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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. A) If Brandon Beane passed on him because he happens to have the same name as the QB, he should be banished from the league. B) I believe the Bills would absolutely take him if he were there at 9. C) He's not going to be there at 9.
  2. Very much appreciate it, but I can assure you that you wouldn't love some of my policy views. Reality/truth, however, should never be dictated by one's political persuasion.
  3. They are a REALLY nice team, but I'll definitely be rooting for them against Texas Tech for selfish reasons. Go blue.?
  4. See, I think the greatest trick Donald Trump ever pulled was convincing the world he MIGHT have colluded with the Russians.
  5. It never made sense from a logical perspective. There were THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of reporters who would have loved to uncover some nefarious Trump plot to collude with the Russians. In this day and age, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, would have uncovered more than a stupid meeting with a Russian lawyer and a phone call about a damn porn star. Those suffering from TDS suspended all logical deduction in their desire to re-write history and retroactively change the outcome of a legitimate election. Did the Russians monkey around on Facebook to sew discord in our body politic? Probably. Were there a few less than pristine actors on the Trump team? Yes. Yet there has never been a shred of evidence that Trump or anyone in his inner circle actively participated in Russia related malfeasance. Trump is (justifiably) about to embark on a victory lap "the likes of which the world has never seen." And he will revel in the tears of those that participated in this witch hunt. And it was a witch hunt. I should add that I say all this as someone who is not a fan of Trump or many of his policies. I do say this as someone who's primary pursuit in life is the truth.
  6. I would be SHOCKED if Beane gave up 2019 draft capital to acquire picks NEXT season. As much faith as there is in this particular regime, they understand full well the time to win is now.
  7. I don't know enough about Perkins to comment on his potential to transition to football, but it strikes me as odd that you'd start this thread and not be familiar with Antonio Gates. Almost certainly nothing to see here, but it has been done.
  8. I'm not enamored with free agency, but Long graded out pretty well as a guard. He was terrible last year at center, which some attribute to injury. Who knows? He is definitely better than Miller IMO.
  9. Horowitz in an interesting figure. Caught hell for his "audaciousness" in holding McCabe accountable. I make no bones about the fact that I'm a liberal(not of the classical variety), but I genuinely respect the breadth of information I find on this forum. Far more substantive than the nonsensical cat fights I encounter on the Twittersphere.
  10. If all that comes to fruition, then so be it. I was speaking more of a Barr lead Special Counsel investigating the investigators who appear to have cleared Trump. THAT would not be a good luck. We'll see what happens over the next couple weeks, but I've been watching Dem overreach for two years. The chickens are now coming home to roost. If I were Trump/an R member of the oversight committee, I would be reluctant to "potentially" make the same political miscalculation. At the end of the day, Trump played the left and can ride that wave. We shall see.
  11. So who are the R's going to target and what is the crime? Clinton? Comey? Strzok? McCabe? On the surface, that is probably not a good look. I see about as much chance of any such investigation bearing fruit as the one Mueller just concluded. I will say this; if they embark on such a quest for justice and fail, they will have repeated the same mistake as the left. So they better be damn sure they've got something substantial. Again, I'm speaking only from a political perspective. I've read much of what's been written regarding the bad actors at Main Justice and don't see a smoking gun. JMO.
  12. From a purely POLITICAL standpoint, I think it would be a mistake for R's to go down that rabbit hole.
  13. I'd absolutely do it for Josh Allen. Not only because I believe he's the best player in this draft, but because he immediately catapults the Bills pass rush from lackluster to elite. I think we filled enough holes via FA'cy to at least consider this type of move.
  14. Any chance you have an open spot in your fantasy football league?
  15. You seem to be the OL guru around these parts. What do you think of the 6 man OL looks teams like the Seahawks are employing and do you think Fisher could be an asset in that role as a glorified eligible "extra" tackle?
  16. I don't know. I guess I like guys who believe in themselves enough to expect to come in and dominate. We really need to get over this whole humility thing. Behind every great athlete is an even greater ego.
  17. I should have included that addendum in my previous post. I didn't even begin to budge on my stance until his play post injury. He looked exactly the way I expected him to look, even when you take into account the supporting cast and inexperience. Frankly, like crap. What I observed in those final 6 weeks provided a glimmer of hope that his mobility/huge arm/intangibles just might be enough to overcome the accuracy issues.
  18. Agree entirely with the last sentence. Post draft, I thought Josh Allen was going to be a stone cold BUST. Even the most jaded cynics can now see that the kid has a shot because his strengths are greater than they could have imagined. I'm not sold(at all), but I CAN say that I have far more hope than I did prior to the season.
  19. I'm approaching it from an entirely honest viewpoint, which is why I cited as much in the previous post. I don't really trust Josh Allen to develop into a top flight QB, so that's naturally going to skew my opinion. There are plenty of reasons for skepticism, but I'll set that aside as they've been regurgitated ad nauseam. I will say based on recent history, NOT making the playoffs would be the exception rather than the rule. If there was 2 examples, I'd be more inclined to take the wait and see approach. There are FIVE!!! Five is not some anomaly. If it's not playoffs or bust, it should be big time progress/at least compete for a playoff spot or bust.
  20. Worth noting is that there has been a slight trend towards using 6 offensive lineman on occasion. The Seahawks come to mind. I don't have any real expectations, but I don't have any problem giving it a shot. You line a guy up who's somewhere between a tackle and a tight end and who knows? Like I said, worth a look.
  21. Sheesh. You sound like Costanza bombarding Keith Hernandez with his astonishment that a plane crash hasn't taken out an entire baseball team.? But I agree with the sentiment. The Cardinals would we wise to wait as long as possible to get the best offer.
  22. Dude. Erik Pears!! may have been the best right tackle we've had in that time span. Yeah. It's not that simple.
  23. They were going to use the cap space. The signings were to be expected. I suppose if the draft falls a certain way and one of the players acquired fills one particular role, it could potentially affect their approach to the draft. This just seems like a total reach.
  24. Our supporting cast looks vastly improved, so big things ahead! Josh also has a valuable year of game experience under his belt so that should give him a leg up on Mahomes.
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