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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. When guys get into car accidents with women who just happen to be smoking hot and single.
  2. You aint Shock G cool enough to get in the buidling, ya dig?
  3. Doug wasn't privy to that information.
  4. Artie Lange said something along the lines of 'The best part of doing coke is going to get it. The worst part is running out.' Accurate.
  5. I can't feel my face, ya dig?
  6. I hope Steven Spielberg makes a biopic, ya dig?
  7. Any relation to Tracy?
  8. He loves him some John Cena, mane.
  9. Everybody wants to be down with the dude on top of the stairs. Skee Lo feels your pain, ya dig?
  10. No, poop will be included.
  11. Same. Mofo's need to listen, ya heard?
  12. No, make this interesting. Eat a cat litter sandwich.
  13. I bought a lottery ticket today as well. I'll buy you a house IF that happens.
  14. And what are you going to do if this doesn't happen?
  15. Its not going to end in a tie, ya dig?
  16. Word is they got some tricks up their sleeve, ya dig?
  17. Not a fan but I suppose the classic Strawberry would be my choice.
  18. I've never put one in a toaster.
  19. Tell E-40 I said whuttup, ya dig?
  20. That fat guy from Lost. I never got into that show but he looks like he smells bad, ya dig?
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