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Everything posted by donbb

  1. There's a ~150 page thread from you alt-right nuts devoted to that already.
  2. Do you belittle every celebrity death with the same trite jokes you do to McCain? You're a scumbag.
  3. Barbacoa Tacos Spinach Artichoke Dip Cheese Platter Mad Chips Raven Black IPA homebrewed for Week 1
  4. I assumed they changed the verbiage every game anyway so teams don't pick up on it through the season? Or is this just baseball? Also, if these are the actual audibles, they're too wordy and need to be shortened. Imagine trying to call that flea flicker in a stadium full of screaming fans with 5 seconds left on the play clock
  5. You don't read? No shock there.
  6. Of course he doesn't actually believe it. He's a troll.
  7. Feels great to have the coward above me on ignore.
  8. I used to try and be civil with these clowns but there is no point. They're either alt-right trolls or dweebs dwelling in Mom's basement.
  9. You're being paid by the #deepstate - duh. SOROS, BABY!
  10. And too stupid to know when October is.
  11. Did a trout fart in your cereal? "Noting" there? Learn to spell - I'll give you another chance in October. Good grief!
  12. Says the idiot quoting undercover huber and techno frog. I'm finally putting you on ignore. You contribute less than nothing.
  13. Try Google - I know it didn't come straight from DRs mouth so it might be hard for you to believe.
  14. WaPo has a recording of a call between Woodward and Trump (and a little bit of KellyAnne). Trump comes off as dumb as ever - and lies multiple times as well. You idiots are in denial if you believe Trump over Woodward.
  15. It counts as a racist post to anyone paying attention. What a sad way to live your lives - as racists in PPP
  16. When Undercover Huber is your favorite Twitter source... you might be a trumptard.
  17. Just read the first couple pages - a lot of people have a lot of crow to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. epic
  18. Accidentally piss yourself again? You seem angry.
  19. Brian - you contribute nothing to this board. You're dishonest and full of hatred.
  20. Toby wasted all weekend writing 400 pages on his bs conspiracy theories.
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