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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I think people enjoy riding that high horse as opposed to dealing with facts or nuance. Like a hero complex. He was shooing away a drunk woman and DID unnecessarily make contact with her. Banished for life I tell ya! He should never work again!
  2. Oh, I fully believe Hall was not their first choice. Just rather not deal with semantics and points were made that lead me to believe my initial assumption could in fact be wrong. I'm always open to differing perspectives and they occasionally sway me to a certain extent. I BELIEVE he was not their first choice, but since we'll never know, it's misguided to characterize it as fact.
  3. I'd be fine with it. Not a big fan of writing guys off. Bonus; he'd help the football team. I didn't find the video particularly egregious. Charges were warranted yet not pursued, but it was a forgivable offense IMO. If Nagy wants him, the Bills should probably want him too.
  4. AJ Green shredded our D in that Bengals game. Ugh. Not quite sure if it was Gilmore or someone else, but there was more than one jumpball where the defender had solid coverage and simply didn't adjust well enough. Green was in peak form, but the CB play left something to be desired. You can't jump with him, but you can at least try to swat it away when he's coming down with it.
  5. Anything is possible. As I've stated, it's pure conjecture(not assumption) on my part that he was not their first choice. We'll probably never know for sure. But my original post now says LIKELY and not certainly.?
  6. The timeline SUGGESTS he was not their first choice, but I am not Dunkirk Don. Though I prefer speculating to assuming. Assuming has such a negative connotation. One would think this decision would have already been made if they were going to promote from within.
  7. So now you're stealing that other guys idea Waddams? Bad form! Great reference by the way. I'm not casting any judgement on Hall. I have absolutely no idea what kind of coach he'll be(if true). Just noting that he was likely not the first choice.
  8. So this guy was LIKELY not McDermott's first, second, or even third choice or he would have been hired weeks ago. McD seems to be having some trouble attracting top coaching candidates.
  9. Psh. They didn't scare you a couple months ago! Gentry's got some upside, but it'd be hard to a Michigan fan to ever forget that disaster. Wouldn't have made a difference in the final score, but he certainly didn't help.
  10. Rams 20-Saints 14. Brees arm looks really tired. Wouldn't be shocked to see another low scoring game in the SuperDome. Chiefs 38-Pats 24.
  11. Quite possible, but Reid has never had a QB with that talent and that energy. He may just be Andy-proof. I was sold on Mahomes as a leader when he brought the Chiefs back to win after falling down 10 at Denver. I think he threw his first left handed pass. The kid is not gonna get nervous or gunshy like Andy has done on a few occasions. Gonna be a fun game and I can't understand why any football fan wouldn't watch. I expect the Chiefs to win but would NEVER discount a BBTB team. I think the NBA is a bit different. There weren't really Championship expectations for MJ in Washington. It was sort of understood that he was just hanging around. No such thing in the NFL. It'll be a big deal if Brady is out there a shell of his former self. Didn't Favre damn near win the NFC Championship Game his last season with the Vikes or did he stick around for one more year?
  12. Being a Michigan fan, my level of disdain for Brady is ever so slightly less significant than the typical Bills fan. That being said, if he hangs it up and goes out on top, he is the ultimate winner. I truly believe he's deteriorating and could be a shell of himself as early as next season. It would seem to me that the ideal ending would be Brady hanging on too long as opposed to going out kissing a Lombardi.
  13. I was never really a big Harrison Ford guy. I'll probably watch the Chiefs game though.
  14. For me, that's the worst case scenario. Tom Brady will leave the game having never experienced that downfall many Bills fans want to see. Ideally, the BILLS field a team capable of taking BBTB out.
  15. Interesting. I had a different game in very close proximity to that game in the same season. We went down and smoked Miami following that loss to NE. 2-1 and I was feeling kind of upbeat. When we laid an egg AT HOME against a very beatable Giants team, I really felt like Rex was gonna be nothing more than a 500 coach. I'm not giving up on McDermott, but that home loss to the Saints was a gut punch. Yes, Tyrod was bad, but the way the Saints ran the ball had me questioning if McD had lost the team. He's done enough to garner some hope, but those kind of blowouts need to stop.
  16. As an aside, I ran into Melvin Fowler at a grocery store in Vegas. He was promoting a club and noticed the Bills hat I was wearing. The dude was ripped! Probably weighed about 210 pounds of pure muscle. Just depends on the player, but I suppose it's hard for some to break the habit of constantly having to keep their weight up. Clearly there are guys who get rid of the weight so it's possible, but I wouldn't just trash the guys who struggle with it after football. There are however, solutions if they want it bad enough.
  17. Been there, done that, so I know all about it. And Florida is just such a hotbed for talent in general. Amazing that none of the major programs have been able to sustain success over the last decade or so. Cool story about your son.
  18. Too much booze last night! Odd thing is I only remember Henry being from there because the name kind of stands out and it's somewhat odd that two (relatively recent) Bills came from the same tiny town. Must play some serious football in Frostproof. At any rate, NRC has a really positive attitude. Some people would wallow, but what good is that gonna do? You really have to keep on grinding in life regardless of circumstance. No other good choice but to keep it going.
  19. Terrible story. I found it somewhat noteworthy he was from Frostburg, a town of 3000 which also turned out Travis Henry.
  20. I remember a tuck rule call in Cincinnati a few years back that completely changed the game. Don't remember the details or the season, but it was definitely a critical game and that play changed everything. I thought it was a trash call.
  21. My guess is that ScottLaw wants the Bills to win as much as the next guy. He's too bright to waste his time on these boards if he wasn't at least somewhat emotionally invested. I consider myself pretty skeptical about the current regime, but you'd never know it when the games are being played.
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