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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I call total BS. If Hill was the QB of the future, why was he sitting behind Bridgewater when Brees went down? He needs more time to develop as a passer? The guy is almost 30! Sounds like they just don't want to lose him.
  2. Yeah. I'm actually a big fan of Reagor and would love to see him end up in Buffalo, but I don't think he's all that similar to Evans. Evans bread and butter asset was straight line speed. Reagor is much more a "playmaker" capable of making guys miss after the catch. Doesn't possess Evans straight line speed, but the agility is more suitable for the way offenses are currently constructed which have somewhat phased out the go routes.
  3. Yeah, I think it's complicated and it's gonna require big solutions. Obviously education will need to focus (far) more on tech. I'm sure there were folks claiming the industrial revolution would destroy the economy, so I hope that your prognosis is correct. At any rate, there's nothing we can (or should) do to stand in the way of human advancement. That's just antithetical to everything mankind is about. How do we adapt and what is the prescription? I suppose that will be the key.
  4. In America actually. You could make the case that we already have socialism as defined by the masses and not the true sense of the word(means of production, etc). The top marginal tax rate for the 1%'ers was near 90 percent during the time period Trump references as "great." That's far too high, so I'm glad it's been adjusted, but that was an actual thing. Social security could be defined as socialism although the caveat is that (some) pay into the system. So there's that. People already have access to free healthcare at any emergency room in the country, so there's that. FDR enacted the minimum wage, so there's that. You could make a case (and many do) that a federal minimum wage in itself is socialism. What people are really fighting about in terms of economic policy is whether you want MORE "socialism" or less. I'm in favor of a $15 dollar minimum wage. If a business can't pay it's employees a living wage, maybe they're not viable. As a matter of fact, if the minimum wage were adjusted for inflation it would be roughly 19/hr. I'm in favor of universal healthcare. We have the most expensive system in the world and rank somewhere like 26TH! WRT outcomes. That flat out sucks. So yeah, when I think of the time period in which America was great, I think of a time when the CEO made 30x that of the common worker and not 400x. But that's just me. At the end of the day, automation is going to present an economic problem "the likes of which we've never seen." We've got this little sugar high right now, but job loss due to automation has only scratched the bottom surface. People argue that we found our way through the industrial revolution, but this is different. We'll see what happens.
  5. Oh, I'm certainly not confident. Clinton(BILL), Kennedy, Obama ain't walking through that door.
  6. Yes. I'm not a fan and generally favor progressive economic policies. The economy is strong right now, but I envision a downturn in the near future. Maybe this particular tax cut was perfectly targeted, but I'm skeptical. I voted "for" Barack Obama. I certainly didn't vote "for" Hillary Clinton nor would I vote "for" Petey, Biden, or Pocahantas. As withoutadrought alluded to, Sanders is the only D nominee anyone is going to vote "for" and they appear to be screwing him...again.
  7. Agreed. I think people are hyperfocused on Knox's drops, and disregarding the big picture. The guy is really explosive after the catch. He's got the ABILITY to be a Kittle like TE if he can fix the dropsies. Gotta remember, he didn't have a ton of experience as a receiver coming in. I actually think he's got more "promise" than Singletary. Olsen would not be an exciting signing, but he's better than Kroft or Smith. If you have a chance to upgrade a position, you may as well do it.
  8. Eh. You just might be surprised. Trump beat Clinton by .23 percent in 2016, and Michigan went blue in 2018. I'll just add that while I greatly appreciate the dialogue here and understanding opposing viewpoints, TBD is not really a great barometer of the country as a whole. Trump's numbers are rising and he's right around that 46 percent mark which gave him a slim victory against Clinton, so the likelihood is that this election will also be close. The economy is definitely better, but there are still a lot of folks feeling left behind.
  9. It would depend on the degree of cheating, but I'll give you an honest answer and say I would vote for whoever they nominate.
  10. Well, Trump is obviously re-elected. Beyond that, who knows?
  11. Possibly. I think they've been backed into a corner and the Sanders folks are VERY aggressively trying to ensure this thing is fair. We shall see.
  12. Bernie is winning this caucus and this nomination. I'm sure his policies are not (at all) popular in these parts, but he's the only candidate on the left that anyone is voting "FOR." They tried the vote against Trump method last time and failed. And I believe Bernie would win Michigan, which is gonna end up being a pivotal state. People there are just frustrated because it flat out sucks. They're still not doing well despite the strong economy, so enough of them will be very open to trying a different "radical" approach.
  13. This. He's fast. He's not particularly quick. Designed QB runs generally require the element of surprise or a really quick QB. Opposing D's will never lose sight of Allen as a runner, so the element of surprise won't be there. Total waste of plays. Eh. I think Allen is a much better runner than Mahomes personally, but the similarity may be there and I don't disagree with the rest of your post.
  14. It's not just about game day. These guys have lives outside of those 3 hours a week. Buffalo will never be a particularly attractive FA destination, but a FRANCHISE QB and dollars go a long way. If Allen were to develop into a franchise QB, it would go a LONG ways in creating buzz and making FANS want to watch them play in prime time. That, in turn, will lead to much more interest from FA's and overcome many of the inherent issues. But in reality, what they really have to do is draft well; more so than other teams because of the destination issue. Beane's job, as well as any Bills GM, is a bit more difficult than that of the Falcons GM, for example. Drafting well is paramount.
  15. Yeah. I tend to agree with this analysis far more than the one in which you quoted. Pretty sure a guy like Chris Cuomo was never a social outcast. And re; the sports team name issue; LET IT GO! Natives overwhelmingly don't give a single (blank). Such a stupid thing to whine about.
  16. Just ask 10 random people what they think and if you get a strong enough consensus (7), bet the other side.
  17. Just wanted to add how impressed I am with the wit behind this particular response re John/Michael Bolton. "Why not just go by Mike?" "Says here you've been missing alot of work Peter." "I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it." (Hey, I'm on a Bills message board at home on a Saturday Night). I don't care how you feel about politics, but if you don't like Office Space, there is something deeply wrong with you.
  18. I was being facetious and citing an example of the left's hysteria over every move Trump makes.
  19. You can't talk to them without a coherent response. That much is true. The deficit is unsustainable. You can't slash taxes without making unpopular cuts to social programs that many on the right rely upon. That's the conundrum. That's why I've always had respect for Paul Ryan. He doesn't beat around the bush. He would have the stones to campaign on cuts to education, SOCIAL SECURITY, healthcare, etc. The tax cuts will absolutely NOT pay for themselves, so something has to give. Trump is running around acting like he's diligently working to protect the ACA's pre-existing condition clause, which is pure nonsense. Just keep it real and you're perfectly capable of having an HONEST debate.
  20. OK. When the book comes out and his words match the reports, THEN the slander will begin. And you KNOW it will. You a betting man? I don't even care about this Ukraine nonsense, but I'm finding that both sides of the aisle have gone insane. We were on the brink of World War 3 because Trump executed orders to kill Soleimani! Trump had zero corrupt(personal interest) intent in his dealings with Ukraine and was simply rooting out corruption because he's a hero like that! What a world.
  21. So who's gonna start the 100 page thread slandering John freaking Bolton, of all people? Frankly, I'm a bigger fan of MICHAEL Bolton, but his words are no "interpretation."
  22. Nah. I think you're missing the point. He indeed said if and that particular "if" is now all but conceded; except, of course, among the fringiest of the fringe. Maybe Lamar Alexander is a RINO around these parts, but I think he hit the nail on the head with his press release. This does not meet the standards for an impeachable offense, so let the voter's decide. But it very much fits the pattern; "If he did this, it would be awful" culminating with "so what"?
  23. What am I taking out of context?
  24. With all due respect my friend, the precedent for the weaponization of impeachment was set in the 90's. Two wrongs don't make a right, but this is nothing new.
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