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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. See, you're worn out at the WORST possible time! I'm more concerned about McD vs. BB than I am Brady. McD has done some good things, but he's been totally outclassed by BB in all 4 matchups.
  2. I would pretty much NEVER take a RB in the first round, let alone top 10. Short careers and more interchangeable than other positions. Phillip Lindsay was damn near as good as Saquon Barkley. Top 3 backs in the league are Gurley, Zeke, and Barkley. McCaffrey is great but wouldn't call him a RB. I'd MAYBE take one of these guys in the top 10. Unless you think Jacobs is going to be a SUPERSTAR, there's no way you consider him at 9.
  3. Just like the Wentz debate we had, we're really not going to know who's right until next season. I will be furious if Brady retires and doesn't let it play itself out. Even the most cerebral QB of all time(which Brady is) must have an adequate arm. I'm seeing far more wobblers, far more inaccurate passes, and far less velocity. What's he doing is remarkable, but without that Offside call, he'd have had 1 TD/3 picks and a loss against a horrible KC defense. Time will tell. He has zero margin for error remaining in terms of arm strength. Another year will certainly take a toll at his advanced age.
  4. I wish the Bills had drafted Mahomes, but I don't really pin it on the staff. There was a whole lot going on and they made the decisions they made. They probably figured drafting a QB was too important to get wrong and preferred to let it play out for a season and go from there. What I DO have a problem with is the people twisting themselves in knots saying Mahomes wouldn't have been a great QB in Buffalo etc., etc., etc. Mahomes IS a great quarterback and he would have been great here. KC video game numbers? No. But a talent like that will do his thing anywhere. Why deny reality? The bottom line is that it's up to Allen to end all the lamenting. If Allen is the real deal, the Mahomes/Bills stuff will die out. Intellectual honesty is a beautiful thing.
  5. He was released within a few hours. Whatever emotions the cops may have felt will be insignificant in court. Unfortunately, money talks and justice is most certainly not blind.
  6. Yeah. I wouldn't like the pick at 9. I would love to trade down, but that's easier said than done and we may go OL. As much as I'd love to see him on the Bills, it's likely he'll end up going somewhere between our first and second pick.
  7. They've been saying it for 10 years. It's only true now. His arm is failing him and it's ALL smoke and mirrors at this point. There's really no way to know who's right or wrong unless he comes back next year.
  8. He's a whole different kind of beast. He's gonna have to run a 4.3 to justify this kind of position, but I think he will. Small sample size indeed. I'm a fan. The days where only 6'4 jump ball receivers are top 10 type players are long gone. Not sure about the dropsies. Didn't see him botch too many. With Allen's velocity, hand size could be a factor.
  9. Psssshhh. Who the heck cares what ESPN has to say? People still watch that crap? Oh wait....
  10. This guy has allllllllll the tools. Regarding the mock, not surprised to see a tackle like Dillard moving up boards as Williams and Little slide. Marquis Brown is really high on my list, but he's definitely a polarizing player.
  11. He'll probably do it after Gruden's QB camp this year.
  12. I would have zero problem with replay on PI calls and I take your point as a distinct possibility. Just noting to the conspiracy theorists that there are better, inconspicuous methods to stifle that Saints drive.
  13. Anecdotally, it would seem effectiveness from the center position has been largely dependent on guard play. At least in the Bills case. That's why I could live with Bodine if we add 2 above average players at any of the other positions.
  14. Bodine was a hell of alot better than Groy. Groy has no place on the roster. It's gonna be a tall task to add 3 starters. That's all I'm saying. I'm sure the team knows quite a bit more than I do about Bodine's football IQ, but a center is not necessarily where you need a mauler/pocket pusher/puller. We definitely need some of those.
  15. That's a whole lot of shifting and a tall task for Beane. I guess I'm in the minority, but I thought Bodine was adequate. The center is largely a cerebral position and I think he's meh, but not awful. We absolutely NEED to add two starters and they have to be physically imposing and/or mobile. Depending on the way the draft/FA'cy shakes out, it may not be feasible to add 3 STARTERS. Wouldn't be shocked to see Bodine starting in 2019. You move Dawkins to RG, which I don't hate, and then you're talking about 2 tackles. All of this may not be possible in one offseason.
  16. I guess they should be happy a Rams/Cardinals Superbowl isn't possible and that the Cubs can't possibly be involved. As a Tigers fan, I have no pity for that city! 2006 was a B word. It's a USC town.
  17. Groy is trash. The Bills really shouldn't be cutting anyone for cap reasons. Bodine is a below average starter, but can play if you're in a bind. What diminishes his value is that he can't play guard IIRC. At any rate, I'd be inclined to bring him to camp at the very least. There's pretty much a 0.0 percent chance we'll get anywhere near the cap.
  18. That's fine. Should you be precluded from future employment? I could see that if you were a driver, but not an investment banker. The same way a DV counselor would be precluded from future employment in that field should they be involved in such an incident. That's not what we're talking about here.
  19. So can we now assume that Hall is probably not McDermott's first choice? I mean, at some point, you have to think they have/had other guys in mind. If Hall was a slam dunk hire, it'd be done by now. IMO!
  20. Nonsense. Don't you think they would have called a discreet hold or TWO if they were really hellbent on screwing the Saints? If it were to be done, you'd probably never know it.
  21. Yep. Fitz is NOT Brady. Press coverage, bracket against Edelman and dare them to beat you DEEP though. You have to respect everything inside 25 yards obviously. Wade's got his hands full, but there has to be a gameplan to stop this offense, even as masterfully as it's run. If it were me, I'd dare Brady to hit that deep shot and deal with it if he does. Easier said than done I suppose.
  22. Can't even recall the number of times the Chiefs had one LB chasing Edelman as he went in motion. Just awful strategy as he's so adept at finding a seam and Brady is the best ever at reading that nonsense and getting the ball out in 2 seconds. Bracket makes all the sense in the world. Bring Barron up if need be and dare them to beat you over the top.
  23. I agree with all of this, but also believe if defenses stopped respecting a non existent Pats deep game, they'd have more success. Remember when the Bills offense was on fire with Fitz until teams figured out we didn't have receivers to stretch the field? Not comparing Fitz to Brady(EVER), but the same principle applies IMO. Teams are still terrified of getting beat deep by Brady, but it's really an unfounded fear.
  24. I have the seemingly unique perspective of not really giving a **** about the Patriots emotionally. If the Bills aren't involved, I just don't really care. Not one to root AGAINST a team. Just not my cup of tea. And I absolutely admire what they've been able to do. It is VERY unlikely to be repeated. My take on Brady is likewise not borne of hatred or spite. I'm calling it like I see it. He's the best QB of all time, but I believe his arm will fail him should he return in 2019. If I were forced to choose, I'd like to see him come back and get thumped by the Bills, as unlikely as that seems at the moment. Last thing you'd want if you despise Brady is to see him go out king of the world.
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