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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. What about a year long suspension for something that happened 6 years ago? 5 years? We agree on damn near everything, but I just can't get down with the whole banished for life thing. Not in this particular case anyways.
  2. Yeah. What they're saying is Jones was a 2nd round pick and he put up some stats(someone had to) so let's just add some studs and see what happens. They're essentially saying Jones isn't good enough. Having said that, I just don't think a trade is viable. We're talking about a very small ROI. You bring up some interesting points about "big slot" and Jones no longer being a fit. I get it, but I think I'd rather give him a shot than acquire a 4th rounder. The reason I wouldn't be "shocked" by a trade is that it's possible Jones isn't in their plans at all.
  3. Yeah. I think the most we could expect in a trade is like a 4th. The only possible reason to trade him is if he's legitimately not in their plans at all. I think he can at least contribute and help the new WR's line up properly. Hopefully it doesn't take them a full season to learn the plays though.
  4. Le Batard? Pretty sure he's Cuban or Puerto Rican. Either way, he's an idiot. Although in fairness, this very board had some fun with the Peterman. I think the humor Peterman brought to the table was more about him than it was about the Bills. The Peterman transcends any particular NFL team. The trashing of the Bills died down a bit for that decision when Tyrod played poorly. It doesn't even bother me when they trash the Bills. All pub is good pub. Mostly, the Bills don't even exist on ESPN. Having said that, the Chiefs are in a similar boat. Nobody gives a flying leap about the Chiefs unless they have a star QB. If Allen becomes a star, we'll get some pub. Now that I think about it, you could be talking about that dude named Pablo something or other.
  5. Indeed. I'm of the opinion that Foles will come crashing back to Earth next season once he's "the man." The run he had in 2018 was nothing short of miraculous, but some team will regret giving him a big deal IMO.
  6. Zay's ceiling is a number 3 WR. He simply doesn't do anything well enough to be relied upon as a primary option. Very comparable to Josh Reed.
  7. Zay was the only real miss, but it was a pretty big one. We'll, you'd also have to consider KB a big miss, but I kind of understand the desperate position they were in. Finding an UDFA like Foster who looks to be a legitimate starting NFL WR makes up for it a bit. Like a broken record, but they have to get the skill positions right this offseason.
  8. I'm just trying to be honest here. The chances of a guy coming in from the CFL and setting the world on fire is not good. I think some NFL team would have overlooked his transgressions if it weren't for that pedestrian 40 time. I'm just not sure he can get enough separation to be effective. Then again, I thought the ceiling for Robert Foster was a 5/6th receiver who'd really only make this team because it was so devoid of speed. So ya never know!
  9. I've come to believe that Josh Allen will end up going 1st. We shall see.
  10. Osweiller, Lynch, Keenum. It's truly amazing how awful perhaps the greatest QB of all time is at evaluating...QB's.
  11. Which is why Denver should wait until the third round to pull the trigger. Once teams believe in Elway's commitment to Lock, his draft stock will plummet!
  12. The Office is in a league of it's own. The humor was never in your face which requires so much more thought. I will say I've only seen a couple episodes of Parks and Rec, but it did NOTHING for me. I've always preferred more subtle humor because it doesn't rely on low hanging fruit.
  13. We're like the obsessed ex. I hate that horrible woman! Uggh. Can you believe who she's dating now???
  14. I swear Robert Foster made all of these things seem possible. Chances are he's camp fodder. It would be great if he shocked the world, but I'm not holding my breath.
  15. Ha. Don't even have a FB account. I occasionally talk politics on Twitter, but I've gotten away from that. I'm generally talking about acquaintances, people at work I feel comfortable talking politics with, etc. It's as if I assaulted someone's dog when I dare question any of the common PC orthodoxy.
  16. Fair enough. I know nothing about this Canadian guy, so I'll grant you that. It's just hard for me to believe that a journeyman CFL QB is the best comparison to JA
  17. What a box they've trapped themselves in. The white Governer posing in a STUPID picture at the age of 25. The black LT. Gov embroiled in sexual assault allegation. This is really the culmination of 2 years of the abandonment of due process. What a sh*tshow. And I've chosen this venue to really voice my frustration because most of the people I talk politics with have lost all ability to think critically about these issues. I'm the bad guy for pointing out the dangers of such stances or suggesting we get away from this nonsense.
  18. I would agree, but I think the preceding MeToo, believe all accusations, never move on stance lead directly to the circus. I don't think Kavanaugh was the starting point. There was never any doubt in my mind that it would come back to haunt those who adopted such a stance. To go back a bit, it reminds me of the days when the left would take glee in the moral failings of preachers, etc. Hypocrisy is an ugly trait and this is a serious dose of medicine for folks who decided to get on board the smear and destroy train. I don't blame the right one bit for pouncing on the hypocrisy. Not here to kiss anyone's a** and my political views will always align more with the left than the right. This is a bigger issue than left/right politics, although I will readily admit the LEFT has all the eggs on their collective face's at the moment.
  19. I don't know about all that. Wentz had no problem going downfield before the injury. Also had no problem tucking and running. I really feel like people forget just how good Wentz can be when healthy.
  20. What if they're not all that concerned with Foles thriving in Washington and the Skins offer the best deal? Remember when the Pats had no concern about trading Bledsoe to a certain AFCE squad? I'm of the opinion that Foles could very well fail outside of that particular system. Perhaps the Eagles feel the same.
  21. I was 100 percent against the Kavanaugh character assassination and I'm quite sure I said as much in that thread. I also said something to the effect of "I never liked that kind of kid" which didn't go over well. I'm against all of this nonsense. I'm against University's not allowing conservatives to speak. Unless you murdered someone 30 years ago, it's time to forgive and forget. The truth is this thing is only going to get worse. I can also assure you that the backlash from the left for even suggesting this may have just been a stupid momentary lapse in judgement by Northam does not fly AT all among fellow lefties. They are doubling and tripling down on virtue signalling (stole that word from conservatives on this very site). You wanna judge every thing every person did at 15 or 25 or whatever; be prepared for your own time in the barrel. As soon as the whole #Metoo thing began and we(the left) decided that women lost their ability to lie in 2017, I knew it was gonna get ugly.
  22. It really just sounds like the typical pre-game BS.
  23. Who the hell is gonna be left standing in today's current climate? I understand this has become a political game as the left is viewed/views themselves as the party of tolerance etc. This is bigger than partisan politics. I am staunchly opposed to the political proclivities of Brett Kavanaugh, but I was even more concerned about where we were headed. A 30 plus year old accusation of a tispy teenager maybe being a bit aggressive with a fellow teenager? Meh. This virtue signalling was always going to come back to bite the left in the a**. And here we are. I don't even feel comfortable voicing any kind of willingness to forgive Ralph Northam. The PC police will tar and feather anyone who dare take an opposing view. What about leaders 20 years from now with seemingly everything being recorded in one form or another? It's really gotten out of control and decent people need to start pushing back in any way they can before it gets even worse.
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