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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. First; it's actually the way I "feel." I simply don't have any negative emotions about the Patriots or any team. They're irrelevant in terms of "passion." If the Bills, Michigan, or sorry Detroit Tigers aren't involved, I'm just observing competition. Secondarily; you want to really piss off a Patriots/Ohio State/Indians fan? Show antipathy towards their respective team. Nothing infuriates an opposing fan like dismissal. I'll root passionately against the Patriots when they're playing the Bills. And yes, as a casual observer, it's impossible to ignore their achievements.
  2. All major religions, if taken literally, are incompatible with Western civilization. The problem with Muslims is that they actually adhere to the principles of their antiquated literature. Christians have found a way to compartmentalize and that is to be lauded.
  3. Ferrell stole Williams lunch money when they were lined up one on one. I think Williams slides down to the bottom portion of round 1 when it's all said and done. He's definitely not a left tackle. Could very well be an all pro center, but that uncertainly will diminish his stock.
  4. That would be so fitting. Could also see Luck having some injury issues and Lawrence winding up in Indy. (Definitely don't want to see any QB lose their livelihood.) Lawrence better get himself one hell of an insurance policy. Kind of an odd situation he's in. Already reached the apex at the collegiate level as a freshman. I'm sure he'd like to be an all time college great, but we're ALL about money at some point. Gotta wait 2 years to get paid.
  5. The crazy thing for Clemson is that Lawrence would be the clear cut #1 overall pick in this draft and Ross would likely go top 5. Both freshman! I'm beating a dead horse here, but I'm all about Clenin Ferrell. Not sure if he's gonna be there at 9 considering the shine a good performance in the NC game gives a player.
  6. Makes sense, but Smith and Tyrod(who I still like) on one team? I hope their WR's can block.
  7. Not sure about the Redskins cap situation, but it's hard to imagine they're gonna be able to absorb a big QB contract unless Smith retires.
  8. Ha. Well, he was markedly worse in 2017 and 2018 than he was in his second year in 2016. I was responding specifically to a comment regarding that 2016 season. But nice catch.
  9. Naaaaaa. Harrison Smith is most definitely not a brother. As to the topic, I like this kid. There are players who I like more, but I didn't watch much UMASS football. Didn't even know they were independent. Thought they were AAC. Who the heck do they think they are anyways?
  10. DRAFT CLENIN FERRELL. This guy could change the complexion of our defense. Those are the plays in the redzone where a stud defensive lineman steps up and makes a play. He's stealing the lunch money of that vaunted Bama OL.
  11. Pretty sure this fella is not white. Reminds me of the Seinfeld where Elaine was dating a guy who's race was ambiguous.
  12. Ferrell was already my guy before this game. Hope he's there at 9.
  13. I just sent a DM request on Twitter and crickets! Bye bye Tre!
  14. Thank God. That schtick is like 2 years past it's prime. Enough already. It's freaking carbonated flavored water.
  15. At least we have the National Championship game tonight.
  16. And hello mediocrity. This whole Foles thing is not sustainable. He looked like trash in the preseason, threw for 117 in the season opener, and lost to the Bucs in week 2. Ride the hot hand but don't ever ignore the entire body of work.
  17. If we're talking 2nd/3rd/4th round receivers, look out for Tyre Brady from Marshall as well. Dude has the STRONGEST hands in the draft. Plucks balls slightly off target or FIRED with ease. Not the most athletic guy in the world, but he would be an ideal receiver for Allen. Credit to DCOrange for highlighting him in a different forum.
  18. I'm on record as stating there's not a snowball's chance in hell they move Wentz, but I found it interesting that Foles is only 3 years older than Wentz. Still....no. The salary cap alone makes it virtually impossible. They would have to move heaven and earth to choose Foles over Wentz and it ain't gonna happen.
  19. There's no such thing as garbage time if you're a degenerate gambler! I can always count on Stat Padford to come through on the +20.5 when the Lions are down 24.
  20. Mariota is actually regressing based on all statistical metrics. He was slightly better in 2018 than 2017, but I take your point regarding the lack of results. Based on the few Titans games I watched, it seemed as though his playcalling was solid all things considered. Should have beaten us if not for an inexplicable drop on a PERFECT call. Time will tell. I'm not a fan of MM at all, so that probably skews my judgement a tad.
  21. Jim Kelly scored a 15 on the Wonderlic, but I'm pretty sure even Jimbo could tell you that the Ravens started winning when Jackson replaced Flacco.
  22. Pretty sure it was Levy. Incorrect. Twas the great Russell Brandon.
  23. I think this is a great hire. Big fan of his concepts. That Titans offense is hamstrung by a mediocre(at best) QB. He went run heavy because he couldn't trust Mariota. Mike Vrabel looks like a hell of a coach as well, but if the FO doesn't let him get a QB, MM will ruin his chances.
  24. Same. Never quite understood the passion to see another team fail in the playoffs while the Bills are sitting at home. I'm also a Michigan fan and don't give a bleep about Ohio State. If the team I root for is not involved, I really don't care either way.
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