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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. Watch where you walk outside of Fisher without your piece. The mean streets of Pittsford don't play, ya heard?
  2. Buffalo has tons of good bridges to throw stuff off of. Have a great time, playa.
  3. No honorable mention for Incognito? SMH...
  4. When we say we're no1, we lied. We're number 1,2,3,4 and 5. Ya dig?
  5. I got banned from the junkyard (BBMB)
  6. Its a great lake to throw stuff in, ya dig?
  7. Kids in their 20s and 30s don't know streets, literally.
  8. I don't buy Gilette products cause ya know... They're aligned with Satan, ya dig?
  9. He killed it in Blow, yo.
  10. I thought the bridge was over, mayne.
  11. When I hear Shout I do the Smoke dance, ya dig?
  12. Meth burgers - don't hate if you haven't tried, ya dig?
  13. Its not for sale, Francis!
  14. Don't mess with the Pee, ya dig?
  15. Anything is better than a corny Peyton Manning Papa John's commercial, ya dig? And that West Hurr spot with Tasker was pretty cheesy. Its nice that we have a player with national endorsements again.
  16. Payton has always come off as a bit of a jerk, ya dig?
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