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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I would be furious if the Bills took Gary. Total reach at 9. I'm all about pass rushers/defensive lineman who PRODUCE.
  2. WR Tyre Brady from Marshall. Outstanding catch radius and hands. Likely a 4th rounder because he's not a workout warrior.
  3. I mean that's kind of my point. Wanny was pretty much his last shot to pick a DC and he failed miserably. Had he been able to find a legit DC, things could have gone differently in year 3. Water under the gate, but I have a lot of respect for Gailey. He deserved to be fired, but he's a class act all the way.
  4. I stand corrected. Didn't remember him doing much for Buffalo in the mid 90's. Good for him(I guess).
  5. In all fairness, hasn't the criticism been warranted? We haven't won a damn thing in 20 years.
  6. I became a big time DE/pass rush guy after watching Chris Kelsay and Brian Dennehy playing a prominent role. They both seemed to occasionally get pressure but never get the sack. I want killers(football) playing defensive end. Play angry. Kyle Williams played angry.
  7. Sure did. It was all downhill from there, but a fleeting moment of joy during this horribly futile era of Bills football.
  8. Awesome game. David Nelson seemed to fire up the team. Got a break when FredEx didn't get the TD because I know damn well what would have happened if we gave the ball back to Brady.
  9. Could be. The rumors about Lock seem to have some merit, but we'll see. Lot's of smokescreens this time of year. It would be great if a couple of these QB's fly up the board.
  10. No injury. If he walks away on his own or because of injury, HE WINS. You never see him lose it on the field and just fail. I don't believe he's got much left in the tank, but who the hell knows with him. I certainly expect the temperature tomorrow to affect a 41 year old more than a 24 year old. Could be a real changing of the guard.
  11. Dave Wannestadt was Gailey's undoing in Buffalo. I wonder what those teams would have been like with Jim Schwartz. Wanny was the worst defensive coordinator I've ever seen and that's saying something. Defense would never make adjustments, never blitz, rarely even played nickel. Just the worst.
  12. Like seemingly all middling Bills players, he ended up with the Raiders.
  13. Rumor is that Elway is high on Lock so you can pretty much just assume he'll bust.
  14. Couldn't agree anymore with those saying Bruce Smith. He's the best player in the history of the franchise. You have to think about the big picture and not get lost in the current state of the team. It just so happens that we have a pending need for pass rushers and that is the most important defensive position.
  15. Eric Moulds for the majority of his career. He'd be a Hall of Famer if he had consistency at the QB position.
  16. He was a dlineman for the Bills in the mid 90's. Never amounted to much in the NFL.
  17. He's not book smart, but he's not "dumb." That's how I view him. Maybe even stupid, but not dumb.
  18. I will remember all of my lingering doubts and be ecstatic to have been wrong.
  19. Really hoping Ferrell slides because of all the other defensive lineman going early. Hope somebody makes a jump for a QB, etc. There's no chance Josh Allen slides to 9, but Ferrell, maybe.
  20. Not to veer too deep off topic, but I feel like Maher is one of the few on his(my) side of the aisle and tells it like it is. Haven't watched it yet, but I'm guessing the weed thing will be a huge part of discussion.
  21. Whoever it was could have easy offset the fine by never paying for a meal/drink in Buffalo again.
  22. For sure, but that makes more sense at the track itself. We were a sportsbook and the race handle was not great/very sporadic. No way to allocate enough time for a writer(glorified cashier) to educate. And no matter how hard I'd try to steer them in the direction of "take a horse to win," they'd glance at the screen and want to know what the hell a .10 superbox was or why the show price was so sh***y. Drunk as hell but wanna know how to do a tri-key! Wouldn't have been a big deal, but I had people breathing down my neck because the Kentucky game was about to start. Good times, but I digress.
  23. I would say our edge pass rush wasn't particularly good in 2018 and it's only going to get worse unless we address the issue. Hughes is getting up there and is an impending FA(as you said). Shaq is not a great pass rusher. Lorax is just about done. I'd like to double down on the sentiment that pass rush is likely a much greater priority than fans would think. It also happens to be most important aspect of a defense in this football era. The only way to contain the top QB's is by getting in their mug all day. Ferrell please!
  24. Horse racing man. Spot on. I worked at a sportsbook in Vegas for 10 years recently and it was almost startling to see someone in their 20's/early 30's playing the pony's. The young people that did were the worst because they had no idea what they were doing and trying to explain horse racing to a drunk 25 year old is like....well it's like something that sucks.
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