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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. WAY better? Nah. Mahomes had a terrible first half and that ultimately did them in. By the end, it was gonna come down to who had the ball last and Pats won the coin toss.
  2. What I meant was that the RNC would love a Trump/Clinton re-match.
  3. This is the nightmare scenario. I was beginning to wonder if Brady would go out the ultimate victor and laugh all the way to the grave or if his ego would get the best of him and he'd end his career toiling in mediocrity. He has apparently chosen the latter. The last thing in the world I want to see is Brady win/retire, but that's based on my opinion that he's on the decline and the end may hit him HARD. In.?
  4. That's what I was thinking. My ex would have banged me over the head with a frying pan after the first couple sentences. He's got a keeper!
  5. The DNC certainly screwed Sanders in 2016 and ensured Hillary's victory/loss. What kinda rigged operation slips questions to a candidate? She deserved to lose. This time around, I think it's the RNC that wants Hillary. Time will tell. If you're correct, Donald Trump has a 100 percent chance of re-election. I don't believe you're correct.
  6. I'm not nearly as down on the regime, but I wholeheartedly agree the first paragraph. Never seen anything like it in all my years as a Bills fan. They better be right. You just broke the rules mister. If she listened to that whole spiel, she's a keeper!
  7. Yeah. The superdelegate system is asinine. Just noting that the Clinton machine appears to be impotent. Couldn't beat a junior Senator in 2008 or a political neophyte in 2016.
  8. No defense, and yet Trubisky finds a way to suck. We dodged a bullet there. Good for Kyle getting honored one final time.
  9. I just don't agree with this Row. The MSM(CNN, MSNBC) rarely discuss Hillary. I turn on Fox News and it's all Hillary, all the time. She's old news. Time for everyone to move on from that woman.
  10. I like that approach. For whatever reason, the big ugly's seem to be more amenable to Buffalo than the high profile skill position players. We've swung and missed in FA'cy in the past. Big contracts to Dockery and Langston freaking Walker! It's up to Beane to identify the right players and you listed some good ones. Probably gonna have to get our skill guys in the draft, although the BPA at 9 is likely to be a D lineman and that is the only area of need on defense.
  11. I think you guys give Hillary far too much credit. She lost to Donald Trump. I know he's popular around here, but he's not exactly a popular President.(I know, I know, polls lie.) She lost to Barack Obama in 2008. Whatever dirty tricks she has don't seem to work. I assume you think Obama was squeaky clean if you think she's gonna spread her dirt on the actual D primary competitors. O'Rourke is the frontrunner. Harris would have the second best odds. The Hillary thing seems like wishful thinking on the part of the right. She has a zero.zero percent chance of getting the nomination. Her time has come and gone. Actually her time had come and gone in 2008. The Dems pulled a McCain by running her in 2016. They won't make that mistake again. I'm not making any predictions on the outcome of the GE. I'm just telling you that Trump's opponent will not be Hillary.
  12. I'm a democratic primary voter who knows many democratic primary voters. Not a single one would even think of voting for Hillary. Just a hunch, but I think I have a better grasp on the left's base than most here. Not meant as an insult, but this is a pretty conservative board and birds of a feather flock together. Don't get me wrong. She's already hinting at running so she hasn't given up the dream. Don't see it as a possibility myself. The left is determined to beat Trump at all costs and I don't think they're gonna take a chance on someone he already beat. JMO. Or Bloomberg/Schultz. Nightmare scenario. We would need Kasich to throw his hat in the ring to balance things out. Now THAT would be awesome to watch.
  13. Hillary will not get the nod! That's the right's wet dream. Kamala Harris gave a powerful speech(would not be well received here and that's ok). I think she makes Warren obsolete. You have to win the black vote in the D primary and Beto and Harris are the only candidates who speak to that audience. The twist is that Harris's white husband could be a political liability. Unfortunate, but true. Not sure Obama would have won with a white wife. It's going to come down to Beto and Harris. Didn't think Harris had that kind of oratory skill.
  14. I really doubt it's that serious. That actually would be a problem. Hey, Jim told me to do this? Should I listen to him? What aspects were good? What aspects should I toss? I feel like this is getting jussssst a bit overblown.
  15. There's always that one person that says it in just the right way that it clicks. Under no circumstances is this a bad thing. Either Kelly will give him something that clicks or it'll be a cordial visit between a past and present QB. You really think a one "sitdown" is going to cause this kid to go into overdrive and become a robot or something? Asinine.
  16. Ugh. We could have had a shot at Josh Allen if Josh Allen didn't lead us to a couple late season wins.
  17. I'm big on Clenin Ferrell. I would HATE to take Jonah Williams or Rashan Gary at 9. Those are the two "I don't want" guys. I'm basing my opinion of Gary on watching every single snap he played at Michigan. He was a solid, unspectacular player in college. He'll test well and thus get labeled huge upside so I think he's definitely in play for the Bills.
  18. This. Have you ever heard the officials like Periera during games? He tends to go out of his way to give every call the benefit of the doubt. An internal organization would do the same. External subjective review would be the obvious solution, but I doubt the NFL will outsource a single thing.
  19. Boom! He's not any good IMO. I feel the same way. As I've described him before, he's a poor man's Josh Allen. Same accuracy issues,(SORRY) without the ridiculous mobility and arm strength. Nagy could make anyone look good.
  20. I watched enough of the pro bowl to recognize that Trubisky can't even get it done without Nagy against phantom defense. That guy is a stiff!
  21. I'm pretty sure we could outbid them if Beane has him targeted. The Pats will set a number and not go a penny higher. Then the question becomes whether he'd take less money to stay in NE. He's all about the culture or whatever they call their process.
  22. I'm thinking he may have made the comment in jest because Thugger is not a rapper. Probably thinking of Young Thug. But these artists do not appeal to a wide enough audience for the SuperBowl. Don't mind Travis Scott as he's more mainstream than many here realize and you balance it out with Maroon Five. I don't even watch halftime shows, but I don't think their target audience is middle aged white guys/ie majority of football fans. The halftime show is for women and casual observers.
  23. You know what John, that's a tough one. It really is. 19 straight Superbowl losses? With the benefit of hindsight? I think I might prefer obscurity over that! I gotta pretty damn awful consecutive streak going for the only 3 teams I really care about. Detroit Tigers have lost their last two. Michigan Wolverine BASKETBALL has lost their last four. Bills have lost their last four. That's 10 in a row! This isn't some ancient history. This is all since 1991 when I was 11 and just getting into sports. So I'm pretty worn out by championship losses.
  24. I'd be all about it. We know the Pats won't cough up big bucks. This is a viable option for sure.
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