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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Lived in Delaware for many years, which is close enough. Most obnoxious fans on the face of the earth. Never moving back.
  2. I would bet a good sum you'd be hard pressed to find a quarterback who reached the NFL that doesn't admire Brady. If Josh Allen thought POORLY of Brady, that would be a serious problem. If you want to emulate anyone's work habits, it's that ******bag. You wanna be the best? You beat the best.
  3. Membah Vince Workman, former Packers running back? He was from Buffalo. James Starks played at UB and then suited up for the Packers. Lee Evans was an underrated receiver. Wasn't from Wisconsin, but played his college ball there. Other than all the SB's, we're pretty much the same franchise.
  4. Meh. He's a guy constantly looking for a competitive advantage and probably crosses the line. He's the best quarterback I've ever seen play. Didn't seem to affect him when they inflated his balls. That being said, the end is nigh.
  5. He's not particularly good yet at throwing underneath. Needs to get the ball out quicker and develop a bit more touch. I'll betcha this is exactly what he's working on with Palmer. College of the Redwoods and Monterey Peninsula field some top notch defenses; I'll grant you that. Like you, I don't understand why this is even a debate. I think we all know he needs to work on his short game. Or at least I thought we did.
  6. Please explain. Why is the percentage of times your pass is caught by the receiver not an important stat?
  7. Yes. We've heard all the "reasons" for Allen's low completion percentage in JUCO, Wyoming, and the Bills. It's only nonsense if you don't believe it's an important statistic. Until he's more proficient as a passer, it's going to be an issue.
  8. Yep. I'm stuck on Peppers because I loved him as a prospect, but we didn't even land the right tackle. Tom Donahoe was a freaking con man.
  9. They could have likely made a lot more money in LA or Toronto. Wilson and Pegs absolutely did right by the city. Not sure how you could view it any other way. I don't know that I'd pick another team, but the Los Angeles Bills would certainly be the most disgusting team in the league. Just an awful thought.
  10. The more I think about the Hue/Baker rift, the more I think back to the scene on Hard Knocks where Jackson acted like giving Mayfield the backup job was some kind of crowning achievement. A guy like Mayfield certainly doesn't forget a thing like that. Congratulations number 1 pick in the draft, you've beaten out Drew Stanton! Now don't let this go to your head young fella.
  11. I enjoy many of your posts, but this is the worst idea I've ever heard. We should be striving to eliminate non player/coach human error, not going backwards. The players should determine the outcome, not some official. Get rid umpires in baseball and go to the K zone while we're on this subject.
  12. Uggh. Not that we had a choice, but it was Mike Williams over Julius Peppers all over again for me. AVP had a miracle comeback against the PANTERS that landed us the number 4 pick instead of 2. Thanks Pill!
  13. If I was completely sold on Allen, I probably don't make the deal. My reservations are such that I WOULD make the deal as Mahomes is a known commodity at this point. Allen has every chance in the world to prove the Bills(and you) right. That doesn't mean Allen has to put up video game numbers, as he doesn't have that type of personnel and likely won't for the foreseeable future. All he really needs to do is put up a solid season and close the gap with Mahomes.
  14. I feel like I shouldn't even want to know the answer, yet remain intrigued. By the way, Bruce Allen is my kind of guy! Ben Powers has a hell of a name. Max Power worked for Homer Simpson so we could be on to something with that guy.
  15. Fair point, but Reid allowing 12 seconds to run off the clock on the Pats last regulation drive was even more atrocious. The Chiefs could have conceivably had the ball at the Pats 22 with 30 seconds left had he handled that situation properly. Clock management is a huge reason for Reid's playoff failure. Very little margin for error when you're playing the top teams.
  16. If they're reading a message board to see what the fans think of them, they're in no position to judge our collective sanity.
  17. Yeah. I talked to a teammate of Maybin's in a bar once. Played linebacker so he was pretty close to him in terms of the locker room. Guy was pretty tipsy and told me that Maybin was a great guy but had little interest in football and wasn't nearly as good as his junior season numbers suggested. Said the rest of his defensive teammates were shocked he was taken in the first round, let alone that high. Conclusion; get the prospects teammates drunk and find out what they have to say.
  18. Duck all you want. You buy low and you sell high. He'd immediately upgrade our offense and would come at a fraction of the price of a LeVeon Bell. We're talking about drafting a RB in the first round! You get a first/second round talent without entertaining the notion of using a top ten pick when the draft is loaded with pass rushers.
  19. Andrew Luck had a crap game because that offense is not conceived for quick strikes and they fell behind quickly. I do think Luck's arm looked bad at the end of the season, but I'm more inclined to believe that'll return with time. I believe Tom Brady's arm is on the type of decline that doesn't bounce back. If he comes back, HE believes he's going to get it done in 2019. If he retires, I think he knows he's done. Not gonna buy the theory that he's "done all he can." The same way billionaires are never content, champions are NEVER content. If he thinks he can get seven rings, he'll damn well try to do it.
  20. Well Favre never wore unique hats. I'm sure that's the reason for the disparate national perception.? I want some of those Copperfits though!
  21. He spent a few hours in jail. That'll be the extent of his incarceration. Our justice system is a joke and money buying freedom is lost in the shuffle with all the other disparity issues. I still consider McFadden a Razorback. Dude was such a beast in college.
  22. You should write cliff notes or movie summaries bro. Good stuff. Favre's rep as some upstanding citizen with the CASUAL fans is really outrageous. Dude always had some drama going on. Great quarterback though. I just always find it annoying when the media tries to paint someone as something they're not.
  23. Sad, but true. Even Cleveland has some cache. I was just back in Buffalo for the 2017 Raiders game and was blown away by the improvements downtown. Stayed at the damn Hampton Inn by the Airport and even that was awesome. People drinking RESPONSIBLY in the hallways, etc. Yeah, that's my kind of place. Went to 716 and it was amazing! With all that said, Buffalo is not a great FA destination so it's always going to be more important than anything to draft well. Pittsburgh figured that out years ago. We need to be uncharacteristically aggressive this offseason, but it shouldn't be the norm.
  24. Nice catch. I honestly had no idea he racked up 1000 yards rushing. He can pretty much do it all so I'll just go ahead and add him to the top 4. I would still be hesitant to take a RB in the top 10 because it's so rare to find a true difference maker. While those 4 are the best, Phillip Lindsay, an UDFA, wasn't far behind Barkley in terms of production. Like I said, a RB damn well better be a SUPERSTAR if you take him in the top 10. And yes, more so than other positions considering the interchangeability, short careers, and plenty of other ways to get a really good one.
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