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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. That's a dangerous word! I'll take the Rams -7, Eagles +8, Chargers +4, Chiefs -5.5.
  2. Clenin Ferrell should be the target at 9. Josh Allen will not be there barring something crazy occurring.
  3. Saw him on the cover of TigerBeat a couple times. Seems like a nice enough kid. Not sure about his ability to coach a football team.
  4. Roman was one of the better OC's we've had in Buffalo. Seems like a good fit for Baltimore. I think they're gonna be a really tough team next season. With virtually every team going finesse, they're going old school. What they've done is assembled the proper personnel/coaching staff to play smashmouth defense AND offense. Not an easy task. Not sure if you can win a SB like that anymore, but that's clearly their MO.
  5. No intention of throwing shade at you personally. Also, I didn't know much about Mahomes pre draft and was skeptical about an Air Raid QB, but I'm not an NFL GM. This will likely pop up from time to time considering the Bills traded the pick that was ultimately used on Mahomes. A) Allen can end this debate by playing well. If we end up with a good quarterback, it won't be a big deal. B) This thread would have already died if it weren't for people needlessly bashing Mahomes.
  6. I don't know why it's such a concern. There is high confidence in Beane and Daboll on TBD. Seems like they'll put Allen in a great spot to succeed and all this will just be something to chuckle about in the future.
  7. Who told you that? In 20 years as a head coach, the highest TD total a QB has ever produced under Reid is 32. Alex Smith was averaging 20 in KC. Mahomes dropped 52!! It's gonna be a long 15 years if you guys don't let this Mahomes thing go.
  8. Sounds like you're betting against Mahomes remaining a top tier QB. Probably a losing wager. The only QB's to have EVER had the type of season Mahomes had are the best of the best. That's a pretty good indication of things to come.
  9. Good post. If the Bills could go back in time, they would have(hopefully) taken Mahomes. It's silly to bend oneself into knots trying to bash the kid just because we passed. It was an odd situation with the lame duck GM/new HC/etc. It really can't be healthy to try to convince yourself that what you see isn't true. And once again; if Allen is the real deal, NONE OF THIS WILL MATTER. Nobody in their right mind is going to say, "gee Allen threw for 34 TD's and the Bills went 11-5, but Mahomes threw for 40 TD'S and the Chiefs went 12-4. We really screwed up." This conversation will die when Allen proves he's a franchise QB.
  10. I still want to know who the heck this Mahommes guy is. Is he a free agent/draft prospect/potential OL coach? At any rate, hard pass. Sounds like he's really overrated based on what I've seen in this thread.
  11. I really don't want to bash Allen because I saw more good than I expected, but some of the mental gymnastics regarding Mahomes are over the top. Allen has every chance in the world to make this a moot point next season. Comparing the two right now is silly. I would make that trade in a second because I'll take performance over potential. Allen could light it up next year with improved "weapons." However, you absolutely give up two promising young defensive players to swap an unproven QB for an MVP candidate. To each their own.
  12. Naah. The average Joe's are taking the Colts. They may be right. They may be wrong. But I work in a sportsbook and can tell you firsthand most people are taking the Colts.
  13. I think he would have had a "good" season with the 2018 Bills. He's an elite QB who will be the league MVP. Let's put it another way. Do you think Drew Brees would have had a "good" season with the 2018 Bills? If you answer yes to Brees and no to Mahomes, you're essentially discounting Mahomes as a player. That's fine, but at least try to keep the argument in perspective. Nobody is saying Mahomes would have been as good with the Bills as he was in KC. I'm saying he likely would have had a "good" season.
  14. It sounds like you're saying Mahomes would not have been a good QB for the Bills in 2018. That was precisely what another poster said NOBODY was saying. The thing that NOBODY is saying is that he'd put up 50 TD's and be the league MVP with the 2018 Bills. My guess is he would have played pretty well as he's already established himself as an elite QB.
  15. Does that explain why he DOUBLED Alex Smith's TD production with those very same weapons? Didn't think so.
  16. Word on the street is Elway is all in on Lock and strongly considering him at 10. If I were the Broncos, I would just get the word out everywhere that Lock is Elway's guy. His draft stock will plummet and they can scoop him up in the 3rd.
  17. You strike me as a glass half full kinda guy.
  18. Strange indeed. Like a woman taking your recommendation on whom to date after she dumps you.
  19. Exactly. The truly great QB's elevate those around them. The implication is that he would be a bum with Buffalo's supporting cast, which I dismiss entirely. The guy is going to be the freaking MVP of the league. This is not to cast aspersions on Allen, but he's not in the same league as Mahomes AT THIS POINT, supporting cast notwithstanding.
  20. Also Rodgers isn't really annoying in the commercials. It's the "intentionally" annoying guy who's supposed to be funny but is actually just annoying.
  21. I'm always surprised when someone chooses football over baseball all things being relatively equal. Baseball players have it made in the shade. As to the topic, I put the odds of Rosen being traded at .05 and the odds of Murray going number 1 at .01. Prominent name that comes to mind as a Michigan fan is Drew Henson; the guy Lloyd Carr kept trying to start over Tom Brady! Chose baseball over football despite the fact that he was a likely first round NFL QB. Turns out he sucked at both.
  22. Was always a big Bradham guy as well. I don't think the Bills prioritized him and it made sense he followed Schwartz to Philly. Thanks Wrecks. Damn. I just checked out his contract and he got a 5 year/40 mil deal from the Eagles. Didn't recall him getting that kind of paper.
  23. Count me as someone who wasn't enamored with Mahomes pre draft. Didn't trust Air Raid QB's and didn't see him play enough to form an opinion. The NFL results speak for themselves.
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