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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. I'm happy enough that it's not Doug Whaley anymore. He wasn't too privy, ya dig?
  2. I wish he was still the Dolphins HC, ya dig?
  3. I dont think any other teams were clamoring to hire McCarthy, ya dig?
  4. Belichick was the highest bidder on Allen's Ebay auction of an autographed Biebs CD. They figured to make the exchange right there so they could both save on shipping costs, ya dig?
  5. That'd be pretty darn dope.
  6. Haven't peeped. I'm guessing it's like El Camino - not bad but really not nessicary.
  7. Cool, but dont steal my steeze, ya dig?
  8. No way. Total party pooper. Ask McDermott.
  9. Make this interesting and do something gross if they don't win out.
  10. No. Naked Gun is still funny, ya dig?
  11. I'd rather be having a slumber party at Richie Incognitos house, ya dig?
  12. There's always next week Theres always next year Respect the process Nothing to see here Ya dig?
  13. The Biebs can inspire people to do great things, ya heard?
  14. It was a waste getting my shovel cause I did not dig today, ya dig?
  15. He can kick it almost better than A Tribe Called Quest, ya dig? Sorry, TY. Cant beat the kings, playa...
  16. Fr. Jerk


    1. Find a bridge 2. Find something heavy 3. Throw it off the bridge
  17. CTLHIW, YD? Cause that's like how it works, ya dig?
  18. What are you, the nowhai'msayin police? Knowwhaimsayin!?
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