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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I wouldn't feel great if I were a Chargers fan. Missed opportunities to really put a stamp on this game. I don't know that they feel comfortable with the protection. They're likely to play it safe unless Baltimore scores some points.
  2. This is what a DOMINANT defense looks like. We're a few pieces away.
  3. Rivers always looks a little less confident in playoff games. This is a great defense he's up against, but he's only got a few more cracks at this thing. If he can't get it done, he'll forever go down as a playoff choker. Just how it goes.
  4. I think the venue itself is somewhat overstated in this thread. It's a factor, but not a major factor. Coach, GM, region, quality of life, money. All much more important than the stadium.
  5. Nelson might have been the best pick in the 2018 draft. Transformed that OL.
  6. Not saying the Chargers won't win. Just tend to look at things from a betting perspective and the public is all over San Diego while the "sharps" are on Baltimore. Not betting 5K either way!
  7. Everybody in the world is on San Diego. Usually not a good sign.
  8. Don't really have a rooting interest, but I'm gonna bet on the Colts. Seem like a team built for a playoff run.
  9. I can't help but think how asinine I found the thread posing the question as to whether or not he could be a #1. Amazing find by Beane and Daboll. Kid deserves all the praise in the world. Must have enormous confidence considering he was so unproductive at Alabama and needed to be humbled by the demotion. That kind of confidence and belief is necessary to thrive at the professional level.
  10. That whole thing jaded me at a relatively young age(late teens, early 20's). I fully believed there was a master plan that would result in sustained success. Tom Donahoe was going to bring the Steelers toughness and fantastic drafts. Gregg Williams and his disciplined approach were perfect for Buffalo. He wouldn't allow us to be snake bitten like the Bills were against his Titans. Even the 3-13 season was but a mere, necessary stepping stone to greatness. Due to that experience, I'm skeptical of this particular tear down. I see reasons for optimism and they've (hopefully) found their QB, but my belief will come when I see results.
  11. Buffalo will likely never be a popular free agent destination. Winning will make it slightly more appealing, but even Green Bay has trouble attracting the top guys. That's what makes the draft so important. If you look at a place like Pittsburgh which isn't all that different from Buffalo, they've figured this out and dedicated a great deal of time and effort into getting that right. We MUST draft well. That's the bottom line.
  12. The pass rush was pretty dominant in 2014 with 40 combined sacks from the 4 starting defensive lineman(M.Williams, Hughes, Dareus, K. Williams). You'd have thought that would be the perfect recipe to stop Brady, but Bills/Patriots.
  13. So I assume you thought it was pathetic when Carpenter and Hauscka's wives' chimed in on social media, correct?
  14. How often do you hear Carson referred to as "Jordan's brother?" That being said, Carson Palmer seems relatively no nonsense and I take his words to be sincere.
  15. IMO, Jordan can be a decent situational 3T, but I wouldn't want to rely on him over the course of a season. Harry has not shown to be explosive enough off the ball to play the position. It's a need.
  16. Right. The regime is 15-17. We all understand they tore it down to the ground, but I'm old enough to remember the Tom Donahoe tear down. That didn't end well. I feel like it's entirely fair to question the direction of the team at this point. There is reason for optimism, but the dismissive nature of anything REMOTELY critical is something I've never really experienced. All we can do is hope. Unwavering support is warranted when we start seeing RESULTS.
  17. When you consider we've recently landed Taron Johnson and Matt Milano in rounds 4 and 5, it wouldn't be the end of the world to have missed on Phillips. I don't think he's gonna cut it. As you stated, he doesn't appear to be strong enough as a 1t nor quick enough as a 3t. I don't really care if it's an interior or edge player, but we need to land a pass rusher this offseason. I really like the kid Ferrell from Clemson and with so many top tier defensive lineman in this draft, could easily see him falling to 9 and being the pick.
  18. It's really getting rough around here to have anything but a glowing take on all things this regime does. Whatever they're drinking, I'll have 3! Wish I had that kind of unbridled Billy Mumford like enthusiasm.
  19. So we're just gonna pretend like the game isn't SUNDAY? The Bears are 6 point favorites. Nothing crazy about it. We'll see how Nagy and Trubiksy handle the playoff pressure. Doug P and Foles handled it pretty well last year if I recall correctly.
  20. I'm encourage by much of what's going on at OBD, but as the OP stated, we need to see RESULTS next season. That means a minimum of 9-7 IMO or it's gonna start to feel eerily similar to Tom Donahoe's rebuild that lead nowhere.
  21. No way. One of the things I like about Allen is his cockiness. He's obviously a **** talker on the field despite his choir boy persona. Defense's hate this kid and that's a good thing. Just odd that some guys get praise for brashness while others get scorn.
  22. Probably intercept every pass thrown his way and either return it for a TD himself or throw a perfect lateral that results in a TD provided the guy he throws it to doesn't screw it up.
  23. I actually looked it up and he had 5 games with negative yardage, so it wasn't one play like that. I think that would still be a sack or just a fumble recovery. He must have run out of bounds behind the LOS a bunch. Just found it odd. Definitely not a runner that Mullens fella.
  24. Are there any names being bandied about? I honestly don't much care about receivers or ST coach, but this is a huge position and we need to get it right.
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