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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. If we're talking OVERALL, 2004 was much, much worse. Lee Evans had a fine career, but he was literally the only draft pick to contribute positively. I suppose Losman did have that amazing 20 TD season! Anderson: NOTHING. Euhus/USELESS. McFarland: Nothing. Fast Freddie Smith: CampStar. They didn't have very many picks because of trades. Probably a good thing. 2006 is ridiculed because they reached on Whitner and busted on McCargo, but it was a much better overall draft. Whitner was actually a DECENT player. McCargo/Pennington/Merz: Trash. But Youboty, Ko Simpson, Keith Ellison, and Brad Butler all had a modicum of success. Then there was KYLE WILLIAMS in the 5th round.(I note that you referenced rounds 1-4, but I wanted to besmirch TD as much as possible here). So while that 2006 draft gets a lot of heat for Whitner and McCargo, it was actually decent overall, especially compared to Tom freaking Donahoe. Not sure if I was clear about this, but I HATED Tom freaking Donahoe. Guy couldn't even spell his own name. Should be Donahue.
  2. Oh please. Are you forgetting about 2004 when TD snagged JP, Tiny Tim Anderson, and Lil Tim Euhus? How dare you besmirch that man's reputation.
  3. Yeah. I'm just underwhelmed. Guy had 15 sacks in 3 years. Small. I wouldn't take him in the top 20. Much more of a Ferrill guy.
  4. I've often said his recognition/ timing is more of an issue than pure accuracy. That can improve with time and that is the hope. Bottom line is that he's going to have to throw more passes that are caught by the intended target in order to take that next step.
  5. 6 as a freshman/9.5 as a sophomore/11.5 as a junior compared to Shaq who didn't have more than 4 his freshman/sophomore years. He's also 6.5 with long arms compared to Shaq who's 6'3 with relatively short arms. Shaq ran a 4.7 at the combine. I'd like to see Ferrell run in the 4.5-4.6 range. These are two entirely different players IMO, but the combine numbers will be telling.
  6. Jim Leyland had a great saying; you need a couple dirtbags on your team. Where better than defensive line to have a few dirtbags? Some of these dollar figures are nothing but speculation. If he's looking for anything more than 5 mil, probably need to pass. I don't see his stock being particularly high around the league. We shall see.
  7. Clenin Ferrell from Clemson is the most likely upper echelon edge rusher who will be available at 9. It's a shame, but the likes of Josh Allen and Nick Bosa will be long gone. I like your overall strategy. I think their opinion on Ferrell and his availability at 9 is going to determine what they do. Just a hunch.
  8. Beane is clearly the best UDFA guy of all time. Maybe we should trade all our picks for players and let him focus on the guys who won't get drafted.
  9. I would be extremely disappointed if we didn't re-sign J Phillips. Who's left at the position? Star is a "space eater" and H. Phillips hasn't proven anything yet. We need help on the DLINE and are in no position to let a decent player get away. Just makes DT even MORE of a priority which means one less allocation of resources to the offense. Even if we keep Phillips, we still need a playmaker.
  10. Unless you can answer a simple question, we're done here. I gave you ample opportunity to do so. Hope your day gets better.
  11. And that is really my only point. There's a whole lot of work being done to justify his low completion percentage at JUCO, Wyoming, and with the Bills. At some point, it needs to be reflected by actual results. I know one thing; he'll work his a** off from now until the start of the 2019 season to improve. There is no questing his work ethic. All we can do as Bills fans is hope for the best.
  12. Which thought was incorrect? Which am I backing away from? God I must be bored to entertain this.
  13. It doesn't matter that's it's questioned, but unless he gets it done, it WILL be. Do you believe it's possible to have a 10 plus year NFL career and never have the proper variables to sustain a quality completion percentage? At some point, it would be on Josh and not everyone around him. We're nowhere near that point. He was a rookie with a poor supporting cast. But it will continue to be an issue until the proper results are obtained.
  14. Until Josh Allen's completion percentage is reflective of his superior accuracy. I appreciate your posts and your generally optimistic nature, but at some point, the completion percentage will need to rise to justify all the catchable/precision vs accuracy stuff.
  15. "I think it's asinine that the NFL concerns itself with marijuana or even a one time DUI." You do understand that the way that statement is structured makes it clear the DUI is the more serious offense, correct? Have a great Friday bro.
  16. I never said smoking weed and a DUI were equivalent. I used them in the same sentence, but never claimed them to be on the same scale of malfeasance.
  17. Ok. I gotta jump in here. Everyone has stated their admiration for the work you're putting in. But Josh Allen had a low completion percentage at JUCO. A low completion percentage at Wyoming. And a low completion percentage with the Bills. His accuracy will be questioned as long as his completion percentage remains low. It's really that simple.
  18. What about speeding? You literally risk killing people driving at high rates of speed. This isn't the Autobahn where folks are prepared for 100 or whatever the K/HR equivalent would be. Is speeding an egregious offense? DUI's are serious. First time offense? Nobody hurt? You got lucky, you'll get punished, you'll deal with the consequences and hopefully learn from your mistake.
  19. Sad thing is he wasn't even swinging for the fences. Poor guy was trying to bunt. Usually when you strike out on a bunt, you knock it foul. This was a whiff!
  20. Best explanation I've heard. So now I'm lined up against the Patriots defense as opposed to UCONN. This guy is athletically superior to me. Suddenly I'm not so confident.
  21. I think it's asinine that the NFL concerns itself with marijuana or even a one time DUI. I mean, a DUI should be punished, but maybe taken in context. As far as the woman beaters, I just think this case may be different. Men who abuse their S/O are likely not going to have some grand awakening. This case has some extenuating circumstances. None of this stuff is easy to navigate, but I'm of the opinion that he should be given a shot to play(which he will.) I think it would be fair to consider his past transgression as it pertains to any future transgression. Just feel like he deserves a chance.
  22. Doesn't even really make sense. Both Jones and Reed's biggest asset coming into the league was their ultra productive collegiate careers and their HANDS. They get to the show and start dropping passes left and right. Odd. Just don't see how pointing out a football player's obvious limitations could be considered "blasting." A guy with very little ability to separate or high point a ball has to have ELITE hands. He hasn't even demonstrated good hands. It's a problem.
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