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Everything posted by GoodHands15

  1. Yup now we just need consistency. Been very nice to see NP with a high completion percentage. He’s an adequate backup option. But JA is just a nightmare to contain. Very cool to see Gregg Williams force him to throw short-mid and he was hitting short-mid taking what he had.
  2. Awe man how come? His mother would also fall into this category. Any siblings or relatives. The Baltimore Ravens. Joey Bosa. Theres like 3 more.
  3. Glad someone brought this up he was showing up to play. But no way he makes it.
  4. Everyone has their options on the QB’s. Who should start. That’s all fine and dandy. But can we all agree that watching Josh Allen rip the football is just a very nice thing to see. I mean. I feel like, just over two games. You could compile Josh Allen highlights and prescribe it as anti-depressants. No matter how much you want NP to start. I feel like Josh Allen highlight throws. (Especially deep outs) should make us all warm and fuzzy inside. Can we agree on that?
  5. The only reasoning that makes even half way decent arguement I’ve even seen is. “Opponent-specific game preparation as a starting NFL quarterback.” Do I think it makes a little sense to have someone watch that. Sure. If it’s behind a proven winning QB. I would assume the law of large numbers says that injuries to NFL quarterbacks show no trends as far as where in the season, career, or defense specific. It’s just a probability thing that trends even over time. Look at Wentz. He’s an NFL QB behind a great line. He got hurt. No different than a car accident. Good drivers get in car accidents all the time. You cannot hold back talent for fear of losing talent. Especially when 1st team reps are such an importance at the position.
  6. ^This. Frosty ropes outside the numbers. All I want for Christmas. Go Bills.
  7. Leslie Would rather face Josh Allen. This way he could watch Josh Allen throw the ball...everyone likes to see Josh Allen throw a football. It’s a viceral pleasure. Like kinetic sand.
  8. Berade. I believe the word you are looking for was berade. Dont worry, we all can’t remember all the right words all the time sometimes.
  9. Every time I try to be objective and give myself reasons to start NP over Allen I end up going 3 and out.
  10. You wait until all the home playoff games we have and you’ll be glad to see Josh Allen’s frozen ropes piercing through the blustery winds of Orchard Park. Christmas has come early. GechaSum
  11. They should use JA to launch satellites into space. Also. Noticed this the other night, curious if anyone felt the same. But I can’t remember the last time we went empty set on the 2-3 yard line on 3rd down. This is the difference. NP lines up empty set and the defense is drooling. JA lines up empty set and it’s going to start making defenses feel hopeless. Just an optimistic thought. Also. You truely could see the Browns D totally shift after a few Allen throws. Backed up, spread out. That dimensional addition changes the offensive diversification abilities quite tremendously. Back shoulders play more. 5-7 yard outs met with less draping coverage. His presence was clearly felt.
  12. I feel like even when the world is collapsing around him...I find myself sitting in the edge of my seat because the ball could be 35 yards down the field, on an icy rope, with the flick of a wrist. That’s not the feeling with NP If the ball is not gone in the first two seconds I get alarmed. It’s more “Please just don’t throw a pick, keep it between the numbers, not outside Nate!” With Allen it’s just “Nice...stand tall... oh nice move...just rip it....RIP IT!.....HOLY $@&$ DID YOU SEE THAT THROW!?!” Also. I’d like to believe he throws it so hard they just don’t have time to intercept it. Maybe I’m dillusional but, it’s like the defenders have to defend the receivers not the ball, because the ball’s just moving too fast to play. This to me would mean his inaccurate plays at least shouldn’t result in turnovers to the outside.
  13. Rocket Arm Elite NFL Hand Size Elite height (tall) Looks good in shorts Winner High Wonderlic Score He can palm a watermelon (see 2) Poise in pocket Play extension ability due to Elite Size/Althleticism Played Juco
  14. Yes. New vocabulary to go with our new franchise quarterback
  15. You Sir, are a friend of The Crown. Dilly Dilly. Let is also not the sky is not blue. Just looks blue. Also, rain clouds are not grey...it’s just shadows.
  16. Yeah that would probably make more sense. I’m a big Allen fan, obviously he has much to grow on but hope he’ll rise up. I just like to think, as much as he has the WOW moments in the fans eyes, I wonder what opposing coaches, etc feel when they see him live. It would almost make me want to test him.
  17. I asked this same question in probably the wrong thread for its. But Williams being the DC for the Browns really makes me curious...especially since it’s been said the Browns were interested in Allen... i would really like like to get some opinions. I know you guys clearly know your stuff. Does being a high-profile, slightly controversial pick—with many who questioned essentially his processing ability—but no question about his physical gifts— make it more likely for teams in the preseason want to bring the heat against Allen...just to see how the big boy handles it? Just out of their own intrigue? Idk if that’s a radical thought or not?
  18. This might be a bad question but, do you think teams are more prone to blitz when they see the likes of Allen, Donald, Mayfield, etc, in the preseason? I almost feel more so with Allen. I wonder if even coaches might ask the other team to do so. I’m not talking exotic coverages, giving anything away, but just bringing the heat. As enamored with JA as many of us are, I feel like there are many coaches who are just as entrigued. Can this lead to, whether subliminally or not, opposing DC’s maybe coming at JA with a little more heat in these games? Just to see first hand how the kid is coming along? Just a though
  19. Here I have compiled a few examples of Josh Allen’s height. Actually considered Elite NFL height by many statatologists, as well as those around the NFL statatology circle. Now, that being considered. Don’t you billieve that that should give him an advantage no? Make it easy for him to see receivers so they catch the ball yes? Now this, combined with aforementioned elite hand size, not to forget his rocket arm; this should help Bills win games no?
  20. This means his hands throw better in Buffalo no? Idk why he’s not starting, he has elite NFL hand size.
  21. I really believe that the main difference is how good Josh Allen looks in shorts. Not to mention he has a rocket attached to his arm. Also Rosen had a much larger nose than Allen that last game.
  22. Cletus say: pass don’t need be accurate cuz it goin so fast defensers can’t n’even see it! Boy’s got a rocket arm! Rockets don’t have to be accurate to cause damage!
  23. 100% Transcendent success begins with a complete and full disregard for the probability of failure. Josh Allen took almost every snap as though he truely knew he had the chance to get chunk yardage every play, wherever the ball had to go, you see the confidence he has in knowing he can get it there....Also....I only really remember 1 play where he definitely left the pocket sooner than necessary, he seemed to have full faith that his linemen were going to keep guys off him...at least for the first second or two before the pocket actually broke down. Which I believe is huge. You need to have that trust before you can actually FOCUS on self correction within games and reps...at least IMO You notice he took the split second to set himself on that free play before he ripped it...something I’m not sure he would’ve done in Wyoming. Maybe I’m just that bias but...I’d like to think the footwork I’m seeing now is noticely different from most of the college film. Again that could just be me.
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