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Everything posted by LaDexter

  1. Farrakhan used to worship Gaddafi... clearly never figuring out Gaddafi was really Jewish. Perhaps Hitler made the same error.... http://www.philosophers-stone.co.uk/?p=17087 https://gloria.tv/article/a78qj6jpvh7r2Hq2K2ysSoqoE
  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=putin+911&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS808US808&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjDr43K28zcAhXpuFkKHXYZCMoQ_AUICygC&biw=1440&bih=786&safe=active&ssui=on Yeah, Vlad Putin is not one of DC Tom's favorite world leaders.... The Saudi Royal family - yeah, DC Tom likes them...
  3. Putin is a big time 911 Truther, and THAT is why so many leftist hypocrites etc. hate him...
  4. Or maybe Mueller is protecting a lot of people who want you to believe "the terrorists" did 911....
  5. OK.... I wanna bigger check from da government, and if you don't give it to me, I'll call you names....
  6. You let W off the hook. W + O = the Period of American WO National debt = started at $5 trillion, is now $21 trillion 30k new laws passed each year senior drugs socialized, flooding our high schools with cheap taxpayer funded OxyContin etc... O is W's fault. Had W governed as a fiscal conservative and a patriotic American, O never gets near the WH.
  7. On meds for 20 hours a day, meaning HUMA ABEDIN would be the President for those 20 hours a day when Hillary's Parkinson's meds make her incapacitated....
  8. Joe Biden CHICKENED OUT.... LOL!!!! So did Jerry Springer about running for Ohio Gov....
  9. Prisco when the Niners took Alex Smith at #1 overall "Love the pick"
  10. That's absolutely preposterous. The bigger the government, the less rights the people have. End of debate....
  11. Clapper and Comey have a lot to fear regarding Vlad Putin.... One thing is for certain, no matter what you believe happened on 911 or other times, the Russians were spying on us....
  12. Leftists do not care about summits. They care about 1. stealing 2. lying 3. hating 4. discriminating and the "stealing" part is that Leftists getting government checks always want MORE and vote Dem because they tend to get MORE from Dems... because that's what Dems are = LEECHES.
  13. Everyone in government who screws Trump is 100% completely honest and patriotic to America... and Rod the Mossad's timing releasing the indictments of the Russians was total coincidence.... one day before Trump met Putin.... Ya, ok....
  14. Did Hillary win the raw vote total in Iowa?? A: No Bernie should have started 2-0 with wins in NH and Iowa, which would have resulted in a downpour of money and coverage. It didn't happen, because despite winning Iowa, Bernie "lost" the "caucus" because DWS cheated.... and that's the funniest part of the Dem whining about Russia = hey, your primary was COMPLETELY RIGGED.... so SHUT UP until YOU FIX THAT.
  15. Oh dear, the Bills and QB race = a very very touchy topic here. The old regime had all black QBs. The new one has all white ones, and gave Cardale away for nothing. For the record, Cardale is no race baiter. I sincerely hope the Bills franchise can get over skin color as it relates to QB, because it is clear the last two regimes were all bent out of shape regarding it.... T
  16. Unless, of course, they simply were "part of it" and knew the whole Russia collusion stuff was total BS to stop Trump from obtaining too much truth and giving such truth to the American people....
  17. The hypocritical hysteria over Russia has a reason. It isn't that the hacks exposed massive cheating and lying by the Hillary campaign. It is much more about this... http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/remembering-israel-911-role/ ""Russian President Putin was getting so tired of Obama’s provocations that he was considering releasing evidence proving once and for all that 9/11 was an inside job"
  18. Good to hear. I'm a big fan of Cardale, hope he gets his chance.
  19. They can't prove anything about Russia and the hacks. The indictments handed down by Rod the Mossad aren't ever going to result in a single Russian military figure appearing in a US courtroom, and Rod the Mossad knew that when he used them to undermine the foreign policy efforts of the President.
  20. But the cartoon forgets to add.... 1. that CNN gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate = collusion, deliberate attempt to cheat and manipulate a US election 2. that the fights at Trump campaign stops were started by paid Hillary campaign "workers," and that the "media" was clued in real time so that as soon as the fights happened, the "US" media would report "Trump is inciting violence"
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