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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I've been bracing for this day for over a year now. Palace intrigue lured them into some stupid conspiracy theory that never made sense in the first place. The fact that Trump didn't even really want to win should have been evidence enough that there was no ridiculous plot to obtain the presidency. I guess they'll need to cry for a few days and move on to something else.
  2. Worth a late round flier. What he lacks in speed/strength, he makes up for with grit and moxie. One of those prospects viewed as a late bloomer as he began his career at Holy Cross and didn't come into his own until late in his senior season. The upside is there.
  3. He just used like 3 sentences to describe this entire thread. I appreciate the effort put forth by the OP. Truly. But the proof will be in the pudding. There is every reason to believe that IF Allen is the real deal, all of these questions will be put to bed in 2019. We will see a quantum leap both statistically and stylistically. We can't just cherry pick data if we want to have intelligent discourse. I put all the data aside on gameday, but prefer to spend my time on this forum objectively analyzing facts.
  4. The silver lining here is that the Bills dramatically improved their offensive personnel so we'll be seeing big time results as opposed to excuses. Right?
  5. You depress the h*** out of me with your facts. Allen will never be a "precise" or accurate passer. He is, however, a tremendous playmaker. The hope/potential is that his strengths, and he's got plenty, outweigh his limitations.
  6. You think Dobler was "dirtier" than "STINK"?? Whaley whiffed on the QB position. He was a solid GM with that fatal flaw.
  7. Get a stud pass rusher at 9 and that will go a long way to getting those stops in key moments. Don't really care if it's interior(Oliver) or an edge (Burns for example). That will complete the defense. I've argued that while our defense was very good last year, they were not elite. They're a pass rusher away from elite status.
  8. If they go 6-10, it's time to move on. That's just reality. You seem to have far more patience than I, which is cool since neither of us have any say in what goes down. But why 2020? We've done the rebuild. We've acquired the talent. We have the Coach/QB. Every 1st round QB taken in the previous two drafts made the playoffs in season 2. Bears/Rams/Chiefs/Eagles/Texans. Let's raise the bar!
  9. For sure. My comments regarding Chad Kelly have more to do with his life outside of football. Not a fan of writing off human beings. I don't even think he's a particularly good quarterback. But with the new D leagues, he's probably going to get a shot and I'd like to see that happen.
  10. So I'll just clarify where it is that I'm coming from. I do not fully believe in this regime nor do I fully believe in Josh Allen. Oddly enough, the guy I have the most faith in is McDermott. I imagine my perspective is not much different than those that didn't view Tyrod as the answer and wanted to move on if the results remained stagnant. I'm sure the VAST majority of those fans wanted to see the Bills succeed(as I do), but didn't feel great about the direction. I will concede that Josh Allen has FAAAAAAAR more potential to be a great QB than Taylor. I'll also concede that Taylor had a large body of work by the time fans started to get antsy. So the analogy has quite a few flaws and I'm doing far more projecting. In other words, their basis for doubt had much stronger empirical evidence. That being said, while I ultimately want to see this thing work out, I don't want the organization to get some 5 year pass. That's why this season is so pivotal from my perspective. It's a show me year and because of those nagging doubts, I'm more eager to find out what we have like, this season. If they win 8 or 9 games, but show REAL signs of growth and eliminate the blowouts, I'd feel comfortable moving forward with them. While I ultimately believe it should be a playoffs or bust type deal, that 8 or 9 win scenario would and should give them another year. I feel like those are pretty reasonable expectations at this point in the process. Anything less and I would prefer the Bills move on.
  11. It's really silly to assume every athletic defensive end is going to be Aaron Maybin. Burns is an eye-popping athlete and has the potential to change the entire complexion of the defense if he's as good as advertised. Maybin's problem was that he didn't even like football. I have my doubts about this regime, but I trust their ability to gauge a player's interest in the sport. Burns or Oliver are the two guys I'd love to see in a Bills uni if we stay at 9.
  12. Come on man. We've all been blinded by family member's "suddenly seeing the light" etc. I'm not gonna fault JK for wanting to believe in his kinfolk.
  13. It's common knowledge that Beane was intricately involved in all of the 2017 picks excluding Zay Jones.
  14. I actually love the idea of allowing challenges on EVERYTHING. Why not? The whole "judgement call" business is silly. The challenge is based on the fact that you disagree with a particular official's judgement. Allow someone in a booth time to properly judge whether the judgement was correct. The nightmare scenario I could envision is a guy appears to jump Offside on a critical possession, flag flies, and the QB throws a pick on a "free play."
  15. I suppose I'm biased as a Tigers' fan, but this list is woefully incomplete. Ty Cobb??? Dude would intentionally cripple the knees of any middle infielder who dared hug 2nd base.
  16. Yep. That's the ONLY example of a top tier QB/Coach remaining together through more than one down year, but that is the outlier. As Jerry Glanville so eloquently stated, this is the NFL, which stands for NOT FOR LONG. THIS is the season for McDermott/Allen to show their worth. I don't really understand all this trepidation. Almost like people expect this regime to fail, but still want to keep them around? It's honestly kind of odd. I like McDermott. Allen has shown some promise but I'm leery. I liked Beane's signings this season a whole lot more than Star/Murphy. But if you're all in on this regime, there is NO reason to think they won't be a contender THIS season.
  17. This guy's twitter account is pure parody FWIW. Generally very funny, but not for the faint of heart.
  18. It bothers me a bit that Ferguson ran a 4.8 at 260 pounds.
  19. And how many coaches has Rivers run through? I think the overall point of the thread is that something is going to be amiss about the direction of the team if the Bills don't at the very least compete for a playoff spot. These are all excellent points about good quarterbacks missing the playoffs, but there's regime change when that happens more than once.
  20. Just a quick tip to anyone perusing this topic. I ballooned from 170 to 270 after the loss of my younger brother. Other than all the obvious stuff(less carbs, exercise, etc), I found that a combination of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice do WONDERS for your metabolism. I probably lost the weight too quickly, but meh. Went from 270 back to 170 in roughly 8 months. The apple cider vinegar/lemon juice is disgusting, but it's 5 seconds of your day. Just wanted to offer up this tip in case it may help someone. As I've reached my goal and ideal weight, I continue with the ACV/Lemon Juice and find that I can eat more junk(in moderation) without gaining any back.
  21. Gwynn is right up there, but I have to put Ichiro in front because of his quick twitch. Two of the very best pure hitters of all time.
  22. I think it's interesting that the one guy they brought in for a visit was Nauta from Georgia. He's an interesting prospect I suppose. Not real tall but a high end blocker. Not real elusive, but solid straight line speed and great hands. With all the talk about Hock, we have no idea which tight ends Beane is actually looking at.
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