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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. EJ had the yips. There's no other explanation for some of the throws that man made. From my vantage point, his major flaw as a passer was overthinking. I doubt EJ would have ever panned out, but a harda** like Marrone was a match made in hell.
  2. JP was eerily similar to Rob Johnson in that regard. Never felt pressure, got sacked a million times, and ultimately couldn't get it done despite talent. Guys like that can make the best offensive line look like trash. Have no idea what kind of coach he is, but he was the furthest thing from a cerebral QB one could imagine
  3. Well then, we just fundamentally disagree. He doesn't need to throw every ball 100 MPH. My hunch is that this is something that he'll work hard to improve whether it be with Palmer or Culley.
  4. Holy crap. That's one of the worst/best things I've ever seen in my entire life. I'm not sure if they intended this to be hilarious, but I'd love to know. Did they think it was just creative or put it out there as an intentionally corny thing? My goodness.
  5. That's the baseline. Of course they're working on consistency in his mechanics. But the issue besides the obvious mechanical consistency is touch on short & intermediate throws. Nice line regarding such a bet! Good stuff. I'm not sure how such a bet would work either.?
  6. Love Josh Allen but I'll settle for Clenin Ferrell. WR Tyre Brady is going to be an absolute steal on day 3. Just hoping he doesn't shoot up the board.
  7. PFF has Hughes as the best defensive player. I would personally go Milano, Hughes, White.
  8. Agreed. And if you got the coin, you head south for the winter. Nothing unusual about that. Maybe in a few years when he gets bored, but probably not a full time coaching position any time soon.
  9. Betcha anything the NUMBER 1 thing Palmer and Allen are working on is throwing more catchable balls, ie touch in the short game. That's not to say the receivers didn't suck, but he's gotta take some zip off the gimmies.
  10. Star seems to be the source of so much controversy. I saw a natural progression from first to second year with Milano. Don't believe the "space eating" DT had much impact on his game. I've stated my opinion on "Star," so I'll leave it at that. Never really focused on Ragland as he's JAG. Just throwing his name out there for reference. I'm not sure what he does either. I suppose TCB like Kramer at Brandt Leyland. And no, Milano's talent does not alleviate the need for a pass rushing edge player. That's not really his game per se. Jerry/Lorax are getting up there. Murphy has trouble getting up period. Separate issues IMO.
  11. I'm sure Tre White would be the answer for most, but I believe Milano made more of an impact. I'm not concerned about White going forward, but he didn't grade out nearly as well as a sophomore. Have no doubt he'll bounce back, but if we're talking 2018, I'm sticking with Milano. Hughes had a very good season as well.
  12. I guess. The OP referenced Cleveland and "obsorbing" the contract so I thought he made it pretty clear. Not a big deal.
  13. Trubisky is a poor man's Josh Allen; same short game issues without the crazy mobility and a good arm that doesn't compare to Allen's. Don't like Trubisky's decision making or accuracy. He's in a great system so of course he's gonna look decent. Rosen had TERRIBLE protection but I saw zero zip on his passes and of course zero mobility. He's slow as dirt and doesn't appear to move around all that well in the pocket ala a Tom Brady. Just my opinion.
  14. Why in the world are you guys so sensitive? I included Allen in the conversation. And yes, Jackson should be included as well. The only declarative OPINION was that Rosen was trash. Holy smokes!
  15. It's like 6 pages of semantics. I'm reading people's opinions, but it doesn't move any needles. Don't quite get it either.
  16. Got it. Not gonna get much under these circumstances. Not interested in a 5th or even 4th.
  17. I caught hell for wearing a Tigers hat in the area. The hell do they care about the Tigers? We play in the AL and we're back to being a trash franchise. Miserable place IMO.
  18. Like I said earlier, I could have sworn I read from a reputable source that their cap hit if cut outright was 16.5 mil. If a trade only saves them 6.5 mil, it's not going to happen. Maybe like a 6th rounder. Meh.
  19. I've come to the conclusion that Rosen is trash, so I don't think about the right/wrong Josh debate anymore. It's more about Darnold/Mayfield, and yes, even Jackson. I could see Kingsbury working some magic and making Rosen look servicable kind of like Nagy did with Trubisky, but neither are any good IMO.
  20. I need to see a similar pop/soda map. Buffalo is definitely a pop town.
  21. Milano was the best player on the Bills defense this season. Yep, I said it and fully believe it. He catches hell from the old school types for occasionally being out of position and not holding up at the point of attack like a Reggie freakin Ragland, but all he does is make plays. Like a defensive Cris Carter.?
  22. Because if you take Beane at face value and the Bills will be judicious in FA'cy, we're the perfect team to absord that hit for draft picks. I fully expect Indy and the Jets to spend more money this offseason.
  23. I'm sure I read Jax would absord a 16 mil dead cap hit if he were cut. Are you sure about those numbers? Either way, my guess is we don't even approach the cap.
  24. We've got some time to ponder this scenario and see where we're at with FA'cy when the draft rolls around. I wouldn't even want a 5th. We have enough late round picks and you're not gonna get much value in a trade with that pick. 2nd this year and 3rd next. This is definitely a possibility as Jax is in SERIOUS cap trouble. Edit. The number of posters who don't seem to understand this concept is startling. I'm sure they're terrific people, but c'mon man!
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