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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Factually true. He's not capable of putting up the rushing yards that Allen puts up, but people definitely talk about his athleticism. The important thing is to use that athleticism to buy time and find your targets as opposed to tucking and running. I'd be pretty discouraged if Allen was running for even 40 yards a game next season. Not a good long term approach. Ideally, you use that athleticism like Rodgers/Mahomes/Wilson more in the passing game than actually taking off.
  2. Exactly. The number of current Bills in the playoffs in going to be zero because we came up short. You could say the same about the Jets or Fins. If you don't make the playoffs and there is even one former player on any of the remaining teams, that statement will hold true.
  3. You'd have to think it's going to be Lafluer's offense so I would assume they're expecting Hackett to be an assistant in the traditional sense of the word.
  4. Yeah. Wasn't even aware of their GM situation. Doubt he's willing to admit to such a mistake even if Kingsbury isn't sold. Don't see it happening unless Kingsbury hates Rosen/loves one of the prospects and the owner has stripped the GM of all his power, which would be odd. Then again, we hired a coach and THEN fired the GM, so who knows?
  5. If Kingsbury is convinced Rosen isn't the answer and Murray or Haskins will be great, why not pull the trigger? He who hesitates.....
  6. What if, as expected by oddsmakers, they lose this weekend to a first year starting quarterback and come back next year? Again, why not us?
  7. But if you're wrong and Allen is the real deal and Beane knows how to build a competent offense, why can't it be us? The same people who believe in the regime are telling me it can't be done. I have higher expectations I suppose.
  8. If I'm to believe Josh Allen is the real deal and Beane knows how to build an offense, why can't we get it done?
  9. They're underdogs this weekend against a first year starting QB. Thank you! It's like saying the contractor who comes in and says he needs to tear everything down but requires several months in order to get the job done is ballsy. Nahh. The contractor who comes in and says he can do x,y, and z and have the project completed in a timely manner is ballsy. Time will tell if they know what they're doing, but they took the safe route IMO.
  10. What's funny is that I feel like quite a few Bills fans will be rooting for the Patriots this weekend. Not only do I want the Chiefs to win, I expect them to win. NE is 3-5 on the road this season and has looked very different away from Foxborough. This is Andy's year.
  11. Nah. Had they just come in and tweaked the roster and drafted a QB, the expectations would be higher. Their seats would already be burning after a collective 15-17 record over 2 years. As it stands, they seem to have at least two more years to get it right. There'd be absolutely no reason Pegs couldn't just fire them after year 2 or 3 if they didn't get it done. It happens all over the league and teams have no trouble finding coaches. Maybe you get a bad rap if you're constantly firing guys after 1 year, but that's not what we're talking about. They definitely played it safe as it pertains to career longeivity.
  12. Yep. Kinda like what Bills fans did to Doug Whaley when Pegula threw him to the wolves in that presser.
  13. Clay had over 500 yards receiving 3 straight season prior to 2018. What happened? I would have no problem keeping him around as depth, but not Shady. Loved McCoy, but when it's over for a RB, it happens quickly. It's over. I wouldn't be surprised to see Clay have a solid season elsewhere if we cut him loose. Shady, not so much.
  14. I don't think I've ever watched an awards show in my life. Not my thing.
  15. Yep. The Bears definitely made a poor choice. The Bills were not the only team to make a poor choice. But they DID make that poor choice.
  16. No disagreement. The Bills related issue I'm having at the moment is that people are ALREADY creating excuses for 2019. I'm sick and tired of excuses and hope and I don't understand this blind allegiance to a couple of guys who really haven't proven jack squat. They don't have to win the Superbowl, but a HC going into his third season with a 15-17 record damn well better be ready to provide some results. I think the reason many of the cynics are becoming even more suspicious is the ready made excuses seeping in for next season. I don't know. I guess I'm weird because I expect the Bills to be among the 35% of teams to be playing in the postseason in a regime's third season. I expect them to be competitive and even eek out a win at home against the top dog in year three. I expect them to be well ahead of the Jets and the Dolphins who have just fired their HC's. Like I said, it's probably just a personal problem. How come it's fair game to bring up the 7 previous head coach's who didn't squeak into the playoffs when it's not fair to associate the current regime with 20 years of futility? The past is irrelevant. If these guys are not the answer, you move on. If they make a significant step forward next season, everyone can have a good chuckle at the expense of the naysayers.
  17. What in the world? So because they squeaked into the playoffs in year 1, that gets them three extra lives like in a video game? I don't buy it. And since we're at it, this team has won close games under McDermott and I've given him credit for that. HOWEVER, every single time they fall down by a few scores, there's a whole lot of quit which leads to the inordinate number of blowouts. Everyone blamed Tyrod in year 1. Year two, Allen is a rookie I suppose. There is absolutely no excuse for multiple blowouts next season. It's alarming and needs to change ASAP.
  18. This whole mentor schtick always reminds me of the Seinfeld where Costanza took on a protege. It's ridiculously overrated. As you said, what the hell is the point of position coach's if we need a team full of mentors? May as well hire a player coach while we're at it. Worked out so well for the Cincinnati Reds.
  19. I completely disagree with this assessment. By selling a complete rebuild to ownership, they've essentially bought themselves time. Nothing ballsy about it. Ballsy is coming in and saying we're gonna get this thing done quickly and this is how.
  20. Story of my life. I was the ultimate optimist in my early 20's. I'd make these people look like harsh cynics. Not quite sure how fans 35+ years old remain all hopey changy.
  21. I think many of us are thinking about this in a regime specific way. It wouldn't be ideal to go 10-6 and get bounced in the first round, but it would certainly be enough to warrant hope for the future and continuity with the FO/Coaching staff. Anything less than 9 wins and the ownership should seriously consider the direction of the team.
  22. Height seems to be less and less of an issue for QB's that are able to move around the pocket and buy time before release. This isn't the 3/5 step drop and chuck it up to your first read league anymore. The one that's on sale Doc. Always the right answer.
  23. There's really nothing wrong with splashy signings if they play well. The problem with Whaley was the same problem we've had for 20 years. No franchise quarterback. Now we've got the guy who's supposed to be the answer and there's built in excuses for his performance because we don't have enough talent. That's what makes this offseason make or break. They either make the necessary moves to field a competitive team and the QB performs well with the improved talent or it should be time to move on. Handing out 10 mil a year to a DT who doesn't make plays is a big signing with little flash. They need to do better than that.
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