Josh Allen such a polarizing player. As I've stated, I'm much more open to the idea that the data driven folks missed the boat on Josh Allen than I was before the season.
  12. Yep. Thought he was a trash prospect and still did before the injury. Now I think he has a legitimate chance to be the guy. He's got an entire offseason to work on mechanics, footwork that will theoretically lead to slightly improved accuracy. Don't believe he'll ever be a pinpoint passer, but he does so many other things well that doesn't have to be. In order to be a top tier QB, he does, however, need to improve touch and recognition.
  13. Technically third considering Bosa and Allen will be gone, but it would be Ferrell. I can tell you who I DON'T like and that's Rashan Gary. I'm a Michigan fan so I've watched him all season. Just not particularly explosive and I don't see him as an impact player at the next level. Haven't watched many FSU games so I don't have any thoughts good or bad on Burns.
  14. Not a chance he'll be available unfortunately. That was my guy.
  15. Looks to me like a technician who'll hold up pretty well in pass pro. I don't think he's gonna be a particularly good run blocker and I'd rather take someone like Little who has the ability to smash DE's into submission. That's what I loved about having an LT like Cordy Glenn.
  16. Maybe. The mocks are all over the place regarding the WR's and it seems like there's gonna be quite a few available in rounds 2-4. I'd rather take Little at 9 if he's available. Not a big Jonah Williams fan. Don't see Greedy Williams lasting that long and it was purely hypothetical.
  17. Agreed. I doubt Greedy lasts until 9 anways, so there's that. If he did, I'd just hope somebody in the teens would be all over it and we'd swing a deal.
  18. What's with all the p***ing matches started by Johnny Come Lately posters?
  19. A Superbowl the Bills are involved in? I think there's an easy answer to that question.
  20. Bad loss meaning typical Bills choke loss. The blowouts are a major concern. You seem to have me confused with someone who buys into the process crap. I'm simply pointing out ONE positive aspect of McDermott's 2 years in Buffalo.
  21. Is Trowbridge related to McKittrick? I think he's trying to say he's gonna seal the Bills fate with 2 catches for 3 yards.
  22. Would not personally be a fan of a CB in the top 10. McDermott seems to find guys that can play corner off the scrapheap and we've already got one good/borderline elite player at the position. Also, the best way to stop the top quarterbacks is by getting in their face on a consistent basis. Much rather identify a disruptive defensive lineman.
  23. It's hard for me to understand how people watched this defense all season and don't recognize DL as an area of need. I'm not really concerned with corner and we can find an adequate MLB in FA'cy. They're always available. They can allocate all other resources to offense, but they damn well better find a difference maker at DL or the defense will have the same issues it had in 2018. Yes, they had some issues.
  24. Cooper is 24 years old and the Cowboys were desperate to salvage their season. Big difference. I think Brown's price is probably a 2nd if the Steelers are hellbent on dealing him.
  25. Then they should have no problem making the playoffs next season. That's good news!
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