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Everything posted by LaDexter

  1. Clearly, not only is the Draft order not set, but the "guru" boards will change too. Getting a great OLT with the First isn't a bad idea whether it is at 1 or 15. Rookie QBs need them.
  2. The cruise missile smashed right through steel reinforced concrete and blew up inside. That's what the videos clearly show. http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/04/29/attacks.insurance/index.html http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/silverstein.html Six months before the 9/11 attacks the World Trade Center was "privatized" by being leased to a private sector developer. The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion. "This is a dream come true," Larry Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset, and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights." A federal jury on Monday ruled that the assault on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center was in fact two occurrences for insurance purposes. The finding in U.S. District Court in Manhattan means leaseholder Larry Silverstein may collect up to $4.6 billion, That's a $1.4 billion profit for letting the Mossad demo crew in the door...
  3. As a self proclaimed EYEWITNESS, you didn't give a statement?? LOL!!! You were not an "evewitness." You were already estimating your 911 profit when the markets opened next.... Explain how you saw a 757 fit through this hole....
  4. So you are Jewish, you do speak Hebrew, you did own defense stocks, and you spend half of your time here lying about 911 and insulting/attacking those who tell the truth.... ACCOMPLICE TO TREASON that sounds about right...
  5. Personally I prefer to have a good OL in place before putting a rookie QB out there. If this OL cannot prevent Josh Allen from taking off and throwing off his back foot etc.., then start Peterman and let him get beaten up, and fix the OL for next year...
  6. Under W and O, no, truth about 911 was not allowed. Trump may end up being different....
  7. And you have a sworn statement to the FBI that you saw a 757? Man, do we really have the means to pack your treasonous rear right where it belongs....???
  8. The problem, of course, is that so many who are Jewish lie about being Jewish.... Rupert Murdoch is a "Catholic" so he isn't in your numbers, right?? LOL!!! A few others... https://www.google.com/search?q=gaddafi+jewish&rlz=1C1VFKB_enUS779US779&oq=gaddafi+jewish&aqs=chrome..69i57.4143j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1VFKB_enUS779US779&ei=XiotW7qLMM-6zwLwxLHYAw&q=saudi+royal+family+jewish&oq=saudi+royal+family+jewish&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l3.14306.21279.0.21728. That is why some in history went to great lengths to properly identify those stealing, lying, murdering, and false flagging....
  9. Start a topic about The Fed and we'll chat about Bear Stearns and Ben Bernanke.... Meanwhile, this topic is about Col Ossman and why so many here don't like those photos....
  10. Every major message board in the US has a Mossad linked Zionist who immediately goes after 911 truth - here, that is you... Would you like to make a full statement to the FBI about whether or not you 1. are Jewish 2. speak Hebrew 3. invested in defense stocks in 2001 4. don't believe building 7 was a controlled demolition Of course not, since W and O no longer have the likes of Comey in charge...
  11. That DC Tom has had the same lie since 911 is to be expected. Why would he change it??? DC Tom was nowhere near the Pentagon on 911. I have communicated with several who were.... The official 911 Commission conclusion is that the "757" came in at 500 mph... with its nose 8 feet off the ground... flown by an amateur pilot who earlier said "I don't need to learn how to land or take off, I just need to learn how to steer." This brazen 911 lie was the origin of this group... http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ The simple truth is as follows... 1. a 757 at ground level cannot get to 500 mph 2. at ground level, a 757 is seriously unstable 3. if the nose is 8 feet off the ground, the engines are IN THE GROUND
  12. You know, some day lying online to deceive the American people about the truth of Israel and 911 may end up being a capital offense....
  13. It should surprise nobody that John Sellout McAIPAC's biggest defender here is DC Tom....
  14. Which brand of cruise missile is in dispute. That it was a cruise missile is not.... According to DC Tom, this is NOT a "controlled demolition...."
  15. Yasir Durant OLT Mizzou Best OLT prospect in years... https://mutigers.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=5823
  16. For this demographic, "disinformation" started when the guy coming down the mountain "looked different" from the guy who went up 40 days earlier....
  17. That DC Tom is clinging to this joke of an explanation here is par for the course. He has no choice. Every rational and honest American who looks at those photos knows who it is. Hence, the Zionist angle, aside from censoring the photos, which the media has done for 2 years now, including Drudge and Breitbart (both Jew owned too), is to deny that is Col Ossman. Hence, what they want you to believe is that this guy is just another Pakistani military figure.... who gets a private one on one with the US National Security Adviser, including shooting automatic rifles right next to each other.... LOL!!! I think I'll stick to the notion that one on ones with the US NSA are for CIA Colonels, not Pakistani rank and file.... BTW the British left Pakistan in 1947, so the rank and file Pakistanis in the military in 1980 hardly went to London for Prep School... which just happen to be in growing urban areas.... nice....
  18. That's the Zionist spin, that the "member of Pakistani Army" is 100% fluent in English, a long time friend and associate of Ziggy, and gets one on ones with the US NSA without any other security present. The two even shoot rifles together. Just how STUPID do you have to be to buy that one....????
  19. That's not what the RAW DATA said.... We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps - satellites and balloons - and both showed precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2.... http://www.nbcnews.com/id/8917093/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/key-claim-against-global-warming-evaporates/#.Wyv07VU3nGI "satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling." More precisely, both were flat lines that went up and down a bit. In 1998, for example, when Slick Willie said it was the "warmest year ever," both the balloons and satellites showed a cooler than normal atmosphere.... So the fudgebakers bilking the taxpayer had a "problem" with that data, despite the fact that both series were highly correlated. In science, if you have two different measures of the same thing, and both measures are highly correlated, you accept the data, for you have no reason to challenge it. But with more than $10 billion per year of taxpayer money at stake, the "warmers" didn't want to admit the truth of the data, so they fudged both series with uncorrelated "corrections..." "Scientists (cough cough( were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data." With $10 billion per year at stake, guess which one they CHOSE....
  20. The "warmer" explanation is that the Co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland....
  21. Hard to refute the truth of the data.... unless you fudge the raw data and cook up a taxpayer funded "study" that concludes the exact opposite of what the raw data did...
  22. Perhaps you can explain why the "Jews" in our "US" media can't notice the truth of the above. Try asking anyone in the "US" media, including FOX, to ASK THAT QUESTION on the news.... They WON'T. Even Fox won't. Even Greg Gutfeld won't. Because the CHOSEN want us to believe that Co2 is what causes climate change. Best proof it doesn't.... One million years ago, North America was covered with ice down to Indiana, while Greenland was entirely green... https://www.livescience.com/7331-ancient-greenland-green.html "The oldest ever recovered DNA samples have been collected from under more than a mile of Greenland ice, and their analysis suggests the island was much warmer during the last Ice Age than previously thought. The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetles." So there you have it. During the past million years, Greenland FROZE while North America THAWED, all at the SAME TIME on the SAME PLANET with the SAME ATMOSPHERE with the SAME AMOUNT of Co2 in the atmosphere.... ICE AGES are CONTINENT SPECIFIC Greenland FROZE because it moved towards the pole. North America THAWED because it moved away (and had an eruption at Yellowstone 640k years ago)
  23. Global (non) Warming and the "War on (exclusively anti-Israel) 'terror'" are the two greatest frauds of our time. You either have a clue or you don't.... So, have you all learned that the amount of ice on Earth depends on how much land is near the poles?? The Antarctic Circle is on average 50F colder than the Arctic, and calves/puts 9 times the ice into the oceans, some 46 times the molecular H2O dumped in the Gulf by the Mississippi River. Think of Earth as a room with two air conditioning units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with setting 0 = off and 10 = "MaxCool" Today, the Arctic AC is set at 1 and the Antarctic AC is set at 9....
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