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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. If only they could have scored the ensuing TD on 3rd down! The Pats definitely rolled over on that Williams run.
  2. Agree with your points regarding the SD defensive gameplan. Pathetic. KC's defense is just poor from coaching to personnel so that wasn't a surprise. Also expect to see Gronk retire but appreciate the insight. What I would say is that I DO believe this time is different with Brady. This time his arm is beginning to fail him and I expect it to deteriorate further. Father Time is catching up(albeit slowly). I'm amazed at what he's been able to do this postseason, but I fully expect this to be his last hurrah. Time will tell. I have never once been a guy who believed Brady was done, etc the umpteen times he's been written off. This time I think it's real. There's a STRONG case to be made that this may be the most impressive run the Brady lead Pats have had. This guy is out there doing all of this with an arm on life support. Some people view that as an insult when it's really meant to be a compliment.
  3. They have a masterful gameplan and Tom Brady is the greatest pre snap QB of all time. He does not have the arm strength to beat you deep but neither SD nor KC seemed to get the memo. That will change when team's finally catch on. Take away the middle of the field and he's toast. Sure, he'll occasionally chuck up a jumpball to Gronk or someone else, but it's not sustainable. I'd like to say Wade has some tricks up his sleeve, but the Rams have some really stupid DB's/LB'ers. Not sure they'll be able to execute the plan.
  4. You're not watching very closely. His arm is shot. What he's doing with that arm is remarkable, but it's shot and will only get worse with time.
  5. We should all hope Tom Brady comes back because he's on the verge of collapse. If he wins and retires, that smirk in the lockerroom will be the lasting image of Tom Brady's career. I want to see the Bills beat TB and that is finally within reach. I was previously leaning toward his competitive fire prompting him to keep it pushing until he can't push anymore. Now I'm starting to think he knows his limitations are catching up with him and he will bow out the champ(assuming they win). I will say this; if he retires, win or lose, it's because he knows he doesn't have another run in him. He would love to get number 7. Whether it be money or rings, there's never enough.
  6. The loss of Cooper Kupp was a devastating blow to the Rams offense and Goff in particular. He was so often the safety valve on PA plays designed to go deep. Goff is not a guy who tries to fit a ball into tight coverage. Really odd considering his accuracy and arm strength. Concur that Gurley would have to have a huge game for the Rams to win.
  7. Yeah. We really dodged a bullet. Can't believe he didn't even get an interview after the Copperfit guys seal of approval. It would be unfair to judge Daboll based on 2018, but much like the rest of the staff, 2019 is the year where results trump excuses.
  8. True, but they have something the Bills don't so I'm not shedding any tears!
  9. Anything to distract from the fact that the Saints had every chance in the world to win the game after the blown PI call and sh** the bed. I'm quite sure those involved in this lawsuit cognitively realize it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning; it's just something they'll hold on to for as long as possible to pretend like the result doesn't exist. At the end of the day, the Rams are playing the Patriots in the Superbowl. All the crying in the world won't change a damn thing. They want this narrative to linger because it takes the sting out of losing the game. I get it. It's just a waste of everyone's time.
  10. All of that is true and contrasts the Seattle situation to the Buffalo situation. I'm also not discounting the benefit of having a QB on his rookie deal. Just seems like it's really overstated based on a couple of examples. The Rams have indeed taken advantage of Goff's rookie deal, so it's not without merit. I feel like if you've got a true franchise QB, it'll work itself out in the long run and you pay him or lose him. It's that simple.
  11. Not sure what kind of language you'd specifically be able to put into a contract, but I'm sure there could be some kind of conduct clause to cover something like this.
  12. It wouldn't be because they "like" the Bills. It would be more like "wow, the BILLS are in the Superbowl?" "What an underdog story!" Many younger/casual fans indeed have but a vague recollection of the Bills SB era and consider us irrelevant. I think those casual fans would like to see a team come out of nowhere to win it.
  13. Imagine a scenario where only well to do kids/schools can even afford football. That would certainly alter the landscape.
  14. Brady is just about done. Another slight dip in velocity, which is inevitable, will be the end. What he's done in these playoffs with that arm may be his most impressive feat to date.
  15. In all fairness to Dick, Lindell NEVER had it when it mattered. Probably a good reason to find another kicker.
  16. Yeah. The Titans coming up short by a few feet was perhaps my favorite Superbowl moment. Had a VERY strong rooting interest in that one.
  17. I'll probably only watch the first four quarters and then overtime if the score is tied after regulation. Then I'll find something better to do. Not gonna waste any more time than necessary watching this stupid fixed sport!
  18. The entire premise of this line of thought is derived from the Seahawks run. It's a logical fallacy IMO. Many of the departed defensive players haven't done much elsewhere or retired. If Seattle had drafted well and didn't screw up the Jimmy Graham trade, they'd be in better shape. They also DID happen to make the playoffs. The bottom line is you must pay your QB's top dollar and they're difficult to find. Many of the QB's people talk about are simply not elite. (Stafford, Cousins, Flacco to name a few). If your QB is truly elite, it will work itself out.
  19. Eh, I think it'd be about 90% crazy for comparing Allen to Mahomes and 10% move on from the 2017 draft. Allen simply hasn't proven it yet, so other fanbases would view it as big time homerism. Doesn't mean the homers can't be right. I can't wait to watch the movie where our second year QB puts up 31 in the AFC Championship game. Now that would be awesome both because it would mean the Bills had regained relevance for the first time in 25 years AND people wouldn't pretend like the Chiefs quarterback wasn't exceptional. I would love for Mahomes to become the "yeah, that would be cool" but Allen lead us to the playoffs so no biggie guy. As a matter of fact, I would love for this board to only mention his name in passing. You know what'll make that happen? Josh Allen having a good/great second season.
  20. Agree with this assessment except I'd be a bit more harsh on Goff. I think he's LARGELY a product of the system. He's a little timid and immobile. He's got a great arm but he doesn't always make great decisions. When I think of the top young QB's excluding the 2018 class, I think of Wentz and Mahomes. Those are guys I believe could thrive anywhere. McVay really is the best offensive mind the league has seen in some time.
  21. I'm sure I know the play you're referencing. It was a terrible spot, but it looked like he got the first down from my vantage point.
  22. I think a part of what's being overlooked on the horrific non PI call is the distance the play occurred from the ball. It wasn't your typical interference where the DB, the WR, and the ball were all tangled up in the same spot. Certainly not absolving the official of blame, but I haven't heard that mentioned. Sans the interference, it would have been a catchable ball, but my initial thought was the ref could have whiffed on the call because it appeared uncatchable. Just a thought. As to the topic, I find it insane that Bills fans would feel "slighted" by a missed reference to the miserable 4 straight Superbowl losses. Who the hell wants to be reminded of that?
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