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Fr. Jerk

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    490 Motel

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  1. Don't ask Doug Whaley, he won't be privy to that info, ya dig?
  2. I like the white way better.
  3. I'll throw it on while I do something productive.
  4. Wins on first thread, ya dig?
  5. It is to me. I can much better deal with them losing the actual SB than getting bounced out by KC again.
  6. I'm here, gize. I'm in my robe quoting scripture and passing a gutted White Owl, ya dig? Overnight shift = it's 5 O'clock somewhere
  7. Everyday is Tre Day, ya dig?
  8. I'll pass the message on to McDermott, ya dig?
  9. Soup with garlic and onion, and a 40 of OE, ya dig?
  10. He's a HOF'er, but the GOAT?
  11. Beer League. Artie hitting baseballs off his mom's garage then gets taunted by a punk kid but can't chase him away cause he smokes too many cigarettes. That movie really got robbed for some Oscar's, ya dig?
  12. I had a creative writing teacher who fell off a ladder doing housework. He ended being injured to the point of not being able to come in and teach. His replacement? A hippie-esque nut job who bragged about living in India and doing multiple day sleepless acid trips in other off the wall countries. He ended up giving everyone A's. Noice. Was definitely a blow hard. He also put out a CD (remember those?) of himself playing guitar, singing, and reading some short stories. A few months later I saw a stack of them for free at a record store (remember those?) I made sure to grab one. It wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't good. Community college, you get what you pay for, ya dig?
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