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Everything posted by chefy24

  1. Don't believe it has been brought up, but did the Bills actually walk away today with No major injuries? Go Bills!
  2. With a Colts win, (curently 21-7 Colts), AFC wins all matchups Vs. NFC today, And props to Jonas Jennings, Gore rushed for 130+ today, I believe to the left side for the most part, led by J.J. Really having a good year, or at at least a nice stretch. Go Bills, Win next week and go from there.
  3. That Im not sure of, but hopefully someone here knows, I'm interested, I didint think of the camera's, thanks for pointing it out.
  4. Time Warner just picked up CBS in HD, if it's anything like the last few years, all away games and home sellouts will be on CBS and now on HD for this season, I can't wait. Im in Rochester, and not sure of other markets, hope it helps
  5. Not sure if letter is true or not, but live on CNN now is a lady staying at the Ritz, said live a team of doctors, infectious desease speacialists, were staying there also for a conference, its on now.
  6. Got hit pretty hard against Tenn. Was a clean shot i believe, and he had a nice catch and held on to the ball. Shoulder into the ribs.
  7. Next week, we'll beat the Steelers rather handly, w/ our return team breaking the kick return record, w/ 6. The Bus has had too many carries so far, he gets 7-10 carries, Big Ben will prob rest, and a rusty Maddox is in. Score.. 27-17 BIlls. I have a gut feeling Jets lose a tight overtime game, w/ Rams homefield, and possible playoff complications being their ultimate advantage, but time will tell. (x-factor---How is Curtis running this late in season...) Bills in first round at Indy. This is actually the matchup i prefer, as opposed to playing San Diego. The Bills match up well against Indy I think. Williams can handle Freeny on D, or Jenning's w/ maybe some help on passing down. He will not have a big day. Our D is good folks, they simply harass you, and beat you down physically all game long. Big Sam is a winner, and Takeo has the heart of one, Nuff said.. I've watched Bledsoe through the good and the bad like all of you have, and finally decided in the last few games, he's pissed. He's runnin, sneakin, and has proven to me he is more confident now than in his great 8 game stretch in 02. The TEAM doesnt need to rely on any one person or group, confindent the other unit will step it up. Buf's O surely outmatches the Colt's D providing Freeny is nuetralized. The Colt's O is better than our D, but not as much as everyone thinks. X-factor-- Our Special Teams kick ass, not a little, but alot, a whole can.. My prediction is a tough fought game, score will be 31-28 to the winner. GO BILLS PROVE ME RIGHT...
  8. Just gotta say, Sam Adams again showed and amazing ability to get the snap count, and explode into the backfield. Once or twice a game, it looks like he jumps offsides, but in a slow mo replay, it shows he has the best timing off the snap than anyone I have ever seen. Better than most opposing o-lineman who know the snap count. Simply Amazing.
  9. Just saw it. NICE, gotta think he's playing this year for the payment on the H2. At the end, they showed rapper 50cent's, looked even nicer. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  10. Very Cool. Well worth the download size, 37.5MB. Can't wait for Sunday. If only NFL films were like this....
  11. Cool about the Willis thing, I checked out the thread and I'm going to try to join up. If I do, I'll let u know how it goes. He can run the rock, lets see how he runs the controls. Alaska, as far as that goes... You may be right in some cases, but, in my scenario, I can cook, and cook well But I gotta say, your statement about the gaming generation is great, it just doesn't apply to me. (though i did own the original atari (sp?), and its amazing what has changed in 15-20 years of home gaming. Maybe theres a happy medium, and the people that are too grown up for games should try it out. Maybe, just maybe, you will like it. Also, not to flame, but w/ over 10000 posts, I can guess you have spent more time on the wall than I, or 99% of gamers out there have spent playing and beating any game. Sunshine what? (Before you post it, I know my spelling is absolutly terrible. This generation depends on spell check too much )
  12. Hi all, I was one of the many standing in line at midnight Monday for Halo 2. Since then, Iv'e finished the single player campain. Just wondering if anyone else plays online. If so, u should reply w/ gamertag and well hook up. Maybe if enough people do it, we can start a Bills clan. (at least well dominate something ) Anyway, my gamertag is CHEFY DEATH Hope to play w/ some fellow Bills faithfull here in the near future. Peace
  13. Anyone think that by any chance, with St. Louis getting punked by Miami, the Rams may have a little extra spark next week against the Pats? Go Rams
  14. Winfield........ Dont know if this was posted, but he had a nice interception today.
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