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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I'll quibble with the idea that they're off the hook if they don't spend big. If Allen doesn't have a strong season, it doesn't really matter if they spent to the cap or not. No available free agents at positions of need? Well, they should have had the foresight to see that coming and allocated resources to players not named Star and Murphy. I really don't think 9-7 is too much to ask in the 3rd season. This is teetering on a GUARANTEED five years which seems insane.
  2. Yeah. It's strange. The defensive failure was ironically Rex's undoing in Buffalo. If only we had Rex's offense and Schwartz's D!!!
  3. What in the world does Rochester have to do with Jamaeious Winston? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, don't necessarily believe you have inside info, notice you've only posted 16 times, yet remain intrigued.
  4. The way I look at it, 9-7 I keep them for sure. 8-8 with improvement would probably be fine. Anything less and there's good reason to believe they're not gonna get it done. But I understand the point regarding Pegula. He seems hellbent on giving them time. That could change if we keep seeing blowouts and little improvement next season. Nothing is set in stone.
  5. I like the Chiefs in a blowout, but ML is the way to go if you like the Colts. If it's a close game, I think the Colts end up winning. Wasting money to take the points. We shall see.
  6. Sign him! Wait, who is he? And I've been throwing out Maxx Williams name quite a bit. He's on the outs with the drafting of Hayden Hurst and I don't think he's reached his potential in Baltimore. He wouldn't be the ultimate solution at the position, but he'd be nice depth. We likely have to add multiple guys anyway. If we can sign two fullbacks, we can sure as hell pick up two tight ends. The draft is the likeliest place to find "the guy." Probably don't have to give out much in the way of guaranteed money to a guy like Maxx Williams, so let Croom and the rest of em fight it out in camp.
  7. She was undoubtedly calling Trump a racist, so there's that. And to edit a previous post, I misspelled Thomas HADEN Church while positing that I couldn't spell Antonio's name. But Wings is still vastly underrated!
  8. I take it to mean not having people COME HERE, especially since we're talking about a wall. But I'll cede. It is what it is.
  9. The final quote where she said "shutting down every form of legal immigration." In the context of building a wall, the implication is that Trump wants to keep brown people out. It's a reach to state that she said Trump's goal is to eliminate people of color. I was nitpicking the tweet because it seems hyperbolic, especially whilst questioning someone else's veracity. Everyone will view things through their own lens so it is what it is. I don't swing by this way much anymore, but this is blasphemy. Lowell(Thomas Hayden Church) and Antonio(dude from Monk who's name I can never spell) were two of the greatest TV characters of all time. Period.
  10. Nebulous sexual assault allegations in 2003 as an assistant at CU. No charges were filed and many people claim the allegations were frivolous. Who knows?
  11. I get what you're saying, but the thesis isn't team specific. The article is more about probability and statistics than it is about football. As you stated, every team has a unique set of circumstances.
  12. Yep Yep. Goes hand in hand with the concept that you're screwed once you get to 3rd down.
  13. So a one game improvement with the QB in place and this 90 mil in cap space and 10 draft picks I keep hearing about is good enough? Not for me it isn't. Anything less than 500 will be a huge disappointment and should probably be the end of McBeane.
  14. Yeah. I have a different opinion. I think the great QB's elevate the players around them; even this rag tag bunch. I believe Aaron Rodgers, Pat Mahomes, or Drew Brees would have had "good," not great seasons for the 2018 Bills. Since all we talk about is Allen/Mahomes, maybe Mahomes would not have fared well as a ROOKIE with the 2018 Bills.
  15. Same time results matter for Daboll? Just sayin.....
  16. Yeah. Definitely would not be surprised to see him end up there as a backup and I understood what you meant. My post wasn't very clear about that. Also must have a good relationship with Harbaugh as they kept him around as Flacco's primary BU for four years. Best landing spot for Tyrod for sure.
  17. I like Gentry's upside, but he never really seemed to make plays. Screwed up in the OSU game bigtime. I think he's got some potential, but I wouldn't go any higher than a 5th. I'd be more inclined to draft an athletic TE like Smith or Wilson and sign a guy like Maxxxxx Williams in FA'cy.
  18. I'm not a fan of Cousins, but it doesn't look like any of the QB's they got rid of would have been any better. Bradford is toast. Keenum was trash. Bridgewater seems like damaged goods. The only one you could make a case for is Bridgewater, but they were in win now mode. It didn't work out, but I understand their rationale. Keenum is who we thought he was, so they let him off the hook.
  19. Haha. Like WTF? This guy gets more play than David Dennison. I just don't get it. Imagine someone pounding on the table; "GET ME RICK DENNISON OR I'M OUTTA HERE!"
  20. You know what? Naaaaaah. I like Tyrod, but his starting days are over. I will say he wouldn't have given the ball up like LJ!
  21. I listened. Nowhere did I hear anything about eliminating all people of color. I heard a clear implication from the lady that Trump wants to build the wall in order to stop the brown's from expanding their population. Just noting that the tweet itself was hyperbole, which isn't particularly effective when you're challenging someone's veracity. No big deal. I'm not a fan of intellectual dishonesty from either side of the political spectrum, but some things will NEVER change. It's human nature to spin in order to suit a narrative. As you noted, whatsherface on Hayes show also bent the truth regarding the previous wall deal.
  22. Didn't like the run scheme (poor OL personnel notwithstanding), but hopefully that was on Castillo. As to the situational playcalling, the one that sticks in my craw was the gadget play on 3rd and 4 against the Jets. Everything "normal" was clicking on offense. You pull those shenanigans on 1st or 2nd down IMO. Looking back on that game, it was a pretty significant turning point. Did seem to improve as the season progressed, but I'm far from sold.
  23. That tweet is a bit hyperbolic. The congresswoman said nothing of eliminating all people of color from America. It's fair to say she implied that Trump's goal was to keep out as many brown folks as possible. Not quite sure why this Starbuck character felt the need to stretch the truth in order to make a point. It's an especially bad look when you're calling someone out for lying.
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