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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I wouldn't be opposed to Williams or Tate. DeAndre Hopkins ain't walking through that door. We've got to improve the position ASAP and if it means taking a shot, you shoot your shot. FWIW: Wonder Boy is solid but I still prefer Boy Wonder.
  2. Tyrod Taylor brings out the worst in people. He's the backup QB in Cleveland and still living rent free in so many heads. Let it go.
  3. Yes. I'm well aware of the law. I was pointing out a flaw in the law such as two brothers getting into a fight and someone calling the cops. That's treated as a more serious offense than bumrushing someone on the street. Kind of stupid. Was dismissed, but it still shows up your record, and people are automatically going to assume you beat a woman.
  4. I'll put mine out on April 28th. You'll be amazed at the accuracy!
  5. Stupid to show up for interviews like this, but if this kid was the number 9 OVERALL pick in the MLB draft, why not play baseball? Not sure if people realize what being drafted 9 overall means. You're almost certainly going to the show.
  6. I hope I'm not stepping out of line here, but it's kind of interesting that this was charged as a simple assault(which is nothing) as opposed to a DV, which is a HUGE DEAL. Is it REALLY that much worse if it's in the house? On a personal note, I got into a fight with my brother and the cops were called. I was charged with DV, which was dismissed because my brother wanted no part of that nonsense. Nevertheless, the charge of DV remains on my record. A female prospective employer is obviously going to assume I hit a woman. Personal rant over.
  7. I get your point, but I think you're underselling his statistics a bit. He played 13.5 games so he probably would have had about 4300 yards and 32 TD's over a full season. There are vets like Ryan, Stafford etc. who will be in the top 25 due to the era they play in. You also have young players like Goff and Mahomes who will shatter a lot of records if they sustain their pace. That said, Mayfield's rookie stats would hold up pretty well over the course of 10+ years. You would certainly expect improvement, and since this is about 2018, I'd give the nod to Barkley. He was the second best RB and Baker was not even close to the 2nd best QB. Still go with Barkley even if you give the benefit of the doubt to the QB.
  8. Sheesh. Didn't realize Adams came out. That took some guts, but I'm sure there will be a backlash. To each their own, right?
  9. I guess I'll amend that and say that there seemed to that ONE annual loss during the drought where you pretty much knew the Bills were not going to the playoffs. That one always hurt a bit. This year was pretty much a tank so none of them were rough.
  10. Doesn't affect me at all anymore. It's expected. A win is a pleasant surprise.
  11. If only we had waited a couple years to draft a Michigan QB! I was at that Jags game and it was pretty clear the team as I knew it was done. Hard to quantify. Just a feeling in the air that was palpable. I hate Mark Brunell.
  12. Doesn't matter if she killed his family. Screw context. You never hit a woman lest ye be banished for life. Sarc off. It was totally out of line to hit the girl when she was down, but the woman doesn't appear to be an angel. She was also charged in the incident for what it's worth. Where he really effed up is hitting her more than once when she was on the ground, but he did gain control of his emotions enough to go back into break it up mode. That was apparently his initial role. He was charged with a crime, as he should have been. At what point is enough enough when it comes to demonizing an 18 y/o for life?
  13. Famous last words.? I'm probably gonna place a small bet on the Rams to win by <10. Not sure Goff is up to the challenge in a really tight game. Either a comfortable Rams win or a close NE win is how I see it. We shall see.
  14. Imagine them going through another sub 500 season. Belichick goes to Kraft insisting that the reason they weren't winning was because he couldn't play the 6th round pick over the golden boy overall number 1 stud. He may very well have been fired. Just crazy to think about.
  15. This whole damn thing is Mo Lewis's fault! I wonder how long they would have been saddled with Bledsoe if not for that injury. Not like Drew was injury prone either. They get all the breaks. You could make a case that Bledsoe was the reason for Caroll's relative lack of success. He wasn't terrible, but Kraft mistakenly viewed him as an elite QB, and he wasn't. That set unrealistic expectations for the team. Coach killer.
  16. But with a truck like that, he HAD to be the answer! Hope springs eternal.
  17. Why are we ignoring Belichick's record in Cleveland and his 5-13 start prior to Bledsoe's injury? Belichick is great but Brady is no puppet. That said, I feel very strongly that this is Brady's last season as an elite QB. Even the most cerebral QB, which he is, has to have baseline velocity. That is evaporating quickly. I marvel at what he's done in these playoffs, but it's just about over.
  18. That was worse if you believe the play was illegal(I think it was the right call). It was the last play of the game. The Saints had plenty of chances to overcome the zebras gaffe. Not so sure Freddy did it on purpose, but it was awesome. I was sweating bullets during that review. We all know damn well what would have happened if we gave Brady the ball back. Probably would have scored and gone for two just to make it that much more crushing.
  19. I think we need both Hughes and a slightly better/preferably younger version of Hughes. You can NEVER have enough pass rushers. Get him somebody on the other side and I betcha his numbers increase.
  20. That would be a first! Although I do actually agree with the assessment. If the player's strengths are great enough to overcome any negative backlash, he'll be acquired. It's really that simple. I don't know what the hell was going on in that video, but I know it was awful. Also seems like something that occurs more often than it should in that particular neighborhood. I'm not a fan of writing a kid off because of something he did in HIgh School.
  21. I can't give you a haha for that, but it was the first yo mama format joke in this thread that didn't suck.
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